Chapter 80

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Tim's pov
I jump out of the car as we get home, I run in with Angela and Grey running in behind me. I start searching through every single draw in the kitchen, then the living room.
"Tim breathe. What's going on?" Angela asks.
"It has to be here" i say muttering under my breath as I keep searching the draws.
"Son stop, what's going on?" Grey asks confused as to what's going on.
"Lucy is a UC right?" I say as I keep searching each draw, cupboard in the living room.
"Yeah?" They both say confused.
"Right, what do they give you to communicate?" I say as I walk into the spare bedroom and start looking the draws of the bedside table.
"A burner phone?" Angela says.
"No no. You get given them small radios. They're discreet, but you can hear all the calls of the LAPD if you put it on code 5." I say as I look in the last draw. I then turn and look at them, Grey looks as confused as ever. Angela is slowly getting, you can kind of see the realisation on her face.
"Right, Lucy is one of the best and we expected to her be one step ahead us. We'd have probably got her back if it wasn't for Wayne but besides the point." I roll my eyes as I mention his name. "There is no way she would have known we was going to be there, we didn't even know we was going to be there till that gentleman said. She had only just left as the blood wasn't even dry"
"Where are you going with this Tim?" Grey asks.
"The only way she'd know is if she had a radio" i say explaining it to him.
"She wasn't working so the only way she'd have a radio is the one she was given as UC but it's not here so she must have it" Angela says. "But why? And what does that mean? We have to communicate other ways about finding her? Wouldn't that bring attention to the fact we know she has it?" Angela asks.
"I don't know what it means" i say trying to figure it out.
"You're right son, there is no way she'd have known unless she had the radio. But it doesn't make sense. Is she really that scared?" Grey asks.
"I honestly think she is" Angela says worriedly.
"I do too, I knew she was scared when Elsie told us what she did, knowing she left here bleeding. To then leaving a car crash.. and Grey with how that bathroom looked... i.." I can't even finish my sentence but luckily Angela finished it for me as she knew I'd not be able to say it.
"I don't know how much more she's got in her Grey, she was bleeding from her stitches when she left here, never mind the crash. You and I both know that crash would easily but someone in hospital if not ICU, yet she still ran. Then to leave the bathroom." Angela says.
"Do you think we've pushed her too far? She's going to be panicking now, even more scared than she was. We don't know her state mentally or physically. And son I don't mean to scare you but we need a plan. A way to communicate to her or find her" Grey says.
I know he's right. This isn't looking good. What if I have pushed her too far; she's going to be freaking out now and in pain..
I was being selfish going after her..
"What if.." I start saying then I stop.
"No go on son what is it?" Grey asks.
"What if I talk to her on the radio?" I say.
"That's a good idea Tim but she's not going to want to speak knowing all these other officers are listening. She's going to feel outnumbered. Like we're against her. I know I would if I was her" Angela says.
"Yeah you're right" i say.
"You could ask her to switch to a different channel?" Angela says.
"But would she?"i reply.
"What if I get the other officers to switch channels but don't announce it on here.  And then it's completely just you and Lucy? She will know they've disconnected as it will beep" Grey asks.
"Again she could just change channel" i reply.
"We have to try something" Angela says. "I know it's scary and I know she might not answer but we need to try Tim"
"She's right, this is probably the biggest lead we've had so far to communicate or find her" Grey says.
"Yeah..I know I'm just scared..I nearly gave up on her.. while she was in that car crash I was sat here debating on letting her go... what does that make me.." I say as the guilt comes over me.
"Tim that means you love her enough to allow her to do what she thinks makes her happy even if it hurts you" Angela says.
"She's right son, even if we all disagree with it." Grey replied.
"Yeah I guess so, can you get the other officers so change channel?" I ask him as I breathe in deeply.
"On it son" he says.
I turn and look at Angela. "What do I say ange?" I ask as I think about the fact I'm actually going to be talking to her, or hoping to be anyways. She might not even be on the other side. She might not answer. She might panic.
"You'll know what to say, just be you." She says reassuringly.
"What if she's not there?" I ask.
"Then we try and find her another ways" she replies.
"What if she doesn't answer me?"
"Then talk to her, tell her whatever comes to your mind. She might eventually talk. She might not but she will know you're still here and the door is still open no matter what"
"What if I push her too far? She's already scared and panicking, what if this is too much?"
"Tim we can't worry about the what ifs. You know this. You just have to go with your gut"
"It's all set son when you're ready" Grey says as he hands me the radio. I take it from him, my heart is racing. I don't want to push her. I just want to know that she's okay.

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