Twenty Four

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"Shh.. Sean, it's ok.." I told him gently. He nodded, but gripped my torso tighter.

"I don't want her mad at me... I hate when people are mad at me.." he sniffed, tears falling onto my shoulder. I chuckled.

"Oh, Jack, she's not mad at you.. just, go out there.." I told him, pulling away. He shrugged.

"I'll be back.." he says. I nodded.

Jacks POV

I walked out, arms crossed, and head down. Tears were blurring my vision as I walked. I didn't know why I was so damn upset, but I guess I was just unhappy she was mad at me.

"Hey.." I say, sitting down by her. She nods, and looks away. I felt more tears well up.

I hugged her. What if she hadn't woke up? What if she had lost her memory or something like that?

"Jack.." she mummerd, and hugged me back. She could be dead right now. That's what sent me over the edge.

"You're never going to get hurt again, because I'm never letting you out from my sight." I told her. She giggled, and rubbed my back gently.

"I'll try to not get hurt." She replied.


After what seemed like forever, we had stopped. We had stopped at a little store by the road. Mark went in alone, and came out to tell us it was safe.

It looked as if nobody had been in it since shit went down.

It was pretty damn small, though. But, there was food lined on the shelves, so that was good.

And there was water. Probably warm, but water.

Not to mention, over the counter medicine.

We were lucky.

But, none of us were happy. And it showed greatly as we ate. Nobody spoke.

We knew we had to go back for everyone. And, as much as I wanted to, I finally understood why Mark didn't want to go back. One person alone almost killed Sophia.

And a whole group on us? That's hard as shit.

But, then, the group would be bigger. We'd be able to fight much better. And we'd have more talking to do.

But. But there's more mouths to feed. More ammo. More deaths to live through. And that's even if me and Mark made it back.

Oh, fucking shit I'm letting Sophia go with us. I didn't want her anywhere near danger.

In fact, I should go. Alone. Tonight. Their people are gone, and won't be excepting it. I smiled at the thought.

"We should stay here for awhile." Mark says, and Sophia nods.

"Yea." I agreed, and looked at Rob's body, which was laying on the carpeted floor. Soon enough, we all went to bed. I offered to stay guard.

So, hours after I hoped they fell asleep, I had walked to the place.

The fence surrounding it was easy to climb, but I slipped and fell over the edge, landing on the other side. I bit my lip, and looked around. Nobody was coming. I ran a hand through my now yellow hair, and walked forward, my gun with the silencer in front of my flushed face.

I reached the door, and pressed my ear against it. I heard no voices, so I opened it slightly. It made no noise, to my relief.

I saw a person standing by a door. He turned his head, and saw me. I pointed my gun at his head. I shot, and ran up to catch his body, so it didn't make any sound. I carefully placed his body on the cold, concrete ground, and listened at the door he had been guarding. There wasn't any noise.

I cracked open the door, and saw three beds. People laid in them. I opened the door as wide as I needed to fit in, and closed it. I walked up to the body on my left.

It was a woman. She had brown hair, but it was blonde at the end. I brought the silenced gun to her head, and shot. Blood splattered on me, and I cringed.

I then moved on, and repeated the process of killing them to the last two. If I could take out their whole group before finding the others....

I shake the thought away, and walked into the hallway.

I walked until I found a door. Around the handle was a key chain with one key. I used the key to open it, and looked inside through the tiny crack. I saw a body on the floor. The body belonged to a Swedish friend of mine. My eyes scanned the rest of the room, and saw Nathan Sharp, Matthew Patrick, two others I knew. I think their names are Matt and Ryan? I'm not sure, but I know their Marks friends.

I shook Felix's shoulder, and his eyes opened. I covered his mouth until he realized it was me.

Soon enough, me, Felix, Nate, Mat, Matt, and Ryan were walking back.

I did this myself.

Would Mark be happy, or mad?

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