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I opened my eyes. I already wanted to get those pills. But it hurt if I even moved.

"Jack?" I shook him. He looked up at me. "Can you help me to the bathroom?" He nods, and stands up. He helped me into the bathroom, and left the room.

"Just yell when you're done."

"Ok.." I said. When he left, I looked for the pills.

I found them, and filled up water. I took three, and sighed. I then took four ibuprofen. Fuck, everything stung.

I started to walk for the door. I felt my legs wanting to give away as I grabbed the handle.

I opened the door, and saw Jack. He rushed over, and helped me to bed.

I wrapped my arms around him, and sighed. He kissed the top of my head.

"Jack, I love you... I'm sorry I went.."

"I love you too, but you shouldn't be sorry. You thought it was right, and that's what's important. He may die, and that saves us a lot of shit."


Nate's POV

I sighed, rocking back and fourth.

Sarah smiled, and let me inside. There was lots of people already.

She was hosting a party to lighten everyone's moods. I think she was doing it to distract herself from Rob, but I couldn't be sure.

"Thanks," I say, and look around. If Mat was here... I shook my head, and walked over to where Amy was.

Mark and I made eye contact. He took one look, and dashed for the door. I walked after him.

"Mark!" I yelled once we were outside. He turned to face me. "Why did you stop talking to me? You avoid me at all cost, and I don't get why."

"It's my fault Mat died, Nate. You were there, you know that.." he says, looking up at me. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, Nate.. it's my fault..."

"No, it's not, Mark.." I said, walking forward, and wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back, and let out a sob. "And Mat would agree. He would have let himself die for another person.." he shrugged, and I hugged tighter. "I don't blame you at all, Mark. Nobody does, so stop blaming yourself."

"I can't... Negan was supposed to kill me, Nate. Not Mat.. and I couldn't handle the guilt.. I saw you walk into that party, and you already seemed lost. And that's my fault."

"It's my fault Felix died. We're even," I joked. He let out a laugh, and hugged me tighter. "By the way, sorry for stabbing you. I forgot to say that..."

"I forgot to tell Mat I was sorry..." He mumbled. I shrugged.

"Mat didn't blame you."

"Still doesn't hide what I did.."

"It does, Mark.. and he would feel horrible of he saw how much you're hurting.. Mat and Felix both..."

"Me and Felix had barley even gotten together when he... left... I miss him so damn much.."

"And I miss Mat, but I know what we hafta do. And that's to prepare for Negan's attack. Mark, you're the leader of us now. Phil is gone, and Dan, if he even wakes up, won't be in any condition to do anything."

"Can't Sophia or Jack be in charge?" He asked.

"I mean, they could, but I think you'd be better at it." He shrugged.

"Well, Nate, will you come with me to fill the guns up with ammo, and count them out for each person? The odds are Negan's coming tomorrow, and we need to be ready.."

"Alrighty, let's go," I say, and start walking to the infirmary.

For about an hour and a half, we put bullets in guns. We filled extra clips, just in case.

Then, out of nowhere, I heard someone yell,

"Negan's coming!"

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now