Fifty Five

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Jacks POV

I felt myself hiccup, and covered my mouth. How could I have been so stupid and leave her alone?

I clenched my jaw, and stood up.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for every time I yelled at you. I'm sorry for letting you do this. I'm sorry for dragging you here. I'm sorry for everything," I say, more tears running down my face. "But I'm not sorry for what I'm going to do," I add, and walk out the door.

After a few minutes of walking, I came across where Gareth had been. I stomped in, and grabbed four knives, shoving them in my pocket.

"You bitch," I snapped, grabbing his arm harshly, and pulling him to his feet. "Let's fucking go."

I dragged him to the part nobody tended to go. He looked up at me, and had the most angry face I've ever seen. He still had ducktape around his mouth and hands.

I brought out my knife, and quickly stabbed him in the stomach. Behind the ducktape, a gasp escaped. His eyes widened, and he looked down at himself. Blood was already coming out, and falling onto the cement below.

I smirked, and drug it across, seeing his physical guts basically pour out.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, and dragged the knife the other way. He was screaming behind the tape, but it was muffled. I was thankful for that.

I then roughly dragged him over to the wall. Tears streaked down his red face, and he was trying to get away.

"Man, you got guts," I joked, and pushed him through the door, away from safety. "Even if you get away, you won't make it," I added. He struggled against my arms, but I only laughed.

I let off a few gunshots into the air, hopefully attracting rotters, then took out the knives. It was a miracle he was still struggling. I grabbed his arms, pinning them above his head.

I stabbed the knife through his wrists in one swift movement. A screech escapes his mouth, and he struggled, more tears flying down his face.

I pushed his ankles together, and stabbed right next to the bone.

I saw an upcoming rotter, and shot it's chest. It turned our way, and started over.

I grabbed it, and shoved it onto Gareth.

He screamed over and over as the rotter enjoyed a feast.

And that's when it hit me. I was killing him.

And it feels good.


Marks POV

I threw the cup across the room, and heard it shatter.

"God fucking damn!" I screamed, and raced up the stairs. I stuffed my face in my pillow, and let tears run down my face. "Damn every thing to fucking hell!"

I heard footsteps following me.

"Mark?" Sarah's voice calls softly.

"Go away.." I mummerd, pulling the covers around myself.

"Mark, it's not your fau-"

"I fucking left her alone! Of fucking course it's my fault!" I screamed at her. "I fucking failed! I fucked up! I fucking left her alone even though she obviously wasn't ok! It's my goddamn fault!" I screamed, throwing my pillow against the wall. She walked over, and rested her hand against my back.

"It's not your fault. And she's going to be ok.. I know she will. And after this, she's going to see how she would have left you, and never to it again.."

"Who's to say that?" I sniffed looking up. "I knew she wasn't ok. Jack took her knife, but obviously I couldn't fucking save her. She even told me she was going to take a shower, and I didn't make the connection!"

"Mark!" She slapped my cheek, and looked down firmly. "It's not your fault. And I'm going to help her get better. So are you. And Jack." I nodded, and hugged her tightly.

"I think that was the reality check I needed.." I mummerd. She nods, hugging back.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now