Chapter 43

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Tim's pov
I watch her walk out of that door. Fuck. I fucked this up. I can't even speak to her till she's back.. what if something happens to her...did she really mean she wanted to start our family. She's right, all I can see when she goes for these UnderCover missions is Isabelle. She had clearly made her mind up about it so I don't get why she felt the need to discuss it with me. Im surprised at her going to bed angry with me, it was one thing we said we wouldn't do. I see the note she left on the fridge.  I then head into the shower and I get out, and as I walk into the living room I notice that there is a small black jewellery box. I open it and see the promise ring I gave Lucy. I I see the note with it but I'm just so hurt that she's taken it off and given up so easy so I don't even bother to read it. So clearly she didn't want to start a family because if she was willing to take her ring off so easy she clearly wasn't in it. I slam it down. I feel this anger building up but also this feeling of hurt.  I start to get ready for work.

Lucy's pov
I walk in, placing my suitcase down. I look at the time, i can't help but imagine what Tim is doing. He's probably getting ready for work and heading in. They'll be doing rollcall soon. It will be two days and I can go home and maybe we can work this out. Maybe we just need to calm down, fuck i genuinely thought he was the one. I slept with him. Before I can spiral any further my phone rings.
"Ahh shanice so happy you finally decided to join us. I've been told about all de work you did for us before" he says.
And I knew this is it. This is where it starts.
"Look last time I helped you guys I got sent down and for a girl like me it wasn't a pretty time." I say in this more street voice.
"No worries madam. I'm in control of this now and ain't nothing happening to you. Are you in" he asks.
"This better not be bullshit cos if I get put in there again I ain't helping you again. You can forget that!" I say back. It's nice to somehow get some of this anger out. 
"Now now lady, my brother may have let you to speak like that to him, but you listen to me now. Im in charge and you will respect me and what I say. Now are you in? Or do I need to come round?" He says demanding.
This is where is I started to second guess things because maybe it was me second guessing the whole situation that happened with Tim. I could either play along and say yeah I'm in. Or I could say I'm not and get him here so then it pushes this op to be done quicker. He isn't going to do anything to me when he still needs me. But if he comes over maybe I can get more information about this drug deal, some information about other things he has plans and maybe some other people we can bring down too.
"Yeah and he earned my respect yet you walk in to this club with all your new boys thinking what? You're this big man. Now I suggest we don't make me go back to prison yeah?" I say snarking back at him.
"What the fuck did you just say to me? Yo Lemar you know where this bitch lives cos we're paying her a visit" he says, shouting the last bit.
"Yo did I stutter? I said what I said. You can bring yourself and lemar and who ever else you want but I'm serious about this. I ain't getting sent down" I say in a snarky tone.
"I'll be over and we can discuss this" he says as he puts the phone down.
I sigh fuck.

Angela's pov
I can hear the whole phone call, so can Nyla and Grey. I feel Greys eyes burning at me.
"Lopez what is going on here? This wasn't the plan, if I bring officers closer to the area we could spook them but if we don't and she keeps this anger she's got she could get hurt" grey says.
"Look this wasn't the plan but I think she's going down the route if she can get them there, we can confirm our guy, the deal with more detail, any accomplices and anything else they've got planned. It's risky but she can handle herself" i reply back.
"She's right Grey it's a risky move but if it pays off she could bring this whole group in." Nyla says.
"Right okay, but we can't afford for this to go wrong" Grey responds.
"You know she can handle herself. She's made of tough stuff that girl" I  reply
"I know she can. Tim's already in a foul mood so I suggest we don't tell him about this till it's over. Do we know what's going on with Tim?" Grey asks looking at me as he knows we are  best friends.
"I haven't spoken to him. All I know is what Lucy has told me but with how things are they ain't looking good between them. They argued yesterday at work. Then they didn't speak last night and this morning they argued. He said some horrible things but Lucy got to the point towards the end this morning where she snapped back" i reply.
"I really hope they get through this, whatever it is. Now I'm gonna head to my office to do some paper work. Any changes the second you think that they're turning up at hers you radio straight away. That's an order" Grey says sternly as he leaves.
"Is it that bad between them? Are you sure she should be doing this, undercover is hard enough without this added pressure. Maybe that's where this anger is coming from." Nyla looks at me.
"Yeah it's bad, and I've spoken to her. She's got this. She wouldn't take this op or handle this case this way if she didn't feel like could handle it" i reply.
"Yeah no you're right. It's Tim knowing about it that I'm worried about. Will he be able to handle it?" Nyla questions.
"He's got two choices but he knows she's strong deep down and that she isn't Isabelle. He's got to come round to it" i reply back constantly checking for any changes, any signs on this gang turning up.

