Chapter 93

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Tim's pov
I can see the look of fear in her eyes, this look she has when she was chained up in that undercover case but somehow it was worse.
She looked less scared when she was bleeding out when she was shot.
Part of this is making me scared.. like how bad is it.. she said I can answer as her boyfriend or sergeant.. how do i do that.. will I even know what to say.. I know how hard this for her.. what if I say the wrong thing.. am I going to be able to keep my calm and not go after them.. the fact she's doing this because it's not only holding her down but us two.. she's so selfless..I love her..

Lucy's pov
I want the ground to swallow me up, this is the scariest thing I have ever done..
"Okayyy.. I don't know where to start this off.." I say nervously unsure where to look or what to say because I actually don't remember much of my childhood, I do but I also don't.
It all makes so much more sense why my parents didn't want me to be an officer, the whole abuse thing but when I became a detective and a uc it was like my parents somehow got worse.
I don't get why I'm protecting them.. when I graduated they was no where..when I was buried alive.. they was no where...when I tried to end it.. again no where... my miscarriage.. again no where.. it's easier to say when they was around compared to when they wasn't.
"Growing up.. it wasn't full of love or happiness or feeling safe.. it was punishments.. dark rooms.. cameras that at the time I didn't see.. chains.. starvation..words of abuse..erm..some kind of like sexual things.." I take a deep breathe in.
I feel my leg shaking.. this is the first time that I'm actually having to go over it.. yeah I saw the videos but for two seconds.. this is.. like a nightmare.
Tim just looks at me, I can see it's hurting him, I don't mean for it to.
I smile at him briefly before continuing on.
"I didn't know till recently how long it had been going on for.. it was just all I knew.. coming home from school, dragged straight into the dark room, not a single window. Chained to the wall, the chains exactly how... he had them on me that day.. often just left there. Some days... my parents would essentially use me as a punching bag if they had a bad day.. often told I was fat, a waste of oxygen, that I was pure.. it was fine. I managed it... it was just normal.. i erm.. remember this one day.." I breathe in deeply as I get the flash back of the day it happened.

Flashback Lucy's pov
I walked in from school, id just turned 13 it was my birthday. Part of me wished they would give me some leeway but my gosh was I wrong. I walked in and as I did.
"Birthday girl, let's go downstairs" my pappy says immediately dragging my wrist down stairs with my mum following behind me.
As we got down stairs there was this man, around 6 foot. I knew him, he worked with my pappy.
"There she is!" He exclaimed and gave me a hug. I resisted a little which was a mistake.
My pappy immediately picked me up, chaining me to  the wall, my wrists were already so red and almost bleeding from the night before.
"My darling girl I have a birthday surprise for you" my pappy says as his friend comes over standing in front of me.  I swallowed hard.. anxiously waiting for that slap, that punch, the kick. Anything..
but no..
He took his pants down revealing his hard dick, I looked at my mum with this look of help me.
My mum stood and watched, she walked over to this button and pressed it.
"She's pure Michael" he says.
"She is, what if we use her name?" My pappy says looking at my mum.
"What if we use her name but different?" My mum replies.
"What if we call her Lucia" they both say and smile. The next thing I know my head is being pushed forward, and he's shoving his dick in my mouth. Thrusting.
I'm scared.
He eventually cums in my mouth and he leans forward and kisses me. Tells my pappy thank you and leaves.
"That wasn't so bad" my mum says.

Tim's pov
I'm hearing it.. she went through this. She thought it was normal. How did no one notice.
It's breaking my heart i can't imagine it.. why anyone would do this.
How did she survive this and become this person she is today. She turned all that darkness into this light, this bright light. She gives so much to everyone and all this love.
I just want to cradle her, I want to go kill her parents.
She says that she remembers this one day but then she kind of de focuses, it's that face she does when she's trying to process things. But it's with this fear in her face. I've never seen her like this.

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