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Sophia's POV

I heard a bunch of noise from the other room, and instantly felt scared.

I looked up, my eyes barley open. Was my life really going to end this way? Poor Jack.... I wanted it to end like this, but not if it hurt Jack in any way. I wasn't going to let the world get me like this. It wasn't fair. In this world, I don't get a choice. That pisses me the hell off.

I gripped my knife, and sat up. If I was one thing, it was strong. Not like those idiots who you see in TV, or in a book.

I clenched my teeth as I pushed myself out of bed. I sucked in air, and a lot of it, to keep my screams of sheer pain in. I forced my legs out of the bed, and doubled over, clutching my stomach. Blood trickled down, and onto my hands. I sucked in more air, and allowed myself to adjust to the new position.

After a few moments, I walked. Step by step, I became closer to the door leading into the room Jack and Mark were in. So close...

I gripped the door knob, and felt relief flood throughout my whole body.

But that moment of glory was stolen from me as arms yanked me back.

I gasped, and let out a high pitched screech as I hit the floor. Mark ran in, and gasped.

"What in gods fuck are you doing?!" He yelled, and ran over to me. I felt a hand go over my mouth, and one hand over my stab wound. I whimpered loudly, and Mark pulled up his gun. "Wade, let her go!" He screamed.

"W-Wade?" I managed to get out. He chuckled, and I heard metal. Something was placed on the side of my head.

"Mark, come on. You can't really be on their side." Wade scoffs, pulling me and himself to our feet.

"I'm not." He says, and lowers his gun. "These sleezos can't defend themselves for shit."

"Right?" Wade laughed. I locked eyes with Mark, tears blurring most of my vision. When I blinked them away, I felt something hot roll down my cheek. Another. My vision was blurry again. I blinked. More hot drips...... was I actually crying?

Wade faced me to him, and chuckled. He wiped my tears away, and sat me on the bed.

"Well, Markimoo. Who gets her first?" He asked. Mark smiled, and replied,

"Me, of course." He walked over, and sat in front of me, his back facing Wade. "Make it look like a struggle." He mummers lightly, and grabs my wrists. I gasped as he pushed them over my head, and leaned on me, forcing me on my back. He lifted himself off me lightly, probably avoiding my stab wound."Struggle." He snaps. I try and pry my hands free, but get nowhere.

"Man, she don't give up easily, does she?" Wade asks, chuckling. Mark laughed, and pushed his face into my neck.

"I'm not going to hurt you, just play along. I'm on your side." He tells me quickly and quietly.

Then I felt his lips touch my neck, and kiss down gently. I tried to kick my legs, but he put his knees on my thighs.

"Just stop fucking struggling." He says, louder then when he whispered. Wade giggled, and I saw him sit down. He moved his mouth onto behind my ear, and I gasped, arching my back away from his chest. A wave of pleasure took over my body as he lightly bit down. "Hmm. So you like that? Ill be sure to tell that to Jack." He whispers the last part, saying the rest loud enough for Wade to hear. I wanted to laughed, but I couldn't for two reasons. Wade, and the fact he bit down again.

I tried again to pry my hands away. Nope, that wasn't happening. Then, he brought one hand down, his fingers laced in mine. Then, he let go. He reached into his pocket, and pulled the gun out slowly so Wade wouldn't see or hear. He placed it in my hand, and whispered,

"Shoot him in the chest." He kissed a different spot on my neck, and my grasp on the gun tightened.

In one quick movement, I sprung it up, and shot. Mark instantly pulled away, and grabbed the gun from me.

Wade screamed bloody murder, and fell from the chair. Mark walked over, and before I hear another bullet, he says,

"Buh bye."

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz