Chapter 120

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Angela's pov
"GREY PLEASE" Bailey says, her voice cracking as she says it. "Angela please.." she says almost begging me to drive faster.
I put my foot down on the gas pedal driving as fast as I can to get us to the hospital.
We're a couple of minutes away but I can hear Lucy's breathing slowing down. I know that with how panicked Bailey is that it isn't good.

I feel sick. I can't even imagine what happened in that house, the way he has left her, her clothes like they are. I can't even begin to imagine how Lucy is feeling or how she will cope with all of this. With everything that she has been through, it's not fair at all. I don't even know what her parents truly have done to her but from what she told me and what Tim has told me, it has to be bad. If Mateo was right... I can't...
What if she doesn't...

And Tim...he's been so worried about her since she left earlier especially when he couldn't ground her and then found out she had relapsed. I just keep looking back wishing that I could just hug her and take it all away from her. How is Tim going to react and cope with all of this...I've never seen him like this with anyone before. Ever.
He wants a family with her, I mean they've started trying. The way he asked her to be his girlfriend..I just can't watch's not fair. They both deserve to be happy and I need Lucy to survive. She's like a sister to me. I need her. Jacks needs her too. He needs his auntie Lulu.

I see Grey frantically passing the phone back towards Bailey. The dial tones echoing through the car, almost blocking out Lucy's breathing. I can't even imagine how much pain she is in physically and mentally.

Tim's pov
Kojos currently sat cuddled into me on the sofa as we watch the news. The house always feels so empty when Lucy isn't home. She didn't have to speak but she would always make the house feel so much more full. Everytime she would walk in a room, no matter where it was, the room would light up.
I want nothing more than for her to be cuddled up here, when she comes home I'm going to ask Grey to give us a couple of days off. I just want to be with her, be close to her. I want to be there for her.
Something doesn't feel right, I can't shake this feeling.

I look at the time, it's getting late. This last call she was on, Angela said it was a low risk call. She should be done by now, she should be home. She's not been eating properly lately, I don't know why. I thought we would have made bigger progress by now with it all. She seemed stressed earlier.

I gently move Kojo placing him onto the sofa, I get up walking into the bathroom. I lean over the bath, plugging the plug into the bath, turning the taps on. I pour some of Lucy's favourite bubble bath in. I go into the bathroom cupboard pulling out a clean towel and some of her candles, placing them next to the bath ready. I walk back out and into the bedroom, I open my wardrobe grabbing out a pair of my boxer shorts and a hoodie, I quickly take them into the bathroom placing them on the side.
I walk into the kitchen, I glance at the time. She should be home right now. Why isn't she home?

She needs to eat when she comes home, just as I start to make some food for her I hear my phone ringing in the other room so I immediately run in there grabbing it.
I notice that it's Grey calling and my heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

I answer it.

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