Chapter 73

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Lucy's pov
Mmm. Ughhh. Owww. Where am I..
I open my eyes, I lift my head up slowly. The windscreen is smashed, I look to my left and see well the road, I realise I'm in the car turned on it's side.
"Ttimmm?" I mutter. "Ttimmm"
I rub my face and eyes trying to understand what's happened. I can taste blood in mouth, I lift hand up to wipe my face and as I look at it my hand is covered in blood. It's silent. Too silent.
My cop instincts kick in, I know i don't just crash so I've crashed into something or someone. It's early hours of the morning so I know no one will find us for a while. I undo my seat belt, I look around searching for bag, luckily I find it. I need to get out. I need to see what's happened.
The right window is somehow fine, i try and open the door. Luckily it opens but now I've to find the strength to pull myself out. I don't know how much I've injured myself, I know as a cop that the adrenaline will be still running through my system so I don't feel the pain.
I need to make the most of it, so I pull myself out of the seat, so I'm stood up. I throw my bag out so it's easier for me to climb out.
I put my arms on to the either of the car door and pull myself up. I lift my leg up to stable myself and I manage to get onto the edge of the car. I sit for a second to catch my breath back.
As I do I look around, there's one other car. A red 09 plate Mondeo. There's not a single mark on it, but I see a woman sat in the drivers seat. I jump down and grab my bag. I walk over, stumbling a little as I feel dizzy.
I get to her door and she rolls the window down.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask her.
"No I'm okay, I didn't hit you, you swerved. You saved my life. I was too busy on my phone to see you. Are you okay? You're bleeding?" She says panicking.
"I'm glad you're okay. Look I'm fine. It's just a few little marks." I say trying to smile.
"Babe you don't look it, I've called the police and an ambulance. The cars open please sit down" she says as she starts to get out of the car to let me in.
"No I'm okay, I need to go. I've got somewhere to be" i say to her and I turn to walk off.
"Miss please?" She shouts.
I hear the sirens. It's so loud. It's too loud. I can't. I need quiet.
I carry on walking down the road, luckily I wasn't far from the hotel. I see it just ahead.
As I get to the front door, I see that the reception area is empty, I know I need to be quick and get back to my room before she comes back.
I walk in, and head straight to my room, heading into the bathroom. I put my bag down. I grab the radio turning it on.
I look in the mirror and I see the impact from the crash.
I've got a huge cut on my forehead that's dripping with blood. A few scratches on my face, my arms, my hands. My T-shirt as a rip across it near my shoulder reaching a deep red mark with a few bits of glass in it. I look down and see that my leggings are ripped across my right thigh. My ankles bleeding.
I grab a fresh set of clothes out of the bag, placing them on the bathroom side next to the sink.
I slowly take the now ruined ones and place them at the other side of the sink. I unattach my police badge putting it down on the side.
I'm stood in my black matching underwear set. The DOD tattoo on my ribs, the scars from the self harm, the bandage from the recent surgery. I look hideous. I don't know how or why Tim would even look at me twice.
He's just everything.. his piercing blue eyes, his defined and sharp jaw, his beautiful radiating smile that can make anyone feel safe not that he shows it often. His laugh.. gosh his laugh.. will forever make me smile. His body I mean his body is incredible and I know how hard he works at the gym to get it like that. His muscles so defined. The v shape. He looks tough and he is but he's also a big softie. Not that he will ever admit that. His personality.. he just has this way of speaking where he could talk about anything and I'd never get bored. He cares so much about everyone, he just shows it differently. He always knows exactly what to say. 
I run the cold tap, I start wiping the blood off my face, my body, my ankles. Luckily I've got them antiseptic wipes so i then go over all the marks with them. It stings. I take deep breaths. I pick the bits of glass out of my shoulder wincing in pain with each one I take out.
Grabbing the fresh set of clothes off the side I put them on.
A baby pink hoodie , and some black leggings. I attach my police badge to the band of my leggings again. The adrenaline's wearing off everything is staring to hurt. I turn the tap off. And I just slide down onto the bathroom floor. The tears rolling down my face irritating every mark and cut on my face as they roll.
I then get this pain in my stomach, I crawl over to the toilet, i lift the lid up and I just cough up blood. Every time I cough my ribs hurt, especially where my stitches are.

