Chapter 17

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Tim's pov
It was actually nice to see a bit of old Lucy back, to hear that infectious laugh back. I couldn't face telling her the news right now, maybe it was selfish but I wanted to keep her like this just a bit longer. I can feel Angela looking at me as if to say come on the longer you leave it the worse it will be. I suppose she's right.. but I see a sparkle in her eyes, that same smile she had is back. The one that she used to give me when she was right or she was winding me up. Especially the day with the flour bomb, but it's also the smile I imagined her having the time she called me when I was at the bar to tell me to glove up as she'd got hold my money belt. We spend around half an hour to an hour talking and laughing about old memories. It's like I'm in this bubble and I know that it's going to have to burst. I glance at her and I see she's holding her stomach.
"Lucy are you okay?" I panic thinking the worst, what if it's the miscarriage starting...
"Tim I'm okay why?" She looks at me.
"You was holding your stomach so I just wanted to check" I said to her but I could feel Angela's eyes burning at me.
"I didn't even realise I was doing it" she says.
"Lucy I think we need to have a conversation.." i say as i gulp and take a deep breathe. Well good bye to this bubble...

Lucy's pov
Id not even realised that I was holding my stomach till Tim mentioned it, it was like second nature for some reason. Now he's telling me that he just wanted to check, I know he knows that I know he's lying to me. I've known him long enough to know that. "Lucy I think we need to have a conversation" he says. What the fuck does he mean by that. I feel the whole room change it was like everything had burst and reality hit. I don't know what reality but some sort of reality. I took a deep breath.. unsure of what's to come but by the way Angela has been giving him the look, and the way he gulped and took a deep breath I know it isn't good.

Tim's pov
Okay... I can do this.. whatever happens I'll be there for her.. I open my mouth but no words come out. "Okay Lucy you know how the doctors put you in the induced coma because your body was struggling but they couldn't figure out the cause?" I eventually say. "Yeah..did they find out?" She asks. I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she was getting worried. I grab hold of her hand. Squeezing it gently to let her know I was here for her.
"Yeah they did, now they couldn't tell at first but they spoke to us yesterday to inform us that you're erm.." come on Tim you can do this. She needs to know. "You're pregnant Lucy" I say looking at her.
She immediately starts laughing. "Lucy?" I say looking at her.
"Okay nice one bradford good joke" she giggles.
"No Lucy we are serious" i hand her the scan photo.

Lucy's pov
He hands me a scan photo, I look at it. And sure it has my name, my date of birth, this hospital, yesterdays date everything on it that it should. There was this little sac of where the baby is. I look down and see myself still holding my stomach. He really wasn't joking.. but how.. I.. don't... I don't remember anything happening like that with Chris and I for sure haven't slept with anyone. I get this uneasy feeling. Do I even want to know what happened. I just look at him.. waiting on him to give me the explanation because at this moment in time my mind is racing a million different thoughts but I can't even say a word.

Tim's pov
I can her brain going round and round.. I give her a second to let it sink in. How do I even word this to her.. that the guy who abused her, sexually assaulted her.. the one who made her grind on him was secretly massaging his cum into her vagina and making her pregnant which the intentions of raping her.. not only that but to then have to tell her that if she does make it full term labour and delivery will be a whole lot worse and that the doctors don't know if her body can handle that. Or if her body doesn't make it to full term it's likely that she will miscarriage in the next week or so.. how do I tell a woman that I love that this is happening to her...
I open my mouth to try and explain but nothing comes out.
"Okay Lucy so you know how Chris made you grind on him?" Angela takes the first step for me. I nod as a thank you.
"Unfortunately yes I do what's this got to do with anything? Is he denying it" she asks confused.
"No Lucy he hasn't denied it, but you'd given him head just before right?" She says
"I mean yeah.." Lucy responds still having this confused look on her face.
"So while he was making you grind on him.. he was fingering you but that wasn't what he was doing at all..." Angela says.
"Wait what.." Lucy says even more puzzled than before. She squeezes my hand. I know that it needs to come from me. That squeeze is her way of telling me that she needs me.
"He was... erm.. massaging his cum into your vagina Lucy.. in order to get you pregnant. The doctor believes he was going to rape you at a later date to cover it up so you didn't get suspicious.." I say looking at her trying to work out her response. I know her so well but I have no idea what way she is going to react to this. I mean if this was me I don't even know what I'd do. And we haven't even told her the rest of the news yet.
She stares endlessly. "Lucy" I say squeezing her hand gently.
"Sorry.. I.." she says stuttering.
"You don't need to apologise" i say reassuring her.
"I mean.. what possessed him to do that.. like what else has he done that I'm not aware of.. if he can pull that off.." she says stuttering but this time I can tell she's about to go into a panic attack. I quickly jump into the bed with her moving her over slightly before placing her head on my chest. I stroke her hair gently, trying to calm her down. I feel her breathing slowly calming.

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