Thirty Three

159 5 6

Sophia's POV

I woke up to see a blinding light. Realizing I was outside, and it was the sun, I sat up and stretched. Some people where awake. Mark, Nate, Matt, and Felix. They were all sitting at a fire. None noticed me, so I sunk back down besides Jack.

Soon, I heard the truck engine start. Jack shot up, putting his hand on his chest. I sat up, and leaned onto the truck. He sighed once he realized what was going on, and flopped back down.

"Morning" I said, and felt the truck move. He yawned, and looked up.

"Ugh. I'm tired" he complained. I chuckled.

"Then sleep" I responded, and looked at Rob. He was gazing at some one. Someone I knew.

He was looking at Felix.

Ya know, we seemed to lucky. Besides looking Wade, that is. Nate living, Rob living, both now I'm pretty decent shape, we were lucky.

But I had a bad feeling. A horrible feeling that something was wrong. Or, something was going to go wrong.

I hoped that we'd all be ok. To be honest, I've grown close to everyone. Especially Jack, if ya know what I mean.

That's when Mark stopped the car, slamming the breaks. My head shot up, looking around. A woman stood there, looking kind of scared. Marks gun went up, his finger on the trigger.

"Are you alone?" He yells. She nods here head.

"Y-yes" she says, and grabbed her knife, clutching it closely to herself. I felt bad. She had a bunch of dirt, and probably felt terrified to see a group of guys and only one girl.

"Do you have a group?" Rob calls, and she looked up, slightly looking more relaxed.

"No.." Rob looked at Mark, who gave him a slight nod.

"I'm Mark. That's Rob, Nate, Mat, Matt, Ryan, Sophia, Jack, and Felix. We're traveling, if you'd like to join us" Mark says. Her face brighten.

I, personally was confused. Mark killed so many strangers, why let her live. But, she did look nice. Scared, but nice.

"You can hop in the back" he says. Her face reddend, but she smiled and nodded. I moved over, closer to Jack to allow her to sit by me.

She looked a little bit older then me, maybe by a few years. I actually didn't know how old I was at this point. Probably around sixteen or so by now. Seventeen possibly. This girl looked around twenty, or early thirties.

"So, what's your name?" Rob asks. She bit her lip gently.

"S-Sarah" she stammered. I smiled.

"Well, Mark already said my name, but I'm Sophia" I say, sticking my hand out. She smiled, and shook it.


I looked at Jack, a smile on my face. He smiled back, and kissed my cheek.

We were around the fire, eating dinner. Sarah had been kinda quiet, normally only talking when spoken to.

A few twigs snapped, making me jump up. Jack jumped up too, making sure to push me behind him.

"Hi, I'm Phil" A voice sounds. A British voice sounds.

"Are you going to come out?" Nate calls. Mat gripped him tighter, and buried his face in Nate's neck. They were cute together.

"Not until you put your guns down" Phil says. Mark hesitated, but took it down. Once everyone else had, a guy came out. Black hair, and really pale.

A few more guys and three girls came out.

"I'm Phil. That's Dan, Mathew, or his nicknames Mat and Matthias-" here's ANOTHER Mat "- Faith, Taylor, Claire, and Keith" he introduced.

"Are you the only ones in your group?" Felix asks. Dan shakes his head.

"No, we're looking for recruits, would you be interested in joining?"

"We just met you, tell us about this group" Jack says. He smiles.

He went into detail, even showing Mark a few pictures. Jack sat down, tugging me with him. He sighs, and yawns.

"I'm so tired" he groans, and grabs my hand. I laid my head on his shoulder, and tightened my grip on his hand.

"Me too" I replied, closing my eyes. He kissed my lips gently, then pulls away. He looked back at the fire, and I heard them get up.

"Alrighty. We stay the night here, then we'll go back with you guys" Mark says. Dan nods, and Mark looks around. "But uhh, we only have two tents set up. I mean, me Jack, Sarah, Nate, Mat and Sophia can sleep in the truck. We'll just have Matt, Ryan and Felix guard" he says. They nodded, and Jack pulled me to the truck.

"We'll sleep in the front" Jack tells everyone, and opened the car door. He jumped in, and I jumped in after.

He leaned against the door, his legs extending to the floor across from him. He pulled me into him, and sighed.

"Night" he yawned. I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

"Good night"


Ohhhhhh IrishHeartsYT

Didn't know if that was your real name was Sarah, if that was an OC buttttt we're gonna roll with it

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