Chapter 74

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Nolan's pov
"Her name was Lucy.. I can't recall her last name" Wayne says to me.
"Lucy?" I ask him.
"Yes why? Why do you look so shocked sir?" Wayne asks.
I look at him, then I look at the Polaroid.
The Polaroid is a photo of Lucy and Tim, the photo of them with their face masks on they did after mine and Bailey's engagement party. They're smiling, happy, she's sat in the bathroom sink and he's kissing her cheek, with his arms around her.
"Officer Wayne. The severity of the mistake you have made has just gone up way more than you thought was possible!" I shout at him and I show him the photo. "Do you recognise this woman?"
"Yes that's the woman I pulled over sir" he says nervously and also confused.
"Right and who does she look like?"
"Lucy?" He asks confused.
Clearly he hasn't been paying any attention, and if it was Tim here I dread to think what he would do.
"Okay Officer Wayne please look at my tablet, this is the person we have been searching for today correct" i say to him. And you see the colour literally disappear from his face.
"That's Lucy....Officer Chen. Oh I've messed up. I am so sorry.  What do we do sir?"He says nervously and visibly panicking
"Now do you understand the importance of asking for names and checking details as the first thing we do after making sure the scene is safe?" I say at him firmly.
"I do sir." He says shaking.
"Now I'm going to radio this through and then I need a detailed and I mean detailed information about the conversation you had with her, how she seemed, how she looked. I need every single detail no matter how small. Understood?"
"Yes sir" he says.
I grab my radio.
"This is 7-Adam 65 I have an update on the RTC on PitchHold Drive. I need sergeant Grey. A detective on scene immediately. The missing driver is Officer Lucy Chen. I repeat. Officer Lucy Chen is the missing driver." I radio through to dispatch. Then I turn to Officer Wayne.

Tims pov
Me and Angela are sat in the living room. The radio is on. We're both on constant alert since the mention of the RTC. She's trying to reassure me but I hate this. Maybe she does want to be alone. What if she just wanted space and I just pushed her away further than what she was before.
The TV is on, we just have music on to break the silence up between the calls. Then this song comes on, it's a song I've heard a hundred times over but these lyrics.. just these lyrics hit way more deep then ever before.
- it's All I Want by Kodaline. The lyrics. "All I want is nothing more to hear you knocking at my door, cause if I could see your face once more. Id die a happy man, I'm sure. When you said your last goodbye I died a little bit inside. I lay in tears in bed all night, alone without you by side. But if you loved me why'd you leave me" -
I feel myself breaking, I lean forward with my hands over my face. Angela sits next to me rubbing my back to calm me down.
"You've done well to handle it till now, it's okay." She says reassuringly.
"I know. I want to believe she's okay but this RTC thing is playing on my mind. I want to let her go.. because if that's what she needs to do then that's fine... I just need to know that this wasn't her in that RTC"
"I'm proud of you Tim, you've come a long way and we will find out if it is her or not. Then we just have to leave the door open for her.. I miss her too" Angela says.
"Thank you, that means a lot but I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for her. I know you do ange. You was close to her as well" I say as I put my arm around her.

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