Chapter 115

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Lucy's pov
I arrive at the station and I get the suspect out of the back of the shop, walking him into the station. I sign him in.
"It will be okay" I say to him as I leave and go to a desk, sitting down and I quickly do the paperwork for it. 

"Badass" I hear Angela say as she comes to sit down next to me.
"What?" I say to her confused as I continue to do the paperwork.
"That call you just single handedly did."
"It was nothing. It's literally just my job. Look I'm not in the mood for chit chat I need to do this paperwork and then get back out there"
"You need to give yourself credit Lucy, don't be so hard on yourself all the time. Why don't you do your paperwork in Tim's office you used to do it, in there all the time?" She asks curiously as she gently taps me on the shoulder.
"I don't know..I guess since everything that's happened, us getting back together, I kind of got used to working here instead. I don't wanna intrude in his space"
"I get that, but you wouldn't be. He would want you to be in there and you know it. I mean if he was here right now he would be telling you to go nap in there"
"Yeah I guess you're right, but it's fine I've finished now so I'll catch you later" I say as I quickly sign the paperwork and submit it.

I get up and walk straight to the shop, I immediately start driving around.
"7 Adam-100 go to channel 4" Greys voice radios through, I roll my eyes and change channel.
"Lucy are you okay?"
"Yes sir" I reply back confused.
"I trust your judgement and I know you can handle yourself, I wasn't watching your body cam because of that"
"Thank you sir"
"Genuinely Lucy I trust your judgement. When you have finished your shift call past my office please"
"I will do, may I ask why you watched my body cam?"
"Frankly I would have done it to anyone that was in that situation."
"Alright sir"
"Switch back to the normal channel I shall see you soon. Be safe" he radios and I instantly change the channel back.

I drive around for a little while before pulling up to a Starbucks drive thru. I quickly pay and grab a coffee, a strong one as I feel the tiredness starting to hit. I pull into the carpark, turning the ignution off. I just sit and watch the cars driving past, listening to owl tweeting in the background, trying to block out the thoughts I was having.  I look up at the sky noticing how the stars were shining, there was one by the moon that was shining just that bit brighter.  I glance down at my necklace, looking at the chain and just going over that day I lost my star. Wondering what life would be like if my star was here.
My baby should be here.
I don't know how life would be but all I do know is that I would do everything to be a better mum than my mum ever was to me. I just wanted to be enough for her.
My baby would be due any day now, doing so many firsts.
I place my hand on my stomach, a tear rolling down my face.

"Dispatch to any available officers we have a domestic abuse call at 93 ring road" the radio goes off and it immediately brings me back.
"7 Adam- 100 to dispatch show me as responding" I radio through as I wipe my face with my hands, immediately turning the ignition on driving towards the location. 

Tim's pov
"Tim" Angela says through the phone.
"What? What's happened?" I say worriedly.
"She has just smashed another case, an armed robbery"
"That's my girl. She's okay yeah?"
"Yeah she is, she single handedly dealt with it like a badass."
"No back up?" I say confused.
"Nope, she genuinely smashed it. But I am worried about her, she seems a little off"
"Off?" I say as I feel my voice crack with worry. 
"She was doing the paperwork for it, she said she didn't have time for chit chat. She seemed too agitated, she seemed desperate to go back out on the streets."
"Was she in my office?" I ask her hoping that she was and that she wasn't pushing herself too much.
"No..that's what was odd. I mentioned why didn't she work in there and she said after everything she didn't to intrude in your space" she replies back.
That makes no sense, she always liked being in my office, I always knew if I couldn't find her she would be in there.
"You don't think..."
"Think what Tim?"
"I've been too pushy, not giving her the space and she doesn't want me to feel that way hence the not going in my office?"
There was a pause.
"I guess that would make sense, I have pushed her quite a bit today.."
"I just hope we haven't pushed her too far, I know I was the one that started all of this. Got you involved."
"Look no one is to blame. I just hope she can see that we both care about her. She will be home soon, her shift is nearly over. She's just took a low risk call"
"Alright, that's good. I'll let you know the second she is home. Thank you again Angela."
"Goodnight Tim"

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