Chapter 102

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Tim's pov
"Ange" I say panicking the second she answers the call, I feel my heart racing. I need to do something.
"Tim hey?"
"Angela I need you"
"Woah Tim hey what's going on? Where are you? Are you okay?"
"I'm in my car outside my home, I'm fine I mean I'm okay...I'm better than Lucy."
"What?!" She exclaims. "Tim! Where is she? Has something happened?"
"She's in the house, her parents came. I don't know fully what happened but from what I saw and heard it genuinely fucking broke my heart Ange. They tried asking if she even satisfied me, they said she was a disappointment. They called me Chris. It was awful. I feel sick but the rest of the stuff and I can't even imagine what happened with her mum in the bathroom"
"What the fuck Tim. Like what the fuck."
"Shit. I shouldn't be telling you all this, I mean I know you parts of it all but its not my place. Sorry. This was a mistake I should go."

"Woah Tim no. You're not going to put the phone down. You are going to stay on the phone to me. Not when you're in this state. Okay?"
"Okay okay."
"The bathroom?"
"We..we was trying for a baby, it didn't happen. Her mum said she was going to the bathroom, and then came out accusing Lucy of being pregnant. Saying she had clearly put weight on, that she was only standing up to them as she was hormonal. All because she saw an empty pregnant box in the bin."
"You was trying? Wait is that why you were both acting odd that day? And I'm sorry Tim but there is something wrong with her parents if they are treating her like that. Where is Lucy?"
"It's all my fault."
"Tim. Nothing is your fault. Talk to me"
"It is. It's all my fault! It's all my fucking fault Angela!" I say almost screaming down the phone as I punch the steering wheel, I feel a tear roll down my face.
"Woah hey no. It isn't your fault. Why do you think it is?"
"The box was empty and they didn't believe she wasn't pregnant so her mum went with her to take another test. I don't know what happened in there but I know it wasn't good okay? But the box was empty..because of me"
"Huh? Tim you've lost me?"
"The test was negative, Lucy threw it in the box and then into the bin. When Lucy left for work I put it in the draw in my bedside table. I don't know why I did it, I guess I just felt guilty and like I was failing her."
"One. You aren't failing her Tim, that girl loves you to pieces. Anyone can see that especially with everything she's been through . You're the only one she trusts l, the only one who knows everything. Two. Just because you had taken the test doesn't excuse what her parents did. It was them that hurt her not you"
"But if I had left it in there then they wouldn't have made her go through that! I am failing her because I couldn't get her pregnant yet that scum of a man Chris could. Even her parents said that!"

"How did Lucy react to the negative test Tim? And hey no, one we don't listen to her parents. Not after what they've said and done to her. Two, it doesn't always happen first time okay. Don't beat yourself up about it." She says reassuringly.
"I dont know, she erm seemed fine I guess. Then we had a brief argument about it but it felt like she was holding back but so was I. But I know that having to take another test so soon after cant have been good for her."
"Tim I think you should go talk to Lucy, it's best you do that"
"I can't..."
"You can, just go back in and speak to her. I know you two. You two are meant to be together. Chenford is the endgame Tim. I know how much you adore that woman and I know how much she adores you"
"No. Angela I can't go talk to her right now"
"Why can't you? Where is she? Is she okay? Tim?" I can hear how her breathing is becoming faster, the panic in her voice is increasing.
"She told me to give her space.. I tried Ange. I tried grounding her..nothing worked. She was adamant for me to go for a few hours. I don't know what to do"
"Fuck. Okay.. look how did she seem when you left?"
"I..don't know. She didn't sound like her"
"How do you mean?"
"I told her I loved her and she said love you. She has never ever said it like that. I'm worried about her Ange. And I don't know how I can help her. If only I hadnt moved that test.. she doesn't even know it was me. She's gonna hate me Ange."

I'm so pissed off at myself, I hurt her. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I can't even help her. I can normally ground her, it didn't work. And then she didn't even want me home. She wanted me gone.
I can't even begin to imagine how she is feeling, just from what I saw and heard it broke me. She doesn't deserve this.

"Do you want me to go speak to her? And she won't hate you Tim."
"No. Don't. Look I shouldnt have rang you, this isn't fair on you and it's going to make things worse. I can handle this. I'm gonna go ange."
"Tim. Don't."
"I'm sorry, I need to go make this right. I'm going to go sort this" I say as I put the phone down. I punch the steering wheel as I throw my phone onto the passenger seat, I rest my head on the steering wheel, feeling the tear roll down my face.
Breath Tim. She will be okay. She's got to be.

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