Chapter 35

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Tim's pov
We arrive at the beach, and I feel my heart racing. Never in a million years did I think that I would be asking Lucy Chen to be my girlfriend. Yeah this may be a little over the top but I do think she's the one.
We walk along the beach, holding each others pinky as usual.  The suns shining down making Lucy glow more than usual, the summer breeze blows gracefully through her hair and I honestly don't think she can get any prettier.
"Lucy you look breath taking" i turn and look at her, as I move the hair from her face.
"Thank you baby, I've really enjoyed today just coming down here. I really feel like I'm a million miles away, and I feel safe with you" she says smiling at me.
"I'm so happy that you feel safe babe, you are safe with me I promise you that" I say as I take her hand guiding her to a quieter part of the beach where there is a little campfire set up.
"Lucy there's something I need to say, now don't panic it's nothing bad I promise you" i say as I gently kiss her on the cheek.
"Okay.." she says hesitantly.
"From the day you came in as a rookie I knew you was special. I knew you'd be an incredible officer but what I didn't know that you was going to be someone so special in my life. I've never felt, or cared for someone like I do you. My gosh you are beautiful, the way your eyes sparkle when you smile, the little giggle you do when you know you're right about something and you're going to prove me wrong. You've been through hell and I can't imagine the pain you must have felt but it made me be in awe of you even more because you're a warrior." I then take out the little black box from my back pocket. "Lucy Chen will you be my girlfriend" i say as I look at her, I see that smile, that smile that i thought she'd lost after everything. The sparkle was there, her eyes glazed over. The wind blowing gently in her face. I open the little box inside is a rose gold ring, with a little diamond inside.

Lucy's pov
I'm hearing every single word he's saying. I feel my heart racing, the butterflies in my stomach, my eyes glazing over, my throat becoming dry because I'm so overwhelmed with happiness. It feels like a dream, I'm stood here on this beach near a campfire, the sun setting in the background, going into a pink sky. The summer breeze blowing gently, and I'm looking into the piercing blue eyes of Tim Bradford.
"Of course I will baby" i say as I choke up. He places the ring on my finger before placing his arms under neath my arse picking me up and spinning me round. We're both smiling ear to ear and he just leans in and we kiss. So intently. He places me down. "Baby I'm so happy" i say as a tear falls down my face. "You didn't have to get me a ring though, you could have just asked me" I say looking at him.
"Lucy that is a promise ring, a ring to symbol that i promise to love and care for you till I turn that ring into an engagement ring which I plan on doing. You deserve it baby" he says as he kisses me again, placing one hand in my hair and the other on my cheek wiping the tear away.
Suddenly he turns round and everyone from the station comes running down to where we was, at first I didn't understand till I saw Angela running with her camera out. I look at them and then look at Tim. His face is gobsmacked when he sees the shirt that they're wearing.
"Baby what's going on" i ask him before we get overwhelmed.
"Well I told them what I was doing and that I wanted them here then of course the t shirt idea came about but Nyla wouldn't tell me what photo she was using" he says but before he can say another word everyone is shouting "Chenford". I immediately start giggling, Tim places his hand around me. Although that doesn't last long as I get pulled away by Angela, Nyla, Bailey, and Celina.
"Ahhhh Chenford!" Nyla screams.
I just look at them, they're all in black t shirts that have the photo I put in the group chat with me and Tim doing the face mask but then on the back it's the photo of us dancing at the engagement party. On the top it says CHENFORD and underneath the photo it says OFFICIAL.
"I'm so happy for you girl!" Bailey says as she pulls me in for a hug.
"Gosh he really is a softie for you" Celina says smiling.
"I've known him over a decade lucy he's never been like this over anyone, I think he asked Ashley out over text. He lovesss you" Angela says smirking.
"Oh yeah he said.." I say as I quickly look away.
"Wait what?!" All the girls say screaming.
"Yeah we've said the I love yous. It wasn't a big thing I mean it was but we didn't make a big deal out of it. It just happened. It was natural" I say smiling.
"Aww Lucy!" Celina says smiling.
"How come you didn't say?" Angela says puzzled.
"We wanted to cherish it between us for a while but I promise you this.. this was not kept between us" i say showing the ring.
"I can't believe the promise ring" Bailey says. "I wish John had done that".
"John loves you Bailey, and I'm just surprised that he managed to pull all of this off and that he wants me" i say glancing over at him.
"I'm surprised he did too to be honest and Lucy you're a catch of course he'd want you" Nyla says smiling.

Tim's pov
I'm stood with Grey, Wesley, Thorsen, John, and James. I can hear the girls all screaming and being excited. I keep looking over to see that smile on Lucy's face.
"Look at that smile" Grey says. "You got her back good on you son".
"I don't think she's fully back, she had a wobble in her sleep last night but man I didn't think I'd see that smile back at all or for a long time" i say as grey gives me a hug.
"She may have done but that's a major improvement in her" Wesley says.
"Yeah it definitely is" John replies.
"Son, she must be a special for you to have all done this. I've never known you be like this over someone and I've seen you since you first became a TO" grey says.
"She is, I think she's the one" I say smiling and we stand talking for a little bit.
"Now who allowed this photo?" I ask looking at grey.
"Look in my defence it was a mutual decision between me and Nyla and you didn't exactly say no. Plus we all put in the group thingy and yeah" he says chuckling.
"Plus the photo on the back is a nice photo" James says as he turns round.
"I do like that one, I'll give credit where it's due for that one. I'm glad Angela recorded that moment. I didn't even think of that" I say.
"Yeah but next time can I have all the heads up because the way this is going Angela is going to be very rich" Wesley says and all they start laughing.
I then walk up to Lucy and put my arms around her waist and she turns her head and kisses me.
"Party time!" Angela shouts.
Everyone comes over and sits around the campfire. Grey starts the fire and sits down.

A few hours go by and I can see Lucy leaning more towards me. I can tell she's getting tired, this was a big day. A lot of emotions and our first time going out since the whole situation. I wrap my arm around her and whisper "you tired?" She just nods her head.
"Guys I just want to say thank you for all coming, for making this such a memorable night. It's been a long day for the both of us especially when it's been our first time out. So I'm gonna take my girlfriend and head off home. You enjoy all your night" i say smiling at the word girlfriend. Id just called lucy my girlfriend. I pick her up carrying her bridal style and we head off home. She doesn't say much other then resting her head on my chest and saying that she loves me. And that was enough for me.

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