Chapter 56

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2nd November 8:30am

Lucy's pov
It's been a week and todays the day of the court date and the operation. Luckily I've managed to keep Tim off my back about the whole what's going on with me. I haven't fully processed the things I've found out, I haven't spoken to my parents. But I can't let anything distract today with the court and the operation. We both have the day off as Grey gave us it as the plan was for me to watch the court at home with the comfort of Tim. The operation wasn't planned when we was told about the court date. Just my luck it landed today. Kojo is still clingy but I'm managing to keep him as level as can be so it doesn't cause Tim to start worrying all over again. I've been going to work and as far as everyone's concerned I'm good. I think I've even managed to convince Angela I'm okay. I've had my meeting to discuss the operation yesterday, it's all go ahead. I've woken up early, Tim's still asleep and I've been in the shower. I decided that I'm going to go to the court in person. I haven't told anyone because I know they will talk me out of it, I've had my mind set on it for a while but I just couldn't deal with the hassle. I'm currently sat at the dressing table doing my makeup, its a natural look and I cover the slight bruises that are left from the previous operation with Mateo.
I throw on a black skin tight dress, it's got thin straps, a gold belt around my stomach, goes down mid way between my bum and my knees. I put some black heels, the heels are skinny but aren't too tall, they tie just above my ankle. I spray myself with my favourite perfume, alien, and then I start to straighten my hair. I know I need to be at the station by 9:50am as that's when Grey, Angela and Nyla will be leaving and I need to go with them or trying to get into the hearing will be impossible.
When I get there it's going to be hard to persuade them to let me go with them but it's my case, it's about me. I should be there. As I'm straightening my hair, I hear Tim waking up.
"Morning babe" I say to him as I see him in the reflection of the mirror.
"Morning gorgeous?" He says sitting up looking slightly confused. "What are you doing? Why are you dressed up?"
"So what you're saying is I don't look good?" I say jokingly.
"No baby you know that's not what I meant" he says as he gets out of bed, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead. "You look unreal baby but what's going on?" He says as he stands leaning against the wardrobe looking at me. 
"Look here me out, I'm going to the court hearing. You can't convince me otherwise, I need to do it. I need the closure" I say as I carrying in straightening my hair avoiding eye contact with Tim.
"You can literally get the closure here, we can watch it together." He says trying to be persuading. "Does Grey, Angela and Nyla know you're going?"
"I need to see him, and I need him to see me so that he knows he hasn't made me weak, that he hasn't affected me like he thought he would. Please I need you to get that, to understand that. And no they don't, I'm just going to turn up at the station and go with them. It's my only way to get into the hearing" i say as I finish off my hair.
"Okay okay, fine but I go with you, and if it gets too much we leave. If we get to the station and either of them say no we aren't going either" he says he kisses on the cheek before getting changed into a suit.
"Thank you and fine" i say as I get up. "Come on we need to go before they leave" i say gesturing him to move.
"I'm coming don't worry! Have you taken your pill? The antibiotics?" He says as he slaps my arse on the way out of the bedroom. "Which also reminds me it's been a week so I think we should have a quickie before we go as you know to calm the nerves, plus you've been using it as leverage all week" he says he squeezes my arse and turns me around facing him.
"Ive taken my antibiotics, we might not need the pill if we want our babies. And as much as I'd love to take you up on that offer, I'm pretty sure I recall you saying you'll make me loose control of my legs. I think I need them for my undercover operation today or how can I defend myself" i say as I put my arms around his neck kissing him, while looking him up and down.
"Wait? You serious? And that is true I did make that point. I'll just have to save it up for tonight" he says kissing me back.
"I am but if we're late to this court case you won't be getting anything now move it mr Bradford" i say taking his hand as we head out of the door and into the van.
We arrive at the station, we walk in holding each others pinky like we always do. I see Grey, Nyla and Angela stood talking.
"Hey!" I say smiling as we get close to them.
"Lucy?" Angela says looking shocked.
"You are suppose to be at home watching the court case and then getting ready for the operation? What are you doing?" Grey asks.
"She does look good though" Nyla says smiling.
"Thank you Nyla, and look please hear me out. I need to see this court case through in person. It's about me, and I need him to see that he hasn't affected me. In terms of the operation, I have time to go home after quickly and change. My head will be in the game i promise" i say smiling.
"Tim, she has you convinced? Angela says looking at him.
"The deal was that I was to come and if it got too much we'd leave. And that.." before he can finish his sentence i interrupt him.
"So can I go?" I ask looking at Grey.
"Fine you can go but the second it gets too much you're out. That's an order" he says firmly.
"Thank you and understood sir" i say smiling as I walk towards where the car is waiting for us. Tim waits behind for some reason. I don't think much of it and I get into the car.
The panic sits in a little that I'm going to have to see him, to hear his voice, sh come on Lucy I can do this. I sigh deeply.

