Chapter 15

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Tim's pov
It's a been about a week with no changes, the doctors have no idea what's happening with her. The only time I've left her was to take Kojo for a walk but I had Angela or Grey with her while I was gone. I want to spend every single moment with her, it's scary enough what she's been through, but what she's going through right now I don't want her to feel alone or scared. Angela is currently sat with me giving me company and she helps me do Lucy's skin care because apparently i don't do it right and she won't be happy if she comes round and her skin is bad. I giggle at this when Angela tells but I know it's true.
The doctor walks in,
"Evening, I need to speak to you about Miss Chen" the doctor says
"Of course, what is it doctor? And is Angela able to stay" I ask. I hope he says yeah because I can't stand to deal with whatever he's going to tell me in case it's bad news.
"Of course if you're comfortable with that and in actual fact I think it would be beneficial for her to be here with being a woman." He replied.
We both look at him with a confused look.
"Now we know that Lucy's body was struggling to keep her alive resulting in the seizures but we couldn't figure out why. We understand she's been through some trauma, a lot of internal bleeding, the concussion, the self harm, the affects of the weight loss tablets but there was something else we couldn't figure out till now.." he says. " I understand that Miss Chen was in a relationship correct" he says
"I mean yes she was but it wasn't healthy." I reply back.
"I understand Sir, however we are lead to believe that Miss Chen is pregnant. She is around 2 weeks. The reason we didn't know was due to how early she is. Her body was struggling and the added stress of the baby caused her body to go into these seizures." He says while looking at her file.
We both look even more puzzled.
"With all due respect Doctor that isn't possible. She told us the extent of the things he did to her. They didn't have any inter course." Angela replies.
"Her bloods have come back with this result, im happy to do a ultra sound and have internal look into her cervix's etc. I'll be back" he leaves the room.
I look puzzled. "Surely not Angela.. she'd have told us right? Please tell me he didn't.." I say getting increasingly worried.
"She would have told us Tim unless she didn't know". Angela replies. She knows this isn't what he wanted to hear.
"Im back, let's do this ultra sound." He rolls Lucy's top, placing some of the gel on her stomach. He starts the ultrasound machine. All of a sudden you hear a little heart beat, beating and you could see the tiny little sac of where the baby is. He turns the machine towards them.  "Around 2 ish weeks, strong heart beat too" he says. 
Angela and I stare in utter disbelief. "She said she was waiting.." I say to Angela.
"I mean you can't argue with that Tim.  But Doctor could you perform the internal look to see if it was rape, with her current situation and the gentleman in custody if we can prosecute him for that too. It would help" Angela says.
"Of course detective". He says as he turns the machine off before printing a little photo and handing it to Tim. He wipes the gel of Lucy's stomach, rolling her top back down. He then walks in front of Lucy, putting her legs on the stirrups. He slowly moves her down.
All while I hold her hand, I stare endlessly at this photo. It doesn't feel real.. if he has done this to her.. he's lucky he's away.
The doctor starts his internal look but Angela noticed the confusion on his face.
"Detective, did the gentleman perform other sexual activities" he asks confused.
"Yes doctor, he made her give him a hand and blow job. He made her swallow and then one time after that,  he was masturbating her and forcing her to grind on him. But she had shorts on. Why do you ask?" Angela says
"Well her hymen is in tact which means he didn't penetrate her, was the shorts loose enough for the dick to have slide through?" He asks.
"Tim you saw them did they?" She asks.
I was in a world of own. Pure confusion.
"I mean she had to double knot them to stay on but it's unlikely." I say.
"I believe detective that it's likely he was massaging the left over cum from his ejaculation into her vagina. Therefore causing this pregnancy, i also professionally believe that he had intentions of raping her to cover this up. I am happy to give a statement for this" he says and he removes Lucy's legs from the stirrups and covers her back up.
"Tim we got her out time before he did rape her" Angela says in order to reassure me.
"But he got her pregnant." I say worryingly.
"Okay so now we've cleared that up, there is something we need to discuss about this pregnancy. As I had previously mentioned her body was struggling with keeping her alive never mind the pregnancy too. And now with discovering her hymen is intact. I believe that if and it's a big if that her body is able to carry this pregnancy to term the labour and delivery would be a lot more difficult and I'm not sure how her body would react. We've all been working and looking into her how her body has been and what it has been through. We believe that her body will probably reject the baby and cause a miscarriage in the next couple of weeks. Now we can either inform Lucy when she comes round or yourselves can. So she can be aware of the miscarriage or if the pregnancy continues. I honestly don't think it will continue. Or you can keep this away from her for the time being, obviously it will be on her record but she would be lead to believe it's just a bad period. As she's not aware of any sexual intercourse she won't suspect anything unless she's informed. I understand this is difficult so I will give you some time. But on the more positive side we will be taking her out of the induced coma tomorrow morning. Any question please come and find me" he says as he leaves the room.
Me and Angela just stare at each other in utter disbelief. I keep looking at this scan photo and then back at Lucy.
"How could he.. ange.." I say breaking down.
"I really don't know Tim but we need to discuss what we are going to do. You know her better than anyone. What do you think?"  Angela says while holding my hand.
" she's already broken this is going to crush her. If she finds out she's pregnant and carries to term we don't know the impact it's going to have on her or her body. Would she be okay knowing she's carrying his baby? That he will have this control over her? She's already scared as it is. Or what if she miscarriages? She already feels like she shouldn't be having trauma from what Caleb did to her, that she's failing at everything. Do we really want her to feel like she's failing at something else. Something big like this when we know she wants children.  Yes we could not tell her about it and she could have the miscarriage, and she will think it's a bad period. But what if later down the line she finds out.. she wouldn't be able to forgive us and who knows what spiral it would send her down. Ange I can't protect her from this and I don't know what to do.. hearing the baby's heart beat knowing she could potentially loose it.. what if it's the one thing that keeps her going, and she makes it to term.." I ramble and I don't even realise I'm doing it. I'm just rambling every single possibility because I'm scared. I'm scared of what is going to happen, the impact it's going to have on her.
Angela leans in and hugs me. "Shh Tim come on.. logically look at how she reacted when we didn't tell her about me and Wesley being together even though she was admitted she'd figured it out. And that was a positive thing.. I think if we kept this from her she would never trust us and go into such a spiral. Not only that but she wouldn't even have you to pull her out of it. But i also know she's finding it hard thinking she's failing at everything. Look we have till the morning. Let's get some sort of sleep before we make a rush decision.." Angela says.
"Yeah you're right.." i sigh.

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