Chapter 10

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Lucy's pov
I carry on walking down the road, and I notice this little path to the side. I know it leads to the bridge because a couple of months back myself and Tim was out on patrol, we had a call for a guy, i remember us chasing him and we got to this part. And he sort of disappeared now Tim was adamant to follow the main road round, i believed he'd gone this way.  Tim being stubborn he went his way, and I went mine. I managed to catch up with this guy we was chasing, id arrested him and radioed it in. I saw Tim walking over he said "well played Chen" i said to him "see you can't be right every time". Obviously I didn't let him get away with pretending like he was right. I turn up this little path, glancing back to make sure no one saw me. As I'm walking up, I'm reminiscing on my life, all the little moments. Till. 'you should have died that day, you have no reason to have trauma you survived get a grip, stop being a burden to everyone". Creeps in to my mind again, but this time somehow worse. I know what I need to do...

Tim's pov
Id just back to the station, and Grey had called me and Angela into the office.
"Detective Lopez, Sergeant Bradford have a seat" Grey said. " So Lopez what have we discovered about Lucy's mystery guy?"
"Nothing good Sir, so I checked the CCTV footage at the bar and used facial recognition to gather intel on his name and to see if he was in our data base. Of course he is. Now his name is Chris Stanford. He was previously arrested for dangerous driving things like that but there was one that stood out. Now he was never charged however, his ex partner had reported him for abuse, sexual abuse, attempted murder, coercion. The case was dropped a week later but after looking into this ex partner she was discovered dead a week later from when the case was dropped. The cause of death was not known exactly it just stated due to internal injuries but it was not proven if these were from Chris." Angela said.
"Okay this is much more serious than we thought Angela" Grey says worryingly.
"I've let her down again.. I need to get out there right now.." I say feeling myself getting worked up. "Where is she". I ask
"She left here an hour ago, I'll send officers to her apartment now. If she's not there I'll get them to do a full search to see if we can find out where she is. Angela I need you to do surveillance on Chris. Bradford. I need you to be calm. The only way you can help her is if you keep your head in the game. Now can you see if you can pin her location from her phone." Grey asks. "I'm going to get as many officers on this as possible. We will get her safe."
Before Grey can say another word, Angela had left to go start the surveillance. Chris was doing nothing out of the ordinary but at least they knew he wasn't with Lucy.
Grey had officers at Lucy's apartment, they'd called for a supervisor over so Grey headed straight there.
I immediately go and run a check to see if I can pin point Lucy's phone but it states that she's at the station. So I call her hoping it refreshes. But no still showing she's at the station. Now i saw her leave as that's when Grey had called me into the office. I head into the car park and see her car. I glance in and I can see her phone and handbag on the seat. Fuck.
I immediately grab my phone, calling Angela and Grey on a three way call. I feel physically sick.
"Bradford?" Grey says "any news"
"I've news but not sure how it will help. I've tracked her phone, it's in her car with her handbag in the station car park". I say
"No signs of her here and Chris doesn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary" Angela says
"Grey" I ask worryingly.
"Okay so no she's not here. The reason the officers needed a supervisor was because we've found a lot of weight loss tablets, a metal tin her draw with blades in, a couple of razors in the shower with blood on, and some blood on the sofa. After looking into it we believe the blood on the sofa is from a nose bleed, the weight loss tablets are well self explanatory but the blades and the razor we believe Lucy has been self inflicting injuries to herself which means we need to find her as soon as possible. All additional units have been advised we need to find her but are not aware of the situation". Grey replied before he ended his end of the call.
"Tim...Tim.." Angela says.
Fuck.. I knew it...I feel myself feel physically sick, I turn towards the station wall punching it.
"Ange what if we've lost her.. I should have stopped her leaving earlier... wait a second." I say having the realisation that I saw her earlier when I was arresting that guy at the beach.
"What is it? Tim" Angela replies.
"When I was out today with Metro, I saw her at the beach. She sat and watched me going into the building and saw me come out. We made brief and I mean brief eye contact with each other but then she got up and started walking. She was heading away from the beach". I reply back while jumping into the shop and heading off to the beach. I radio through for additional units to be stationed to the beach for possible sightings of her.
"Right you go get her Tim you know she will want to see you" Angela says before ending the call continuing to watch Chris.
I've never drove so quick in my life, I jump out of the vehicle where I saw her last. I stand there looking in every direction trying to figure out where she would have gone. Next thing I know I hear Grey, Angela, Nolan, even Smitty shouting me. I turn and look. And they all say " we will get her"
I reply " I hope so". It's like the whole Caleb thing again, but somehow I feel worse. I know her mental state, I know she's stubborn and once she's set her mind on something theres no going back which is what baffled me when I was informed she didn't want to be an Officer anymore. I knew deep down she did because when she saw me today at that scene I could see her itching to radio in to attach her self to the call.
"Fuck" I shout and Angela comes running over, she places her hand on my shoulder.
"Come on Tim, we will find her we won't give up. You need to have your head in the game because when we find her she's gonna want and need you" she says reassuringly "now think where would she go?" Angela asks
" I get why she came here, she loved the beach, she had her music with her as she always attaches her mp3 to the back of her jeans but she had her earphones out of her ears when I saw her.. almost like she was taking everything in one last time.."
I glance to the little path. I reminisce on how she was so proud of herself that she was right about that path,she didn't let me forget that the whole shift and even reminds me about it now. "That's it" I shout.
Before I can even say another word I sprint, as fast as my legs can take me, down the path, with everyone running behind me. We get to the end of the path and i stop as i look slightly round the corner. I signal everyone to stop. I see her...

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