Chapter 47

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Lucy's pov
"Nah she's got a point, seeing you stood there with your hand in her shows me how good she is. And besides it's making me want her more because you've currently got her. Deal is you find her sister and I have her. Can be our next trade?" EJ says smiling.
"Done deal my friend now bring them drugs or i take my money back and walk" Mateo says.
"Bring the drugs" EJ says and his gang member starts walking over.
"Put the guns down, cos it's tempting to just grab it and shoot my self because I am bored of this shit" I say rolling my eyes.
"You heard her" Ej says. They all put the guns down.
The gang member puts the drugs down.
EJ walks over and grabs the money turning towards his guys. They start heading to their van.
"Shanice you do need to find this sister of yours. It's uncanny how much you look a like" he says as he drags me with him by having his hand in my vagina to get the drugs. "Ow don't be so rough, and I'll find her" i say. He grabs the drugs and loads them in the van.

Tims pov
"The drugs grey. Why aren't you going in" i say getting worried. "He's got his hand inside her dragging her to the drugs. This is fucked!" I say punching the wall.
"Hold it. One second" grey says.
" ready to engage" grey radios.
"Ready" Angela radios
"Ready" Nyla, Thorsen and the other officers radio.
"As soon as them drugs hit the van go!" Grey radios.
"Tim you go and take Lucy in. Arrest her so we don't blow her cover. Take her to the shop. Angela will be there waiting. Got it?" He says sternly.
"Angela meet Tim in his shop the second he has hold of Lucy" he radios.
"Understood sir" i say.
"Copy" Angela says.
"Professional Tim I mean it. Your job will be gone. And Lucy will be shot. She's smashed this. You should be proud now let's get her out safe." Grey says as he unlocks the door.

Lucy's pov
The drugs are loaded into the van. I see the officers running some going after the EJ and his crew. It's chaos.
"LAPD HANDS UP!" Is all i can hear. I still have Mateos hand inside me. He isn't willing to let go. But i also need to know what he knows about me but I can't blow my cover.
"LAPD HANDS UP AND WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Tim and Nyla shout looking at me and Mateo pointing their guns. "I ain't giving up this easy not when I have my hands in my bitch. You don't want to separate us" Mateo shouts as he drags me into this dark room, carefully dragging me so that they wouldn't get a clear shot to him. I nod at Angela to say I'm okay. He locks the door, there's only a tiny window in the corner but he doesn't notice it.
He pins me up my by neck, placing his arm firmly across my neck. I feel like I can't breathe properly, he keeps moving his fingers inside. "Why the fuck ain't you moaning?" He says as he slides another finger in. I can hear it in Mateos voice but I can hear Chris too. I feel my breathing becoming irregular. Luckily Mateo thinks this is me being turned on. I let out a couple of soft moans before I stop as I feel uncomfortable. But it was what he said next that really took the wind out of me. "Shanice you're so pure" Mateo says. Pure.. i get this brief flash back of being a child, in a dark cold room, the walls were bare apart from this circular thing on the wall, the flashback is a little fuzzy.. I hear a man's voice saying "Michael she is so pure" my dad was Michael. I snap back into reality.

Tim's pov
"Need backup east end of the building. Hostage situation. I repeat hostage situation" Angela radios.
"Any visual?" Grey radios
"Negative sir" i radios
"Negative sir" Angela radios
"I've a slight visual through this window, I can aim towards the leg as I can't get a clear shot" Nyla radios.
"Have we got audio" i radio
"Positive bradford. I can hear her. She's on a different channel" grey radios
"I can hear her, but we need to get her out" Angela radios.
"Hold back on shooting." Grey radios.
Fuck. I'm going to flip. She's stood behind this wall with this guy who has his hand in her, that's going to trigger a lot but we also don't know what he's capable of or if her covers blown. I can't do this.
"Bradford she's handled herself incredibly well till now don't get yourself worked up. Head in the game" grey radios.

Lucy's pov
"Mateo you told me my pretty arse wasn't going to jail. What the fuck is this?" I say to him as I feel my breathing becoming harder.
"How did I know cops were gonan swarm. Was this you?" He says getting angry.
"Oh yeah cos i made this whole deal about not wanting to go to prison to get myself in there. Make it make sense. Plus if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have done the deal. So you gotta trust me on this" i say
"Trust you on what?" He says he releases his grip around my neck and I just fall to the floor.
"Surely you've got another deal set up right? I've got a higher chance of getting let out early so I'll run that deal for you. I won't take a cut, I'll find my sister but the deal is you don't mention anything about me to the officers. They don't know me as shanice. They think I'm Rachel. They find out and it's over for you." I say staring at him.
He points his gun at me. "You tell them about the deal I've got planned and it goes wrong. You're dead." He says getting aggressive.
"Yeah I got it. Tell me about this deal and what you know about my sister. How you knew about this shit?" I say trying to remain calm.
"2nd November. 2pm. Car dealer Oxford road. And that sister of yours, man she was so obedient. Followed orders but you could see the fear in her eyes. I can't remember the website I saw her on but I can't remember how many times I watched her. MCL I think something like that. Now I suggest when I'm out that the deal has gone ahead and your sister is waiting for me. Because I will shoot you 10 times after brutally raping you. You're lucky I ain't fucking this pussy of yours right now." He says as he puts this gun to my chest and grips onto my vagina. "Fuckkk ow I get it I get it" i shout. 
"You need to give up you have no way out" Tim shouts. "We will shoot"

Greys pov
"Did we just get another deal out of him?" Angela radios
"We sure did. She's fire" Nyla radios.
"Let's get her out. She's smashed this" i radio.
"Shit!" Nyla radios.
"What is it?" I radio back panicking.
"He's got his gun pointed to her chest. He's still got his hand inside her. You're hearing what he's saying right?" Nyla radios "I've got a clear shot on his leg"
"What is being said?!" Tim radios.
"Not now Bradford. Go for it!" I radio. I really hope he doesn't shoot back and hit her. This is risky.
"Sir shooting now" Nyla radios.

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