Chapter 6

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Tim's pov
I immediately ring Angela.
" hey ange. We need to talk about Lucy.."  I say fast and in a panic.
"Woah Tim calm down what is it? Is she okay" Angela says in a worried tone
"No ange. There's something seriously wrong, I went over early this morning as I have an early start, I told her Id be over for 6am and if I could have a coffee when I get there..."
" right okay, I see what you did there bradford, a way to get into her apartment so you could have a better chat with her compared to just seeing her at the door saying hi and that's about it?" Angela says to him
"Not the time but Angela yeah I mean I did but look there's something going on. We was talking fine, she even giggled I thought she seemed okay ish..." I say trying to think of how to explain and word what has just happened in there.
"That's good Tim that she was giggling it's a good sign.. wait Tim you said there's something seriously wrong what happened.." Angela gets concerned.
"Okay before I go any further I need to ask you one thing,.. does she look like she's lost weight since Caleb. You know in that photo she posted?" I asked unsure of what her respond would be.
"I mean.. yeah I did Tim but I didn't wanna worry you, her eyes look more sunken, dark shadows around her eyes, her hair looks thinner, the dress didn't fit how it did the last time she wore it. What's this got to do with this morning? Has something happened to her?" Angela gets increasing more worried.
"I thought so too but just assumed I was being paranoid. But them doubts soon disappeared once I'd walked into her apartment, I noticed on the table in the room was some weight loss tablets. I didn't bring them up at first as I didn't want to push her, but I knew if I didn't say something it would eat up at me ange... we talk for a bit then I ask her. I tell her that I'm not going to be mad, I want her to be honest with me, to be taking them responsibly, and needed to be eating still but most importantly that she didn't need them.. her response shocked me I guess. She said that yeah she was taking them, that she wanted be in control, that she hated her body, she wanted to be happy in her body. She wouldn't tell me if she was taking them responsibly or if she was eating. She avoided that question, I mean that kind of means she did answer it because she wouldn't ever lie to me ange. I know that for a fact." I ramble to Angela.
"Shit're right she wouldn't lie to you. She needs to be careful. She's loosing weight rapidly, it was scary to see in that photo, I can't imagine how she looks in person. How did that conversation go.. did you manage to get any further with it?" Angela asks hoping to hear some good news.
"No ange. It got worse.. so you know the man she met at the bar and was at hers yesterday. She told me it was fine. We was talking about the weight loss tablets and all of a sudden her phones goes off.  I see her look down at her phone.... It was scary Angela. I've not seen her like that since.. well... since Caleb..."
"Tim what do you mean.. what was it? Talk to me.." the panic sets in for Angela.  "Timothy?"
" sorry... erm.. she went drip white, her whole demeanour changed, her hands were shaking. She was doing that nervous thing she does playing with her thumb. I asked what was wrong but she told me to get out, I tried again but she screamed at me and told me to get the fuck out.. Angela I've never ever seen her like this.. she's not once shouted at me.. swore at me like that... Angela I'm scared for her.. I really am.." I feel myself breaking down in the car with my eyes filling up. Breathing deeply.
Angela is almost lost for words... "that really doesn't sound like her at all Tim, I'm actually getting concerned for her.. I don't know what to suggest.. but Tim how do you know it was him that had messaged her? That he's causing her to feel like this? What do you know?"
"I know nothing at all Angela, I just have a gut feeling. You know the one I should have had when she met Caleb..." I say to her
"Tim Caleb wasn't your fault okay, she doesn't blame you. Look I think you was getting somewhere with her. You should be proud of that especially when she's such a closed book recently. leave it today. Give her space. Go back in the morning like you have been doing and see how she is. But we need to be keeping a close eye on her. Especially if this is guy isn't good for her. We can't check into him because we have no idea of his name and she isn't going to give that up. I mean I'm a good detective but without a name or description I can't do anything... call in today Tim you aren't in the right space. Grey will understand. I'll come to yours later and we can discuss what to do okay"
"Yeah maybe you're right, I'll call in the morning to see how she is. And I'll call grey now and id appreciate that Angela. I'm just worried sick about her" I put the phone down before calling grey to inform him I won't be in today. I then drive home and walk in, and sit on the sofa. I put the tv on to try and distract myself from what's happening.

Lucy's pov
Shit.. why did I shout and swear at him like that for... I feel sick ... I quickly run around making sure everything is at it should be. Washing and tidying the cup Tim had used, hiding the weight loss tablets. I go towards the bedroom to change out of these shorts and into something more protecting but before I even get to the bedroom door.
- a loud persistent knock-
No no no... I panic
"Lucy it's Chris let me in like a good girl you are" he shouts..

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