Chapter 77

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Tim's pov
We arrive at the hotel, i quickly look around to see if I can see anything out of the ordinary or even if I could see Lucy at any of the windows. But it was no luck.
Grey walks in first opening the door, I follow behind. I walk straight up the desk, there's a young woman sat there and she looks shocked to see all of us here. I mean it's quiet hotel, not many people know of it so we aren't often called here.
"Hi, welcome. How can I help you?" She says with a a smile on her face.
"Hi, I'm sergeant Grey, this is sergeant Bradford, Detective Lopez and Officer Nolan. We are here in regards to a missing person, we have information to suggest that she has been staying here? It's important that we find her as we are now lead to believe she was in a car crash" Grey says.
"Hi, of course, I can help in anyway needed. Is she injured? Is she dangerous?" She asks.
Did she really just ask if she's dangerous. Okay fair if I was her and found out that a missing person was in a car crash and fled the scene and is now in my hotel I would be a bit nervous. I feel like we've got her. I don't know why. I just feel close to her. Like she's here.
No come on Tim. I can't get my hopes up. Why did I even debate giving up on her..on us... our future family.. maybe Wayne is right that i should let her go if it's so obvious to him..
"No she's not dangerous. She's just in..a sensitive place right now" Angela says trying to avoid the word vulnerable as Lucy isn't but she is at the same time. It's conflicting.
"Understood, do you have a name for her and I can check my system?" She asks.
"Yeah it's a Miss Lucy Chen" Grey says.
It goes quiet while she has a look on the system, I'm constantly looking around, I feel Nolan put his hand on my shoulder.
"We will find her sir" he says in this quiet but reassuring voice.  I just smile at him.
"I'm so sorry but I have no one under that name" she says.
"Are you sure?" Nolan and Angela both ask at the same time.
"Yes, there is no one at all under that name" she says again. " I am sorry I wish I was more help".
We all kind of look at each other with this disappointing look; almost like we'd lost hope. This was our first well first knowledgable bit of hope. Wayne better be glad he isn't stood here.
"Wait, Nolan pass me that Polaroid you found"
I ask him and he passes it to me.
"Do you recognise this person?" I say pointing at Lucy in the photo.
"Yes, I do" she says.
"That's Lucy Chen" i say looking at her confused. "Are you lying to law officers?" I ask her.
"No, but that isn't Lucy Chen. That's Shanice White. She checked in earlier, then around an hour so later she left. I then got a notification from our door bell camera while I was on break, I saw her come back in. Admittedly thinking back to it now she did look like she was shaking but I just thought she was cold" she says.
"Wait did you say Shanice White?" Grey says confused.
"Yes sir" she says.
We all look at each other confused.
"Can I see the footage? And what room is she in?" Angela asked.
"Sure" she said as she loads up the footage, "I'll check her room number now".

Camera footage.
A figure walks past the door, then you see them looking in, they wait around a second. Then the door opens, in walks Lucy. Well more like shaking and swaying her way in, her hair all messy, her leggings ripped, blood dripping all down her face, her arms, her shoulders visible. She's limping slightly on her leg and every step she takes she pulls a face in pain. She's got the dark blue top on, and the black leggings that the woman had described. She has a semi big bag on her shoulder, you can see she's panicking and trying to rush her way down the corridor away from the reception area. She glances at the camera for a brief second. She looks out of breath.

Tim's pov
I'm stood watching this footage, seeing her like this.. how in pain she must be.. how scared.. I just want to pick her up and tell her it's okay. I feel a tear roll down my face, I look at Angela she's got this sad look in her eyes, Grey and Nolan look lost for words. It's silent. None of us know what to say or do. But at least know she's here and we have her.
"She's in room 93" she says smiling.
Room 93. Fuck. No. No way. Room 93 is not a good room. I still can't shake the number 93 from when she crashed and seized when she was in hospital from when she jumped. I promised myself she would never go in a room 93 again.
"93.." I say as the colour drains from my face. I feel sick.
"Tim was it?" Angela turns looking at me.
"Room 93.. the room she coded and seized in..i...promised..." I stutter panicking.
"Shh Tim it's okay. Let's go get her" Angela says and we all turn and run down the corridor, turning left. There it is room 93.
The fact she's behind this door.
I've finally found her.
Why am I nervous.
Why am I debating turning around to go back.
What if she doesn't want me here.
What if she pushes me away in person.
The letter was hard enough never mind in person.
Before I can even have another thought, the door bursts open as Nolan and Grey kick at it. I run in. I stand there.
"Lucy?" I shout gently. "Lucy it's Tim, you're safe.."
I look around, the rooms small, the lights are on. A singular bed in the middle. A half empty bottle of whisky on the bedside table. A folded up bloodied dark grey top on the floor in front of the bed. I turn and look into the bathroom. Angela follows behind me. Grey and Nolan wait at the door.
"Lucy? It's me and Tim. Are you okay?" She says quietly as we approach the closed bathroom door.
I knock gently.
"Luce.. please. I'm here. I'm not mad. I'm not disappointed. I don't see you as weak. You're strong. I haven't looked into it because you've already had your childhood took from you, i'm not taking away your right about talking about it. I'm here to make sure you're okay." I say quietly with my head laid against the door.
"We are here for you Lucy, we can go and let you talk to Tim or whoever you want but we just need to make sure you're safe" Angela says reassuringly, as she's stood near the door but not as close as I am to it.
"Lu I know you spoke to Elsie, she came asking about you. You was bleeding, you said that it wasn't you didn't trust me just that you didn't want to be seen as weak. Trust me no one thinks you are and nothing could ever make us think you are." I say through the door.
Still silence.
"Lucy.. you was in a car crash, you need help" Angela says.
"Babe, I love you please.. just let me know you're okay and if you still decide you want me to go I'll let you but the door will be open for you always.." I say. My heart is racing, my eyes fill up. It's still silent. It's like you could hear a pin drop.
"Im going to open the door, please don't panic" i say as I reach my hand to the door knob. I twist it and pull it. The door opens.

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