Chapter 78

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Tim's pov
The door swings open, the cold air drafts out of the room instantly giving me a shiver down my spine. It's an eerie feeling I can't describe.
There's blood on the floor, mainly around the edge of bathroom side, in the sink, around the toilet on the floor. There's a pair of ripped leggings, a dark blue top with a hole in it. Both covered in blood, not fully but worryingly enough.
Pieces of glass on the side, an empty antiseptic wipe packet.
I feel sick. I carefully but also quickly step towards the toilet and as I lift the toilet seat up I see a mixture of vomit and blood in there.
I suddenly don't feel the need to be sick, the worry and the panic, and the anger kicks in.
I turn around to see Angela's face.. her face is drip white, tears rolling down her face. She's seen enough crime scenes well we both have but this. Knowing someone you love was here and this is their blood.  It does things to you, especially knowing she didn't get the help she needed from the car crash because she can't be seen as vulnerable.
I know whatever this childhood thing is, isn't good. The more this goes on, the more I see how afraid she is of us finding out makes the whole severity of how I first perceived it to be, to be a lot worse.
Not that I thought it could be worse.
My throat feels dry, I step out of the bathroom. I just look at Angela and she looks back at me.
"I don't get it.." i say eventually. "This doesn't make any sense"
"I know Tim but I think it's clear that she doesn't want to be found. I get that but she needs to understand she's seriously hurt right now. This amount.." she says.
"No no Angela. I don't get it, this doesn't make sense. We watched that footage, there's no footage of her leaving. She wasn't here long" i say as I'm trying to piece it all together.
"What are you saying son?" Grey asks.
"Well she obviously once again fled right?" I say.
"Yeah she did" Grey says.
"She is a fantastic officer Tim you know that. You knew she'd be one step ahead. We just need to get two step's ahead" Angela says and Grey chuckles as he knows how good of an officer Lucy is.
"I know she is. I know she's one of the best but how did she know we was coming? There was no officers around, us finding out she was here was a complete and random fate" I say still trying to piece it all together but it doesn't make any sense.
"I don't know Tim" Nolan says.

Lucy's pov
I close the toilet lid down, and i put my hands on, using every bit of strength that I have to lift my self up. I stumble back a little as I try to get my balance back. I turn towards the sink, I turn the cold tap on, cupping some water with my hands to drink. I turn it off, I hear that they're close and they're entering the hotel.  I grab my bag and the radio. I look out of the window and I see them walk in. Seeing Tim again just made me tear up, I miss him. I know it hasn't been long but this feels different. I carefully walk out of the bathroom, I stand for a second leaning against the bedroom door trying to see if I can hear what's being said.
I can hear some talking but I can't really make sense of it, they sound so far away yet I know they're so close. "Missing person" "Lucy Chen" "shanice white" "Polaroid" "door bell camera" "I'll check her room number" are all little things that I can hear clearly.
What does he mean Polaroid. What Polaroid. Shit. I look in my bag rummaging through and I notice one of the photos is missing.
Once I hear them say shanice white and door bell camera. I know it won't be long till they get to my room.
Part of me just wants to collapse into Tim's arms, hear and feel his heartbeat, breathe in the smell of cologne, feel his soft lips kiss me on the forehead, his toned muscular abdomen pressed against me as his wraps his arms around me. Feel his breathing, hearing it.
"you're suppose to be a detective. Although you can't tell anyone because one you can't prove it was us and two it won't end well for you. You know that. You'll loose everyone. They'll see how weak you are." I hear my pappys voice. "I hope you can keep our next grandchild alive. We can't wait to have our grandchild stay over"
No come on Lucy. You see Tim not only will he and everyone think you're weak. You know your parents saying it won't end well for you means not only will they hurt you but the ones you love. I fucking love Tim, our home, our future. I love the station, my own little family. And if I have children with Tim I'm only putting our children in danger. I know my parents I thought I knew what they was capable of but it's worse than I thought.
"How bad will it look to all your friends and to your boyfriend that you're stopping your loving caring patents from seeing their grandchild" "he's right Lucia"
I love Tim too much to hurt him. I turn to the bedroom window, luckily it's downstairs so it won't hurt to jump out. I open the window and I climb out after dropping the bag out first. As I start to walk away, I turn around briefly for a second, and say "I'm sorry Tim" and then I carry on walking.

Tim's pov
I'm stood just thinking then the penny drops.
"That's it!" I shout as I turn to leave the hotel room.
"Tim calm down what is it?" Angela says pulling me back.
"We need to go back home because if I'm right I know how she's ahead of us. The rest made sense but this one. There was no way she'd know. Now come on let's go!" I say as I leave the room.
"Nolan stay here in case she comes back" Grey says as him and Angela run after me.
I jump into the shop, and the others get in.
"Tim calm down what's going on?" Angela asks.
"Look I'll explain when we get back."
I say as I drive off.

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