Chapter 123

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Tim's pov
Hearing her say them words broke my heart into a million pieces. It was like the wind was took out of me,every breathe was taken. I didn't want her to die.
Hearing her say she didn't want to die after everything she has been through, it broke me.
Last time she was willing to take her own life because she didn't want to die like that, I know she was scared then but for her to say she doesn't want to die...I don't even want to imagine what's currently going through her mind.
This was different, she didn't cough up blood and she didn't say she didn't want to die. I'm scared.
I can't lose her.
"I love you too Luce and you aren't dying, you're not going anywhere okay?" I say hoping to reassure her. I have to stay positive.
She's strong.
She's a fighter.
She's my future.
She has to live.
"Keep fighting baby, I know it's hard but you can do it"

Lucy's pov
His voice sounds so far away, my chest feels so tight. I'm scared.
If I'm going to die I want to die in my home, he's my home.
"I need.. my badass wing woman Lucy, you can fight this...We're nearly here okay? You.. keep talking to us" Angela says and I can hear her voice stuttering over every word she says.
"Quick let's get her out" Bailey says frantically and I hear the car doors opening and closing. The cool air hits my face, hearing the people, the cars in the background. Trying to picture it all together.
I feel my mouth close shut, my lips touching.
"Timm" I manage to say softly as I feel my body being dragged out of the car and being held by someone.
"He's coming Lucy..." Grey eventually says, I can tell he's been crying. He barely said a word the whole drive here.  "Hold on Lucy okay?"
"It'" I say as I feel a tear rolling down my face.

"Quick let's get her in there now!" Bailey screams as she looks down at me.
I try to pull away, I don't want to die without telling Tim I love him in person.
I want to hug him once more. Kiss him once more. Feel his arms around me once more.
"Mhm no...timm" I say as I feel lips trembling, my body shaking.
"I'm coming baby, I'll be there. You go in, I will see you soon I promise"
"I'll wait...if ..I'm..dying...I you"
"You're not going to die baby, hey you hear me? You aren't going to. I need you to go in there and let them help you. Please. For me." He says softly.
"I..want.. you.."
"I know baby I want you too, I want to be there right now baby I do. But I need you to go in there"  he says as he takes a deep breath in. "take her in!" He says firmly.
"No..." I mutter. "please.."
They start running towards the hospital entrance, I try to wriggle out of their grip but im so weak that it's barley noticeable that I'm even moving.
"I'm scared..."

"I know baby but I'm here." Tim's voice echoes through my whole body, and within seconds I feel his arms wrap around my body. "I'm here baby" Hearing his heart beat, echoing through me. His breathing was so fast.  The smell of his cologne, the feeling of muscular arms, and his hands holding onto my body for dear life. I'd never felt him grip onto me so hard.
I look up at his piercing blue eyes. "I love you"
"Lucy I love you too" he says he pulls me in as close to his body as he physically can. It hurt how tight he was gripping and pulling me in but I didn't care. I didn't care how much it hurt. I thought the day when he pulled me from barrel was tight but this was different.

Tim's pov
I jumped out of the car in the hospital car park, I see them running towards entrance. The amount of blood covering Bailey as she held Lucy. I just looked at Lucy through the phone, she was petrified. She was becoming paler by the second, her breathing slowing down with each breathe she took.
I could see how she was trying to get out of Bailey's grip but she wasnt strong enough to pull away. I know she was trying to get to me before she went in.
She was scared that she was going to die and I wouldn't be there.
Id move the world for her.
"I'm scared.." she says, I see a tear roll down her face.

I'm inches from Bailey and I pull her back towards me, I grab a hold of Lucy pulling her into my body. Wrapping my arms around her. "I know baby but I'm here" I say relieved to be holding her, being close to her. Holding onto her body with every inch of my strength. I didn't want to ever let go of her. I wanted to hold her like this for the rest of our lives. "I'm here baby" I say repeatedly over and over again. Reminding her that I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. She looks up at me softly.
"I love you"
"Lucy I love you too" I say as I grip onto her, pulling her head into my chest, as I start running faster towards the reception.
I fucking love her.

Lucy's pov
I feel my body relaxing, everything feeling lighter. My chest wasn't so heavy, my eyes feeling less dry. Breathing didn't feel like a chore anymore. I couldn't hear Tim or his heart beat. I couldn't feel his grip on me anymore, couldn't smell his cologne or hear his breathing. Everything went black, I couldn't see him.

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