Chapter 34

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Tim's pov
I wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason and i notice that Lucy isn't laid next to me. So I sit up, wait a few minutes thinking maybe she's gone to the bathroom. Nothing. So I get up and the bathroom door is open, she's not there, I walk into the spare room and see her stood looking endlessly. She keeps mumbling something, I can't tell what shes saying at first.
"Lu" I say quietly.
"Babe it's okay she's just settled back off to sleep" lucy mumbles. Huh? I get increasingly worried, what does she mean she's just settled off back to sleep, who?
"Lu" I say again hoping she will say something.
"Our babygirl is asleep shhh" lucy says mumbling.
"Okay babe let's go back to bed" i say as I take hold of her hand and walk her back to bed. I realise that she's sleep walking and talking which she hasn't ever done before, and about a baby we supposedly have. I tug her into bed before closing the bedroom door. I immediately ring Angela.
"Tim it is 2am this better be important. Jack has just gone back to sleep" she's grumpily.
"Angela I'm sorry for ringing you at this time but there's something going on with Lucy" i say panicking.
"Woah! Tim what's going on" Angela says in a more awake voice.
"Well I've just caught her sleep walking and talking in the spare room something about our babygirl is settled off to sleep and to be quiet. She's never sleepwalked or slept talked like that. She's currently back in bed" i say confused.
"Tim is she pregnant? That can cause women to do that?" Angela say's excitedly.
"No Angela. Not a chance. And it's way too soon for that." I say.
"How has she been in herself?" Angela asks.
"She was questionable earlier but I think that's because she was watching Lila and then she was fine all afternoon. And we had a good night" I say back.
"She was watching Lila?" Angela says shocked.
"Yeah, Nyla asked Lucy at the engagement party to watch her for an hour. When Lucy told me I told her that she doesn't have to and she can say no. She said she was fine with it, that she needed to do it as she found it hard when you was all talking about the babies sleeping schedule. She didn't tell Nyla about the miscarriage because she doesn't want people to see her as a victim or anything like that. So i couldn't really do anything but watch. She was a natural ange." I say
"Shit.. I don't know how she did that. Id break honestly. Maybe this sleep thing that she's done tonight is some sort of trauma response. Keep an eye on her tonight and see if she remembers it tomorrow. I'll have a chat with her when I see her next. Now I'm gonna head off to sleep, you should too as you've got a busy day tomorrow" she says as she ends the phone.
I head back into the bedrooms, luckily Lucy is still curled up. I get back into bed, I cuddle up to her and stroke her hair till I fall asleep.

Lucy's pov
I stretched when I woke up but noticed that Tim was holding me a bit tighter than normal but once he notified I was awake he jumped up.
"Babe.. it's okay" i say to him.
"Lucy are you awake?" He says looking at me.
"Yeah obviously babe, what's up?" I look at him really confused as I sit up.
"You slept walked and talked last night.. do you remember it?" He asks.
"No babe, are you sure?" I ask puzzled.
"Yeah I'm sure, I rang Angela because I was worried about you. It was odd" he says he pulls me in close.
"Why what happened babe" i ask him.
" you was in the spare room and you told me to be quiet because you'd just got our baby girl back to sleep?" He says as he puts his arm around me.
"Babe I have no idea" i say and I kiss him, leans in and kisses me back.
"We should get up and get ready for the beach" he says.
I genuinely don't remember any of what he's saying, and I can tell he doesn't want to push it which I'm grateful for because I have no idea. I get up out of bed, I feed Kojo and then head into the shower.

Tim's pov
I can't tell whether she doesn't remember or whether she does but isn't ready to talk about it. But I don't want to push it so I leave her to it. Once I know she's in the shower I grab my phone and message the group chat.
Tim: right guys we are up, Lucy is in the shower. Todays the day!
Angela: I am actually so excited for this.
Nyla: I am so excited for to see you all in these t shirts.
Tim: I'm not even gonna ask what photo you've used because with how excited you are over it makes me a little nervous.
Grey: it's definitely going to be a memorable day, I'm happy for you son.
Wesley: Tim you owe me a few drinks 🍺
Tim: I gathered I would
Angela: ladies the rounds are on me well Wesley but me🤭
Wesley: 🙄
Tim: we will be there for around 12, I'll message a thumbs up when to come over.
I put my phone down as I hear lucy out of the shower in her little dressing gown.
"Babe" I say admiring her.
"Yeah baby" she says she walks into the bedroom.
"You look so good, and I just wanted to say that i really enjoyed last night with you." I say smiling at her.
"Thank you and I'm glad baby. The showers on for you" she says she smiles so softly.
I lean and kiss her as I walk past and into the bathroom. 

Lucy's pov
I sit at the dressing table, drying my hair. I then get up and put on a cute light blue lacy bra set on, and then a pale light blue dress that has little flowy shoulders, it's right around my boobs down to my hips then it flows out, slightly longer at the back. I brush my hair, and then spray myself with alien. I sit on the bed putting on some sandals as Tim walks back into the bedroom.
"Damn baby" he says as he comes up, placing his hand behind my head and kisses me. "You look fucking hot".
I get butterflies, these heart flutters. He honestly makes me feel pretty.
"Thank you baby" i say smiling ear to ear.
He was already dressed, and he looked so handsome. The shirt was tight enough that you could see his muscles so clearly, his hair perfectly styled.
"Tim, you look handsome" I say as I kiss him on the cheek.
"You ready to go" he says as he takes hold of my hand and we head out of the door.

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