Sixty Nine

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Rob's POV

"Were is she?" Jack yelled, throwing the cup down. I sighed, and rubbed the hair on my face.

"Jack, we're not going after her. Mark's got it-"

"Fuck Mark!" He screamed, grabbing my shirt and slamming me against the wall. "Where the fuck is she? Tell me now, or I swear I'm going to slit your goddamn throat, understand?" I swallowed.

"Jack, please-"

"Where the hell is she?" He demanded, grabbing his knife and brought it to my throat. My eyes widened. He was serious. "Fucking tell me!"

"Negan!" I yelled. "She's with Negan. She went after Dan. Mark saw her leave, and went after her. And then told me to watch the place while he was gone. He grabbed guns and left," I say, closing my eyes. He let me go, and started to walk away. "Jack, she didn't want you to go with her for a reason."

"What's that reason?" He snaps. "My wife is in danger. There is no reason that I shouldn't go after her."

"Mark knows what he's doing. She obviously doesn't want you in danger, Jack. She wants to come back to you. And you can't be mad when she comes back."

He bit his lip, and shook his head.

"Don't tell anyone where I'm going. I swear, Rob, I'll kill you."

"Jack, w-why have you become so fucking.. cold?" I snapped. He looked at me.

"Because my wife's in danger, and could die any second. The mother of my child." I nodded.

"Let me come with you, Jack. We'll find them together." He sighs.

"Fine." He retorted, and started out the door.


Sophia's POV

"Hit his head."

"I know.." I mummerd, my finger on the trigger. I aimed again. Negan's head was in view. I sucked in air, and shot.

People screamed as he dropped.

"Shit!" I yelled. I missed him. I hit his shoulder.

I felt someone tug me back.

"Jack?" I said, looking up into blue eyes. He looked at Rob, and nodded.

Rob pulled a shotgun up, and aimed.

"What are you doing here?"

"Saving you and Dan."

"No. Rob, move, I need to take the shot," I sat, shoving him aside.

I aimed the gun, and shot at Negan's head. And missed.

I felt instant pain in my shoulder, and my side.

I screamed, and fell into Rob's arms. He pulled me aside, and aimed his gun, shooting random people.

"Ow fucking damn it!" I screamed, taking my sweatshirt off.

"Come here," Mark says, and moved my arm up. He started to wrap my sweatshirt around my shoulder. He took off his own shirt, and held it around my waist.

My vision started to get blurry. Blackness was overtaking me.

"Lemme see her," Jack says.

"We need to go.." Rob says. "I killed them all. Negan escaped, and will get more people, we need to leave."

"Ok.. come on, baby, I got ya.." Jack cooes, picking me up bridal style. I whimpered as his hand brushed over one of the gunshot wounds.

And blackness washed over my vision completely, making me go limp in Jacks arms.


I woke up, a burning feeling in my stomach. I gasped, and turned to my side.

"Hi..." someone said, grabbing my hand. I opened my eyes. I was in my room.

"Jack?" I whispered. He nods, kissing the top of my head.

"Yea, it's me.."

Jack's POV

"What happened after I passed out?" I froze.

"Nothing. We took you home, and everyone's ok," I lied. I couldn't tell her that Mark and Rob got shot, or that Dan was pretty much dead. That would break her.

"Don't lie to me, Jacky." I sighed. "What happened?"

"Mark and Rob are shot... and Dan's pretty much knocking at deaths door.." I watched her look down.

"Oh.." she says, looking down. I sighed.

"Mark.. he's been frantic to see you. He feels bad he let you get shot.."

She looked up, and wiped her eyes.

"I fucked up... because of me, Dan's dead, and Mark and Rob are shot."

"Dan's not dead.." I said, and laid next to her. "Baby, it's not your fault...."

"It is, Jack," she burst out, and hugging me tightly. "I should have convinced Dan to stay... I never should have left.. I let Mark and Rob get sho-"

"No you didn't," I heard a voice say. I turned to see Mark in the doorway. "I chose to go after you. Don't blame yourself, ok?" I nodded in agreement.

"Marks right. Now, do you want to sleep?" She nodded.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now