Tim's pov
"Out with it, what's the other part of the deal?" Angela asks giving me the detective look.
"Just that if either of you said no then we wouldn't go" i say looking at her.
"You could have said. Do you think she will be okay? I don't want this to knock her back or for it to affect her head game when she goes into the operation later?" Angela says.
"We need her stable and safe" Grey says.
"I know but she interrupted me. I think she does need to see this through in person, I actually get where she is coming from with not watching it at home. Id feel the same way she goes. But I promise the minute I think she's struggling I'll get her out" i say as we head towards the car. I get in and sit next to her with my hand on her thigh. She smiles.

Lucy's pov
I see the court house, the car stops we all get out. Tim immediately holds my pinky as we walk inside, he gives me this look. The look as if to say are you sure. I just smile and nod at him.
It's just nerves right?
"That dress really suits you" Angela says trying to distract my mind, and for once I appreciate the small chat.
"Thank you, Ive had it ages. How's jack?" I ask trying to carry this conversation on.
"He's good, he misses you" she says smiling.
"You'll have to bring him over, I miss him too" i say as we get close to the doors.
"You guys go inside I want to speak to Lucy before we go any further" Grey says looking at me.
I see Tim looking at me. "Its fine babe I'll see you in there" i say to him as I let go of his pinky.
"She will be fine Tim, ive got her I'll bring her straight to you" Grey says trying to reassure Tim.
"Fine okay, I'll see you in a minute babe" Tim says he turns and kisses me on the cheek. He then heads into the courthouse with Angela and Nyla.
"Yes sir" i say turning towards Grey.
"Don't worry about calling me sir today. Look I know I haven't had the chance to speak to you properly for a while but I wanted to take the chance to say, you've done everyone so proud. To come here today too shows how strong you are even if you don't feel it sometimes. Also I'd like to know how you managed to crack Tim Bradford? He's broken so many rookies before but you, you just cracked him" Grey says chuckling at the last part.
"I appreciate that Grey, I do. I needed to come today to just see it through. I promise my head will be in the game for the operation later. I have no idea, I just knew that this hard ass Tim Bradford was a softie underneath but don't tell him I said that" I say giggling. "How come you asked?"
"I have no doubt that your head will be in the game. Your undercover work is exceptional. No reason in particular, I've been seeing how in love he is with you, and the protectiveness just now. He for some reason had a lot guilt about not protecting you well enough, he's never felt like that over anyone. I'll admit he was a nightmare while you was gone last time" Grey says smiling.
"Thank you, and I love him too. We've spoken about the guilt and the issues we had when I went undercover. We aren't perfect and we aren't there yet but we're working on things. I've never felt the way I do about him about anyone either. And oh gosh I imagined he would be. I'm guessing he came to you about the ring and the note?" I say rolling my eyes.
"I think you will make it through, I do want an invitation to the wedding when it happens" he chuckles. "And yeah he did, he didn't read it" he says.
"Yeah I had my suspicions he wouldn't hence why I even wrote it in the letter that I knew he wouldn't have" I say rolling my eyes.
"Exactly why you are an amazing undercover officer, are you ready to go in? I think if we take any longer Tim will be having heart palpitations" he chuckled.
"Thank you, and as ready as I'll ever be. And oh he probably has already" I say rolling my eyes and giggling at the same.
I walk into the courthouse with Grey and Tim immediately comes up to me and hugs me.
Grey just gives me the look and I giggle.
"What's so funny?" Tim says as he gives me the side eye.
"Oh nothing" I say smiling and kissing him on the cheek.
Soon enough it was time go to in. This was it. I had to see him. I know I needed to, I was just scared. Plus it felt like Tim was watching me like hawk. I was scared if my breathing ever so slightly changed he would take me out.
He takes my hand as we walk into this huge court room. Angela, Nyla and Grey give me a hug before they walk off to the table slightly in front of the judges desk. I see Wesley stood with them, at the other table it's a lawyer that I'm not familiar with. Luckily it's just based off the judge so there's no jury.
As we walk to wear friends and family can sit, I see Celina, John, Aaron, Smitty  all sat together. They all smile at me, that kind of smile that's a sympathetic one.
Luckily Chris hasn't been brought in yet as the judge wasn't here.
As me and Tim walk towards our seat I hear

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