Chapter 140

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Angela's pov
The whole drive to the hospital is silent, I thought we would all be discussing whether to tell Tim or not but truthfully I believe we was all still processing it all. We knew it was a no win situation, whatever we did would be wrong. All we could do was hope that Lucy would pull through this.

We pull up and start walking into the hospital.
"Mummy!!" I hear Jack shouting as he runs towards me, I immediately fall onto my knees pulling him in as close as I possibly could. "hi baby, I missed you. You been a good boy for daddy?"
"Me good boy" he says cheerily as he claps his hands together. "Me missed you mummy"
"I missed you too babyboy" I say as I pick him up, holding him on my shoulder. I notice Wesley walking towards us, he hugs me and kisses me on the lips softly.
"How are you holding up babe?"
"I'm not sure, the whole situation is worse than we thought. I don't know what to do, I mean.."
"I know babe, I got filled in on it all. You decided what you're going to say to him? How are you wording it?"
"You think I should tell him?"
"You wasn't going to tell him?" He says confused.
"I..don't know. We didn't decide..whatever we choose is going to be wrong. There's no right answer"
"I know neither is going to be positive but you would want to know if it was you, wouldn't you?"

I pause for a second, I kiss jack on the cheek. Looking at him, then to Grey and Nyla who are sat together, and then back at Wesley.  He's right, I would want to know. If it was kept from me, I would be mad.

"Yeah you're right, I'm going to have to tell him" I say as I start walking towards Grey and Nyla sitting down next to them, placing Jack on my knee. Wesley sits down next to me taking a hold of my hand.
"Nyny, Greyyy" Jack says excitedly.
"Hi mister" Grey says softly smiling at him.
"Heyy cheeky" Nyla says.
"Me want Lulu mummy." He says clapping his hands. "Lulu!"

I feel my heart sink, he loves his auntie Lucy. They have a special bond, I've never seen him be like this with anyone else but her. She's all he talks about. She was one of his first words. I know how good she is with him, and all I want is for her to have her mini her. I don't know how to tell him he cant see her. I promised him he would be able to.

Everyone takes a deep breath in, Wesley looks at me. I feel my eyes filling up.
"You can't right now baby, soon yeah?" I say softly as I stroke his head. "No now mummy. Me want lulu. Where is Lulu?" He starts to tear up. I hand him to Wesley and I stand up, turning to look at him. "baby I'm sorry but you can't." And then I look at Wesley. "Babe I.."
"I know. It will be okay" he nods his head to gesture that he means Lucy without letting Jack know. 
"Why don't we go get some sweets?" Grey says as he stands up.
"Okayy me want sweets then me see Lulu" he says excitedly as he jumps down running towards Grey.  Grey takes a hold of his hand and walks off down the corridor.
"Thank you" I say as he walks off.

I sigh deeply.
"He really does love her doesn't he?" Nyla says looking towards me.
"Sometimes I feel like he loves her more than me" I chuckle softly.
"Glad it's not just me" Wesley says smiling.
"Look get an update babe, go to speak to Tim. Tell Tim, we will deal with it."
"Yeah okay babe, what do we tell Jack? I can't keep lying to him but I don't want to scare him wes"
"I don't know, just see how she is for now and we will go from there"
"Yeah okay, wish me luck" I say as I walk off down the corridor towards Lucy's room.

Tim's pov
I must have fallen asleep as it's got dark in her room, I slowly lift my head off her.
"I'm just going to get your pillow baby, I know Angela brought it for you" I say as I gently let go of her hand. I stand up, walking down to the edge of the bed. I grab Lucy's pillow and as I glance down in the suitcase I notice a picture frame turned over. I carefully grab it, I turn it over.

My eyes immediately fill up, seeing the photo of me and Lucy. The day I asked her to be my girlfriend. It was the photo frame off my bedside table. The best day of my life. She looked so happy, I know she wasn't 100% but man she was happier than she is now. I need that Lucy back. I'm going to do everything in my power to make her happy when she fights this. She has to fight this. I gently stroke her cheek on the photo before placing it gently on her bedside table.

I walk back towards Lucy, placing her pillow under her head. I sit back down, I look at the time. It's getting late. I should know something by now. I glance at the machines and see she's stable still. I sigh in relief.

There's a knock at the door. "come in" I shout and Angela walks in. Slowly closing the door behind her.

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