Chapter 111

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Lucy's pov
I start the car and immediately start driving going over everything that Chris had said.
It doesn't make sense, why are my parents so fond of him, why are they so desperate for me to be pregnant?
Mateo either has figured out who I am or he believes I'm Shanice's sister but it's whether he would ask Chris who I am.
He said if he found out I wasn't Shanice he would rape and shoot me 10 times. He wouldn't get Lemar to do that. He would want to do it himself, he'd want to feel that victory.

I pull up into the carpark, I turn the ignition off and I just sit there staring, playing with the car keys in my hand. I grab the paper of the passenger seat, going over the notes I had wrote down. I place it in the glove box of the car, I punch the steering wheel in frustration. My eyes watering, a tear rolling down my face.
Why can't I just stay happy...why is it everytime I feel happy something ruins it almost instantaneously.
Tim doesn't deserve this, I can't even give him a baby like he wants. How can I ever make him happy. Maybe that's why he kept the test. He surely has it.
I roll my sleeve up, looking at how my wrist is covered in blood. I grab the wipes from the driver's side compartment and I gently wipe the dried blood off. It stings, I bite my lip as the wipe becomes covered in blood.
I punch the steering wheel again. "FUCK!"
I put the wipe in my pocket as I get out of the car, locking the car and I start walking towards the front door.

Tim's pov
Fuck. What is she doing?
She can't be in that room and she can't be seeing him.
I shouldn't have let her go.
I don't even know what to do, I just keep pacing around with Kojo following me.
He stops and immediately runs into the bedroom, I grab my phone and follow behind him. He jumps up on Lucy's side of the bed, placing his head on her pillow. I lay down on my side of the bed, cuddling in to him.
"I know buddy" I say softly as I stroke his head. "mummy will be okay. She has to be"

My phone starts ringing and I answer it.
"Tim look do not freak out okay?"
"Too fucking late. What's happened?!" I say as I jump up sitting up right. Kojo immediately lifts his head up.
"The prison has called, now Lucy has left the prison but I think they're concerned about her."
"Why? Is she okay? Concerned how?"
"They tried insisting on bringing her home or asking one of us to get her"
"Apparently from what I was told Lucy expressed how she wanted to know who was seeing Mateo as I'm guessing he saw her leaving the interrogation room. At first they said no but Lucy explained who she was so they told her. Lucy then explained how that meant she may not be safe"
"Mateo? And why? He's inside? Who's seeing him?"
"Lemar was seeing him, Lemar was one of the crew we arrested. The one who held the gun to her head, if Mateo has sussed her, he would tell Lemar meaning she isn't safe."
"And they just let her walk out? Are they serious?!"
"Tim they tried. You know how stubborn she is."
"Did she say where she was going?"
"Nope but I'm looking for her car on the ANPR system. Keep me updated if she turns up home?"
"I will do. Did they mention what she spoke to Chris about? Or why she thinks Mateo sussed her? Or if she was bleeding?"
"Tim I swear to you I'm telling you everything that I know. I want her found as soon as possible and safe"
"Yeah I know I'm sorry, I just can't make sense of it all"
"Me neither but she wouldn't do all this and go see him if she didn't think it was necessary. We have to trust her"
"Yeah you're right Angela. But it can't be good if she's admitted she's not safe. That's not her."
"I know Tim. I know that's why I'm scared. Keep me updated if she comes home"
"I will" and then the phone call ends and I just lay back into the bed.
Staring endlessly at the ceiling debating and going over everything. Trying to make sense of it all and what she is trying to do.

It has to mean something.

Lucy's pov
I walk through the door and up through the corridor, keeping my head down as I turn into the locker room. Straight towards my locker, I unlock it. Checking my uniform is there, and then I spin around as I hear someone walk into the locker room. I shut my locker behind me.
"Nyla!" I exclaim smiling at her as she walks towards me.
"Lucy, hey girl I didn't know you were working today" she says smiling at me as she goes to her locker.
"I'm not officially, I'm going to ask Grey if I can work the nightshift."
"Willingly do the nightshift on your day off are you mad!"
"I must be" I chuckle as I walk out of the locker room, throwing the wipe from my pocket in the bin.

I walk towards Grey office fidgeting with my sleeve trying to make sure it's not rubbing the cuts on my arm, I notice Angela looking straight at me.
"Lucy!" She shouts with this look of shock in her face, but almost a sense of relief.
"Ange I'll come see you in a minute I just need to talk to Grey" I say as I knock on Grey's office door.

Tim's pov
The phone immediately starts ringing again, I look at notice it's Angela again.
"She's here"
"What do you mean? She's here?"
"She's at the station. She's talking to Grey."
"Thank fuck. Okay. Thank you Angela. I'm gonna head over"
"Yeah you're right. I know. I just need to see her."
"Look I'm sure she is going to speak to Grey then she will come home. She looks shattered, but apart from that she seems fine. She said she will come speak to me after she has spoken to Grey. I'll message you okay?"
"Thank you Angela. I really appreciate it"
"Anytime Tim. You know I've got you both always"
"And we have you too" I say and I end the call. I sigh in relief.
She's okay.
"Kojo mummy's okay buddy" I say as I stroke his head and I turn over looking at the photo frame on the bedside table. Just staring at how happy we both looked.
I just want to hug her.

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