Chapter 29

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Tim's pov
It's been a week since Lucy has had a nightmare like the one she had that night, it broke me seeing her in that state and of what he would have done to her if she'd kept his baby and he wasn't in prison. I can't imagine the pain she's been feeling. I look at Lucy as she's still sleeping, I decided to let her have a lay in, she deserves it honestly. I just admire her long dark hair in that little low ponytail, the way her skin just effortlessly glows. As much as I wish we'd done more than just made out i know I need to take it at her pace. I look at the time and it's 10am, Kojo is laid on my legs with his head resting on her back. I hear my phone ringing so I slowly get out of bed and head into the living room, closing the door to.
"Hello?" I say.
"Bradford it's Angela. Good morning"  Angela replies.
"Morning?" I say confused.
"You've forgotten haven't you?" Angela replies, i can just picture her rolling her eyes at the other end of the phone.
"Forgotten? No I've not forgotten" I say hoping she will tell me because I truly have no idea what she's going on about.
"Aw good you've not forgotten about it" she says in that sarcastic tone because she knows I have, she just me him to admit it.
"Okay fine ange you win, what did I forget?" I ask but in the background i hear Wesley say "fine I'm off to get my wallet"
"Wait did you bet on me forgetting whatever this is?! Least someone backed me, thank you Wesley!" I shout quietly.
"Bradford I've known you too long, you're my best friend I knew you'd forget that you was suppose to be up early so Lucy got them 5 hours?" She says deciding to make this into a game.
"5 hours? Huh?" I asked getting really confused.
"Bradford 5 hours for Lucy to get ready or there's words." She says.
I feel my phone vibrate and I look at it.
Wesley: Nolan and Bailey's engagement party
"Oh yeah Angela, don't worry I haven't forgotten about the engagement party we've plenty of time." I say as I text Wesley back. "Cheers mate i owe you a beer"
"Wesley!" I hear Angela shout. Well I'm glad that isn't me she's shouting at.
Tim: make it I owe you two😂
"Timothy it's 10am. You're getting picking you up at 6. 5 hours she needs, not a minute less. If I found out which I will if it's less than 5 hours we're having words." She says
"Yes boss plenty of time" i say as I end the phone call. Fuck. id actually forgotten that was today, I don't even know if she's up for it. We didn't talk about it after Angela mentioned it last week.
I quickly go hop in the shower, I get out throwing on some shorts and a tank top for now. Heading into the kitchen i start making some pancakes for when Lucy wakes up. I plate up the pancakes, adding little chopped strawberries on top in the shape of a heart. I walk into the bedroom, tapping on the door to let her know I'm coming in. She's still laid there fast asleep, i look at the time and it's 11am. I get a little worried as we didn't go to bed late last night so it worries me that she's still asleep.
"She all good, boy?" I look at Kojo and he just looks up and then lays his head back down. "Good boy" I say as I rub behind his ears. "Come on boy dinner time" i say as i pet on my thigh to tell him to come. He follows me into the kitchen and feed him. I then feel this small gentle hands wrap around my neck, and as I turn around I see Lucy stood there on her tip toes. "Morning handsome" she says she pecks me on the lips. "Morning gorgeous" i say as I lift her up on to the kitchen side. I lean in standing in between her legs and kiss her gently on the lips, stroking her hair out of her face. She still has her arms wrapped around my neck.
"Did you eat your breakfast babe" i ask her.
"No babe, will you come sit with me?" She asks, i help her down off the kitchen side and i take hold of her hand as we walk into the bedroom, we always walk with our pinky wrapped around each others. It just makes her feel safe. I sit on the edge of the bed and pass her the plate.
" did you sleep okay?" I ask her as I see her take a mouthful.
"I did baby thank you and thank you for breakfast" she says her cute little tired voice.
"Babe you don't have to thank me, and okay so don't be mad" I say looking at her.
"What did you do? Did you forget to put the wash on again" she says giggling and rolling her eyes.
"Very funny now do you remember last week when Angela and Grey came over? Angela mentioned about Nolan and Bailey's engagement party and how they moved it so we could go? And that I apparently needed to give you 5 hours to get ready and not a second less" I say rolling my eyes at the last part.
"Mhm i do babe" she says as she takes a second mouthful.
"Well Angela rang me this morning.. her and Wesley made a bet about if I would forget.." I say and she interrupts me.
"Which I'm guessing you did" she says smiling.
"Oh wow you too" i say as I tickle her.
She giggles. "Sorry" she says in her cute voice as she gives me the puppy dog eye look.
"I'll let you off" i kiss her on the cheek. " well apparently it's today and I wanted to talk to you about it before the day, now I understand completely if you don't feel up for going? But if you want to go please get start getting ready at 5 hours because i currently owe Wesley 2 drinks.. and potentially a bed for the night" i roll my eyes, while I place my arm around her.
"I thought about it on and off the last few nights, and I think because I know it's now a secure location and it's just the people from work I may go just to show my face. I don't know if I'll stay long but I've known Nolan all through the academy, our rookie years and he's finally seeing someone. And i love Bailey. The least I can do is my show my face" she says.
"Than we can do that babe, I'm proud of you. This is a huge step and I'll be with you all the way" I say as I kiss her on the cheek. "Will you at least eat a little bit more before we go, I don't want you having a sore head tomorrow or having to carry you home later" I say laughing.
"Fineee" she says as she has two more mouthfuls. "I can't do anymore babe I'm sorry.." she says as she puts the plate down.
"That's okay baby, you've done well." I say as I kiss her. We head into the living room, and Lucy cuddles into me as we watch a movie.
Suddenly I hear the door knock, I look at the time. It's 1:20. I quickly work out that Lucy should have been getting ready 20 minutes ago. Oh boy.
I get up and open the front door, I see Angela stood there and Wesley. Oh boy indeed.
"Hi Tim, hi Lucy." Angela says as she looks over at Lucy in her pjs on the sofa covered by the blanket watching a film.
"1:20:43 Bradford explanation?" Angela says with her arms folded.
"Erm well.. you know you can't leave film half watched." I quickly say smirking. "Come in" i say as i open the door to let them in.
"How are you ready already Angela" i say looking puzzled.
"Because bradford, I just need to do my makeup which takes an hour so I'm going to borrow Lucy's makeup. Me and her are going to have some girly time while you men lay around doing god knows what, then throwing some thing on 10 minutes before we leave" she says giggling as she walks over to Lucy and gives her a hug.
"I did try and message you to warn you " Wesley says.
"Shit my bad. I definitely owe you" i reply as i walk into the kitchen with him.

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