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"Whats your name?" Jack asks me. I don't respond. I know what they did to that person. It makes me sick. I thought I knew them.

"Whats your name?" Mark snapped. I look at Jack, to Mark, and to Wade. I sigh.

"Sophia." I mummer.

"What?" Mark snaps. I flinch slightly. He looked sympathetic, but didn't say a thing.

"She said Sophia, Jesus Christ Mark, lighten up bro." Wade snapped. I looked at my gun in the corner. They took it away from me, and I don't blame them. I was a stranger.

"There was a dead body tied to a tree. Did.... did you guys do that? I di-" Jack cut me off.

"No. No, we would never. We haven't seen another human besides you in awhile." Jack admitted. I let out a sigh of relief. Ok, they weren't killers. Thank you god. I loved these guys to death. But, I probably would be killed, or banned. They were alone, and probably didn't want me with them.

"So, how long have you been out there?" Wade asks.

"Alone, I was out about a year." I answered quickly. I felt stinging from my ankle, and clenched my teeth in pain. I was stupid. As I was walking through dirt and all that, it got infected. Shit. Ow....

"Oh, well, I presume your alone?" Jack asked. I nodded. He nodded, and looked at Mark and Wade. "How old are you?" All eyes were on me, and I shifted in awkwardness.

"Sixteen." I replied simply. I wanted to scream from the pain from my ankle. It hurt so much, oh god, I don't know how much longer.

"Ok.... so, let me take a look at that nasty thing, and Wade and Mark can discuss you staying with us- if that's what you want?" Jack looked at me with sensitive eyes.

"That'd be nice. Staying out there, alone.... it.. I can't describe how boring and pointless it was." I can't believe how calm I was being. I mean, three of my favorite YouTubers are in front of me, asking if I wanted to join their group. I never thought.... just wow.

"Ok. Follow me then." Jack got up, and started for the door. I followed, and realized I was limping. I tried to straighten out, but my ankle disagreed. Jesus, what the hell did I do to it? God, I think it's mainly from the cut, but still. It amazes me how that cut I got, from tripping on a frickin root, gets this bad.

We walked into the room that I walked in before, that had all the medical supplies. I looked down at the scratch, and saw dried blood all over my ankle, and a little bit above that. It was deep, but not too bad. It hurt so bad.

"You don't like talking much, do you?" Jack asks me, slightly laughing. I smiled.

"Eh. Just not around strangers. Well, I mean, you guys don't know me, but I watched your channels all the time." I rambled. Jack smiled.

"Ey, so I got a fan?" He smirked.

"I guess so. And now, probably your number one fan." I smirked back.

"Sit on this." He motioned for a chair, and I sat. He lightly dabbed a wet washcloth over the blood. I clenched my teeth again, and held back a sob of pain. This hurt more than jumping from the tree.

"Was Mark always so.... mean in reality? Off the channel I mean." I asked. I hope no.

"No, not really. He's just.... hardened through this all. Became stronger. We all did. Sadly, ya know.... some people never change and.. well, if Mark weren't there for me, I'd probably end up dying." He chuckled, and put something on the washcloth.

"Oh.. yea, I guess I kinda did too. But, you'd probably survive." He smiled gratefully.

"This... is gonna hurt, like, a lot." He warned. I tensed, and prepared for the pain. I felt cold hit my ankle before the pain. I clenched my teeth, yet again, and flinched slightly. "Sorry." He said, and pressed it a little harder. The pain was intense, and I wanted to be doing anything besides this. "Done." He mummerd, and stood up. He walked over to get bandages.

"Do you think I'll be able to stay?" I questioned quietly.

"Are you worthy of staying?" He asked me, and wrapped up the cut. "Thank god you don't need stiches." He added, and set the extra bandages down. I felt the pain ease away. He looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Tell me about yourself." He said, sitting in a chair across from me. Then, he stood up instantly. "Oh shit, your probably hungry, huh?" He looked down at me. I nodded. "Ok, sit tight, I'll be right back." He said, and walked out the door. I shifted uncomfortably. Standing up, I looked around. This place looked safe, and comfortable.

I wandered over to the counter, and looked at the stuff on it. There was scissors, which I picked up. They were cool looking. I placed them back down, and sat back down in the chair.

A few moments later, Jack came in with sandwiches, and handed me one. It was peanut butter and jelly. I took a greedy bite, and swallowed, savoring the delicious taste. It's been so long since my last meal that wasn't in a can.

"You like?" Jack chuckled.

"Yes." I responded. Jack smiled, and ate his. I was actually full, probably the first time since this thing started. "Hey Jack, I wanted to say, when I was down, I watched your videos, and they helped me. I just wanted to tell you that." I mumbled.

"Well, I always like helping out people." He winked. "So, were you born in L.A.?" He continued.

"No. I was here to go to PAX East. But then shit hit the fan and.... Yeap." I smiled at him. He was actually listening. He nodded, and asked,

"So, how'd you end up here?"

"Well, I had to run from my shelter, because a bunch of the dead one's where coming, and I climbed a tree to sleep in. I saw this building, and I needed food badly... so, yea." I finished.

"Well, how'd you get that?" He pointed at my ankle. I sighed. Dang it, now he's gonna see how stupid I am.

"I was running, and tripped on a root. I'm assuming there was a sharp part on it, and I got cut, apparently very badly." I looked away, and then back at him. His green hair was fading. Awe... I loved his green hair.

"Ow." He remarked, and I giggled. I think we'd be good friends.

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