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Holy shit. I haven't touched this book in awhile xD but, I've been working on a fan fiction. I'll put more about after the chapter ^·^


My eyes blinked open. I instantly looked around, and almost had a panic attack when I didn't see Jack or Hunter.

"Relax," I heard a British accent say. I looked over to see Phil holding Hunter. "Jack went out with Mark, and told me to tell you. I said I'd come up and see Hunter," he explained. I let out a breath of air.

"I had that dream again," I said, rubbing my temples. "And holy fucking hell. Phil, I hate this.." I looked down.

"Hey, you're ok, and so is Hunter.. and Jack.. nothing is gonna hurt them.." he says, sitting by me. "Look at his chubby cheeks. And his happy little smile.."


"Jack, I don't care, I'm going to get him," I snapped.

"No, I am. Stay here.." he says. I reluctantly sat down, and watched Jack run into our house.

He reapproached, carrying Hunter.

As soon as he was in arms length, walkers tackled him. The ripped his right cheek, and basically ate the rest of his face. I couldn't move as Hunter cried on and on as they ate his father, and even ate him. Then me.


"Phil, what if I fuck up? And something like that happens?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You won't," he says. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a quick hug.

"Jeez. I leave for an hour, and ya steal my girl and kid," I heard an Irish accent joke. I looked up, teary eyed at Jack. I felt happiness flood me, and I sprang up, wrapping my arms around him quickly. "What's wrong?"

I had only told Phil about my recurring nightmare. Jack, hadn't been told, because I didn't want to worry him.

"It's nothing.." I mummerd, hugging him tightly. Phil picked up Hunter, and walked for the door.

"I'll go feed him for ya guys.." he says. Jack nods, and looks down at me.

"What's the matter, love? I wanna know.."

"It's a fucking nightmare.. Jack, I keep having a recurring nightmare that you and Hunter.... get torn a-a-apart... and Hunters too young, so he sat in your arms, c-crying..." I trailed off, wiping tears away. "I wish the apocalypse never happened.. it's just one major fuck up..."

"So meeting me was a fuck up? Having Hunter was a fuck up? Marrying me was a fuck up? Meeting us all, and meeting Phil was a fuck up?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Jack, ya know what I meant..." I trailed off, resting my head close against his chest. "Not you guys.. but having the nightmares.. fearing every second we're all gonna die..." I looked up. "Those are fuck ups.."

"Sit down, and tell me the whole nightmare.." he tells me. I bit my lip.

"It's embarrassing.." I trailed off.

"No it's not.. just tell me.." I don't know. Let's see. We're in a store, and you fucked me on a couch.

"Well, we were on a run, and Mark was watching Hunter for us. We.. we.. we uhh.. well.. we.. had.. sex in the store-" I blurred my words together, and saw him grin,"- but we came back, and a herd broke in the walls. I wanted to get Hunter, but you didn't let me, and went yourself. You and Hunter came back, and got torn apart. I ended up dying too, but it wasn't as bad as that.." I watched his facial expression change.

"Oh... look, I promise we're not going anywhere.." he trailed off, kissing my lips gently. "I promise..." he pulls me into a hug. "But I do wanna do something.." he says.

"What?" I asked, seeing a smirk play on his lips.

"Have sex in a store," he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, and I laughed. I shook my head, and pulled him downstairs.

"Let's go see Hunter! I wanna take him in the pool!" I say. He nods.

"There's another barbecue today. It's conveniently at the pool," he chuckled, and looked at the clock. "About an hour from now," he says, and follows me down.


So that's the new book ^

The pic allllllll the way at the top.

And I'm loving writing it.

I'm like, on chapter fifteen.

And it's Fnaf. And Natewantstobattle. And Morganwant.

Get this!

It's actually Nate x Morgan!!!


*cues Frozen*

And yea! I've been busy with that book!

So, if you're actually bored enough to read one of my books, *I'm surprised you've reached this far in this cringe infested book* then I'd check this out!! Because A; It's the most updated book. Err like, the book I update the most?

I should really get an update schedule xD


Buh Bye!!!

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