Tim's pov
I walk out of my office and head to Greys. I knock on the door.
"Come in" Grey says.  "Sergeant bradford how can I help you?" He asks.
"Sir respectfully why didn't you communicate this operation to me before you asked Officer Chen? It was her first day back after everything she's been through and throw her into this operation?" I ask, I know I'm overstepping the mark but I need to ask him.
"I need you to respect my chain of command. Officer Chen is an outstanding officer and undercover officer. She had already infiltrated this gang before so it made sense. Now I wouldn't have asked her if I didn't feel she could do it. Also sergeant Bradford I am not obligated to inform you as this is an ongoing operation and you are not her TO. You are her boyfriend." Grey responds sternly.
"Yeah boyfriend" i roll my eyes.
"Son, this is me speaking to you as Wade to Tim. Now I'm not sure what is going on between the pair of you, but whatever it is I think it's worth you both talking about it. I know how you feel for her, I also know how she feels for you. But you both pushing each other away isn't going to help anyone. You know she can handle herself in these operations, she isn't Isabelle and I can tell you that having seen how Isabelle ran these operations" grey says as he sits down.
"I said some horrible things because it felt like she made the decision to go into this mission without discussing it with me. She brought up the point about Metro. And then I'm scared to loose her but I also feel like she's only doing this because she has this constant need to feel like she has to prove herself to everyone. That's why she went out that night and met Chris. It can't just be from her parents saying they're embarrassed that she's an officer. There's got to be more to it. I just can't put my finger on it. What if she goes too far and turns into Isabelle." I say.
"Tim, she didn't make the decision when I asked her. She told me she wanted to discuss it with you first and that she would let me know later. Did you not discuss Metro with her? Because if you didn't maybe that's where this guilt this time round is stemming from. I know Isabelle never discussed it with you and you've realised you've just done that to Lucy. She may fully well be doing this to prove herself to everyone and to herself not that she needs to but it could be just to get that confidence back. Id pull her out if I thought it wasn't safe. But i also know Lucy would stop before it got even close to that. There may be more to it but unless she comes up and tells you then you can't do anything" grey replies.
"Maybe, but it's gone too far. I've said some horrible things and she slept in the spare room last night. This morning she left her promise ring behind with a note. She told me that she was wanting to start a family and I told her that it's a good job we aren't. She said to pack her stuff into the spare room and she will move out. I've fucked it sir." I respond after hearing what Grey has said it makes sense. I did exactly what Isabelle did to me.
"What did the note say? And look you can't do much till she's back but she should be back tomorrow afternoon" grey replied.
"I've no idea I didn't read it. And yeah you're right I'll speak to her tomorrow" i reply back as I go to leave the office.
"Tim, maybe read it and also she still cares as she asked Angela to keep an eye on you" grey says smiling.

Lucy's pov
I hear banging at the door so I go open it. 4 guys bombard their way in. All around 6ft tall muscular guys, dark short hair all in trackies. One slightly taller man walks straight up to me and pushes me against the wall holding me there by his arm around my neck.
"Ah we quiet now little girl" he says chuckling. "You think you can disrespect me"
"Look you need me whether you like it or not. All I said is you better not land my arse in prison like your brother did" I say as I roll my eyes.
"Don't you worry you're pretty little arse you ain't going to prison. I can actually do the job unlike my brother. But we can have fun after you do this job you got it" he says as he slaps me across the face with his other hand and he releases his grip from my neck. I rub my neck.
"I got it I got it. But you're going to have to tell me when and where. And how many you're expecting cos I want a decent cut" I say staring at him.
"Abandoned warehouse, Devon road, 1am. 5 man from the other gang" he says rubbing his hands together.
"Yea i get it. I ain't arsed about how many from the other pathetic side turn up I want to know how much you're dealing." I say to him.
"Bitch who do you think you are? No more questions little girl." He says as he kisses me on the cheek and walks out chuckling. One of the men slam the door on the way out.
Luckily this was all in the living room so it was all recorded and watched live by Angela and Nyla and Grey. I look up at the camera and nod, as I rub my neck.
I walk into the bedroom and my phone rings.
"Shanice it's Angela" Angela says calling me shanice just so she can get me to confirm that I'm safe and able to talk.
"Hey, you're all good" i say.
"What was that about? You're really pushing them" she says I can hear the little worry in her voice.
"I'm all good, I've got them where we need them. Maybe the outcome will be bigger" I say as I look at my neck getting increasingly more red.
"It's Grey, that was good work but that could have gone sideaways so quick." Grey says
"Look trust me on this. I've got it" i say as I put the phone down.

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