Chapter 121

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Tim's pov
I hear this gaspy, squeaky breath echoing through the phone, the sirens blaring in the background. I instantly got flashbacks to when Mateo had shot Lucy, I knew this was Lucy. My eyes immediately begin watering. My hands are shaking, my foot is tapping the floor repeatedly. My heart feels like it skipped a beat.  I feel the colour drain from my face.
I don't understand..
Where is she?
What happened?
I can't lose her...I can't...
She can't be alone...I know she's not but I need to be with her...
I shouldn't have let her go...

"Luce?" I say as I can feel my voice cracking, praying that this isn't her. I need it to not be her. "Luce?"
My phone beeps and I look noticing they're requesting a video call, I immediately accept but I'm scared to look. I cant...

I see her, it's Lucy. It's my girlfriend, my future..

Her long dark wavy hair laid over someones knees, I'm guessing an ambulance crew by what they was wearing. I hoped it was Bailey. Her rosy cheeks were no longer so rosy, her skin almost as pale as paper. Her pink lips were almost blending into her face, they were dry. Her mouth open slightly trying take as much air into her body as she could. Her big brown eyes fluttering as they tried to stay open, but I could see she was struggling to keep them open. She didn't want to have them open anymore. I watch carefully as her chest moves with each breath she attempts to take. She looked exhausted.

I could hear Bailey telling her to keep her eyes open, the panic in her voice made me swallow deeply.  Lucy's breathing squeaking gasping through the shop. The sirens blaring, I could just about hear the sniffling from whoever was in the front. It felt like my whole world was collapsing around me. This was suppose to be a low risk job, what happened?

Lucy's pov
My chest feels heavy, I just want to go to sleep. I'm so tired.
I hear this voice, this voice that sounds like home. His voice echoing through, I have to...
"Come on Lucy keep them eyes open, Tim wants to see you" Bailey says softly as she strokes my cheek, remaining one hand firmly on my wound. It hurts. The more pressure she keeps applying the more it hurts.
Everything feels so hazy, I recognise the feeling. I feel my leg shaking, panicking. Remembering the time Mateo had shot me and how I told Tim to let me take myself out so he didn't have to watch.
I just want to be home with him.

I hear a beeping sound and as I look up I see his piercing blue eyes looking straight at me, a tear rolling down his defined cheek bones. I instantly feel safe, I just want to be able to place my hand on his jaw and tell him how much I love him. Feel his soft dark blonde hair through my finger tips. I notice he's holding one of my hoodies over his shoulder.  I want to feel his muscular arms around me, hear his heart beat. Our hands to be interlocked together.  I just want to be with him forever.

"Ttimm.." I say gasping as I manage to bring a smile to my face. It hurts and it drains my energy but he makes me happy.

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