Nolan's pov
"We have a call of an RTC on PitchHold Drive need two available units to attend" dispatch says.
"7- Adam 65 it's Nolan attach me to it. ETA 3 minutes" i say instantly turning the blue lights and sirens on.
"7 - Adam 22 officer Wayne attach me and Smitty to it too. ETA 5 minutes" I hear the new rookie Wayne saying. This will be good experience for him.
As I arrive at the scene, I see a red 09 plate mondeo with a woman stood at her car door, and a badly damaged dark blue 08 plate focus on its side.
There isn't a single mark on the Mondeo but the focus could potentially be a write off.
I immediately walk over to the focus to see if there's anyone inside. I notice that it's empty, not a single person or item belonging to anyone. There's blood on the windscreen, the seat and the around the car door on the right side.
I walk over to the woman.
"Hi miss? Im officer Nolan, are you okay? Are you injured?" I ask her. "What's your name?"
"Hi, it's Amanda Griffins. Im perfectly fine. It's the woman driving that car you need to be worried about. She got out, she asked if i was okay. I explained that she saved my life as I was too busy on my phone so if she hadn't swerved it would be a very different situation right now." She's says shaken up.
"Thank you, I'm glad you're okay. Now do you know where she is? Her name? A description?" I ask as I check Amanda's details on my tablet.
"No idea. She said she had to go somewhere and left. I didn't get a name I'm sorry. She was petite, dark long brown hair, pale skin, big dark brown eyes, blue t shirt and black leggings. She didn't look well at all. I'm worried" she says.
"Thank you, its appreciated. It will help and we will find her" I say before getting interrupted by Officer Wayne walking over. "Officer Wayne please could you take a statement from Miss Griffins". I ask him.
"Of course sir" he replied.
I walk away slightly.
"Dispatch I've arrived on scene. An overturned dark blue focus, potentially written off. No driver no passenger. No items to indicate personal belongings. Can I have a vehicle check. Registration. LP08 XWD. And cancel the ambulance for now" i radio.
"7- Adam 65 vehicle is a rent a car. Was rented today a few hours ago. Vehicle previously stopped today by Officer Wayne as a potential DUI driver below under the allowance and was sent on there way. No record of a name"
"Thank you. Can we alert all officers to look for a young woman, petite, dark long brown hair, pale skin, big dark brown eyes, blue t shirt and black leggings in this area. Was involved in the RTC but has fled the scene. Could be injured somewhere." I radio.
I walk back over to Officer Wayne who has now finished the statement and Miss Griffins has left.

Tim's pov
"Angela did you hear that?" I ask panicking.
"Hear what Tim?" Angela says concerned.
"The message to dispatch from Nolan, he described... Lucy... you don't thinks" I say panicking. Something doesn't feel right. I hope it isn't but it sounds like her.
"Tim look it could be a coincidence or it could be her, she was wearing a dark grey top not a blue t shirt. Let's just stay alert. There's no point in panicking if it isn't her" Angela says trying to reassure me.
"It's Lucy, she isn't daft. She could have changed her top especially if she's bleeding like Elsie said." I say back.
"She would change her whole outfit if she was trying to hide. I mean she could have just changed her top but I don't know Tim. I really hope this isn't her" Angela says slightly worried now that she's thinking about it.
"I don't like this Ange."
"I know Tim. I know". 

Nolan's pov
"Wayne, do you recognise this vehicle that is overturned?" I ask him.
"Yes sir, I pulled the driver over for a potential DUI but she blew under the legal limit" he replied.
"Why did you not take any details of the driver? Her name?" I ask.
"I saw the documentation she had from the rent a car place. But I forgot to log her name" he says nervously.
"That is not even a rookie mistake. People in the academy know that it is one of the first things you do when approaching a vehicle that you have stopped. Now this woman could be injured somewhere." I reply annoyed at the fact this could have been avoided had he done his job correctly or if Smitty was supervising.
"I'm sorry sir" he says.
"If something has happened to her it won't be just me you're saying sorry. It will be the family too" i snap back at him. It was harsh but he needed to learn.
At this point Smitty had called for the tow truck company to come and take the vehicle but as I look around, I see something on the floor.
It's a small square white Polaroid. I put some gloves on, and I pick it up.  As I turn it over...

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