Chapter 113

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Tim's pov
She's safe, she's at the station.
Why the prison and then to speak to Grey?
Why Chris? What did he say that made her need to speak to Grey? Is she scared Mateo knows who she is? No it can't be that or she wouldn't have left on her own.
Why was she so desperate to do all of this? It doesn't make any sense.

I can't just sit here waiting around for her. I need to see her.. no Angela is right. If I go to her she will think I don't trust her. I do...I know she would never break that pinky promise. She risked her health last time to keep that pinky promise. She will come home. She has to.

I get up off the bed and walk into the bathroom, I take my clothes off turning the shower on.  I quickly jump in the shower, washing my hair and body trying to keep my mind occupied from all of this.  After about ten minutes I get out of the shower and I grab the towel, I start drying my body and then getting changed into some joggers and a hoodie. I throw the towel in the washing machine, I glance at the shirt she was wearing that's on the side and every time I look at it, my heart shatters a little bit more.

I hear my phone ringing in the bedroom and I immediately run in, just as I get there the call stops.
I look down and see that I had two missed calls from Angela, I quickly redial her number hoping she answers.
"Tim what the fuck was you doing?"
"Angela whats happened?"
"Shes working the night shift"
"Grey asked her to work the night shift? Today was her day off?" I say confused.
"She apparently asked him to work, I asked to see her arm" she says nervously.
"What the fuck Ange why would you ask her that? Did she deny it?"
"I don't know Tim. Just with you saying how bad the blood was I needed to see that she was okay. I knew she wouldn't show me but I had to try Tim. I mean she didn't exactly deny it but she was adamant for me to not see her arm."
"Fuck okay. So what? She's on nightshift, who is she riding with?"
"Erm solo" she says nervously.
"Solo?!" I almost shout.
"Yes solo but Grey wouldn't let her if he didn't think she was able to handle it. Tim you have to remember she's back to work as normal now. She's better than she was okay?"
I sigh deeply.
"Yeah I know you're right, I just can't lose her."
"You won't do, look I've got some work to do I will keep an eye out okay?"
"Thank you, honestly thank you. I'll keep my phone with me"
"Get some sleep Tim she will be okay"
"I can't.."
"You have to look after yourself Tim. You know she would tell you the same"
"Yeah I know. Look I'll try okay?"
"Okay goodnight"
"Goodnight Angela" I say as I end the call.

I keep hold of my phone as I walk into the living room, I put a game on the TV and just lay back watching it.

Lucy's pov
I drive around the streets waiting and waiting for that radio to go off, multiple low risk calls go through but other officers take them. As I turn onto the next street "7 Adam-100 there's a call for an armed robbery at the convenience store on Carvier Street"
"7 Adam-100 show me responding. Two minutes out"
I immediately start racing towards the convenience store, I skid around the corner pulling on to the street.
"7 Adam- 100 to dispatch show me at the scene. Code 2" I radio through as I arrive on the scene.

Breathe Lucy.
I get out the car, immediately pulling the gun from my belt. I crouch as I walk to the back of the shop, grabbing out my bullet proof vest from the war bag in the boot.
I slowly walk towards the front of the convenience store, gun in my right arm pointing forward.
No response.
I take a step further.
"POLICE COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM" I shout again taking another step further.
The door swings open.
I pause for a second, keeping my gun pointing forward, my heart racing.
I step towards the door, inches from the door, I crouch down and look inside to see a young woman with long blonde hair, the cashier and a tall man with long dark brown hair pointing his gun towards the cashier.

I take a step into the convenience store, he spins around pointing his gun at me.
"You don't want to do this"
"How would you know?"
"If you wanted to do this you wouldn't be questioning it. And you would have done it by now"
"What have I got to lose hey?" He says chuckling.
"Your wife" I say as I glance down noticing the ring on his finger. "Do you want you wife to live with her life with her husband in prison or worse dead?"
He glances at his hand and then looks back at me.
"Look they're going to radio through in a minute to check in, they'll send back up and then it won't be down to me. Sergeant will take over. Give it up now"
He steps towards me.
"Put your gun down"  I say firmly pointing the gun directly at him.

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