Twenty One

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The blood on my shirt seemed dry, but new blood was tossed on. The pain was still intense, and hurt like a fucking bitch. I felt really weak.

"We need to le-" Jack ran in, and stopped talking once he saw Wade. I was currently sitting on the floor, head in knees, personally terrified. If Mark hadn't came in.... I didn't even wanna think about it.

"Jack, I need you to find the medical stuff now." Mark says, looking up with tears in his eyes. Jack walked over to me, completely ignoring Mark. He forced my head up, and looked me straight in the eyes. Tears were already falling.

"What happened?" He asks. Then, his eyes narrowed, and he clenched his teeth. "Did Wade do that?" He cocked his head slightly. I was confused.

"D-do what?" I questioned. He pointed behind my ear, and I gasped. I instantly knew what he was talking about. Mark gulped, and looked away. "Y-yea.. Mark saved me.."

"I don't need you to lie for me." Mark snaps, and Jack looks at him oddly. "Its my fault. I fucking gave her a hickey, Jack. If I didn't, Wade woulda hurt her." He folded his arms, and shifted his weight onto one foot. Tears started falling against my will, and Jack pulled me closer.

Jack kissed the top of my head, and put a hand onto my back.

"Mark." He took a deep breath. "I.." he looked down.

"Jack, don't get mad at him.. he saved my life. I can't even imagine what Wade woulda done to me." I said, looking up into his bright, energetic, blue eyes. He looked down, and sighed.

"I'm gonna go get the medical stuff, and then we have to leave." Mark says, and walks away.

"Did he do anything else? What happened?" He instantly asked, pulling away and looking at me.

"N-no. He didn't do anything else. He wouldn't want to hurt me. It was Wade. Wade wanted to.." Tears easily followed my words. He leaned in, and kissed me. I kissed back, and he pulled me closer again.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." He said, pulling away slightly.

"I know..." I say, and rest my head on his shoulder. My head felt dizzy. I started to feel light headed, and gripped his jacket tightly. "J-Jack.." I whimpered, almost completely silently. Right before much vision faded black, I heard,

"Sophia... I.. love you." I tried to say something.

"I lo..."

Marks POV

I watched as Sophia's eyes closed. Shit.... I ran in with the medical stuff, and looked at Jack.

"Let me look at her. She just passed out.." I said, and he looked up at me. He laid her down, and I pulled her shirt up. I winced at the sight.

"Shit.." Jack said. Looking at me, I saw tears in his blue eyes. "She's gonna be ok, right?" He asked, sadness edging his voice. I didn't answer. "Right?!" He yells. I gulped.

"Look, Jack, she's lost a lot of blood, and I don't have half the right stuff.." I trailed off. He let a few tears escape his eyes.

"What can I do to help?" He looks at me.

"Nothing.. but, we need to get out.." I looked at the door clear in view. "I'll do what I can, and we'll go." I decided, and open up the kit.

I started to wipe the blood away. I needed to stay calm. For her. For Jack. For-

"Shit! Go get Rob." I say. He just sits there. "Go!" I yell. He snaps his head up, and runs into the next room, returning quickly with Rob. "See if his heart is beating." I'm going to make sure I can make them live if I can. I'm tired of killing people.

I resisted the urge to look over at Wade.

"Yes." Was all he said. I let out a breath of relief.

"Wipe away the blood around Sophia. Then tell me if it looks like she may need stitches."

"B-but you said she probably wouldn't need them."

"What else would I tell her?" I snapped, and pulled up Robs shirt. It looked bad. He had passed out from blood loss awhile ago..

When I had wiped away most of the blood, I saw the raw, deep cut. I sucked in air, and reached for the string and needle. This would hurt if... no, when, he woke up.

I got the thread through the top of the needle, tied a knot, and lifted it to his skin. I took a deep breath, and stuck it into his skin, drops of blood falling onto his blood stained stomach. I stuck the needle into the other side, and pulled up, the skin pulling closer. Blood came out, and I gagged, and looked away.

"She doesn't.." he says. I nodded.

"Put a bandage in it." I say, looking over and approved of his decision. I looked back at Rob.

After awhile, I was finished. I rubbed away the blood, and ran into the next room. I instantly threw up, and wiped my mouth.

I grabbed all the food, stuffing it into a bag, and ran back out.

"Lets go." I say, and help Rob up. He pulled Sophia into his arms bridal style. "She'll be fine... but I don't know about Rob.." I trailed off.

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