Twenty Nine

151 7 16

A screech escapes my lips, and Jacks grasp tightened.

"We can lay down after this, and you can sleep, and rest, and the pain will eventually disappear" Jack whispered, kissing my behind my ear. "And, when you do get better, we can have fun. If ya know what I mean" he winks, and I smiled.

I felt the needle go through me again, and I screamed again, trying to thrash around, but got nowhere, provided Felix and Nate were holding me down. My smile vanished.

"L-last time" Mark tells me, and lines the needle up one more time. I felt the tears from my eyes flow slightly faster as the needle sunk in. I screamed into Jacks shoulder, and he cooed in my ear, trying to sooth me. When Mark pulled the string, I clenched my teeth, and watched him tie a makeshift knot. He picked up the same thing he put on last time, making me flinch badly. "Ok, you can let her go" Mark says, and rubs it in. He looks at me. "It hurt too badly?"

"Y-yes" I stammered, tears running down my face. He gave a fake smile, and reached for my hand.

"I just need you to walk a few paces" He tells me, and holds my arms. "Do you want me or Jack to help you? Or do you wanna walk on your own?"

"Y-you can help" I say. He nods, and stands me up. I had to bite my lip from screaming.

He grabbed my shirt from falling over that spot, and helped me walk. With every step I took, a burning pain flooded my whole stomach. If Mark wasn't holding me up, I'd have fallen over by now.

"Good enough. Jack, help her to your room. Don't carry her, because she needs to get used to walking. But, don't let her do to much physical movement for a few days, maybe a week. Which includes sex" Mark said, smirking at the last part. Jack laughed, and I would have, but knew it would cause pain.

"Ok, let's go" Jack says, helping me to our room. I felt his arms snake under mine, and help bring me into our room.

He laid me on the bed, and laid next to me. We we're laying so we were facing each other, his arm over me, but by my hips, missing the stiches, while one of my arms over his shoulders. My head was leaning on his other arm, and my other arm was behind me, holding his hand.

We stayed like that for a long time before he removed his arm from my hip, and grabbing the pill bottle.

"Here, I want you to take some" he says, handing me four, and a water bottle. After I took them, and he put the water bottle back down, his arm returned to it's original position.

"Jack, I love you" I said, yawning. It was morning, yet, now up wanted to sleep. He chuckled, and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too" he says cheekily, and pushes his face next to mine. "You wanna sleep? I wanna sleep. You should sleep. I'm sleeping" he rants, making me giggle, momentarily forgetting the pain in my side. I sloppily kissed his cheek, and closed my eyes.


Nate's POV

"Hey, we're-" I stopped talking as I walked in. They were so adorable..

"Hmm?" Jack's head pops up, his eyes a sleepy haze.

"We were going on a run, me and Mat, and wanted to see if you felt like coming" I offered. He shakes his head, and lays back down.

"Ok, see ya later then" I mummerd, and walked up to my adorable boyfriend. He looked cheery, and ready to go. I smiled, and hugged him suddenly. He hugged back.

"You ready?" He asks. I nodded.

And we set out.

We musta walked forever before hearing voices.

"Boy, you shut the fuck up" I heard a voice boom.

"Yea, yea, I hear ya" another snaps.

"What did I say? Shut the fuck up!"

"Yea, I heard YOU LOUD AND CLEAR" a familiar voice yells. Mat freezes.

"Its Kyle" he whispered, grabbing my hand. I nodded, and kissed him reassuringly.

Kyle deserved to die. He was a prick. He hurt Mathew, so many times. Mat never did anything wrong, and he would... I don't even wanna get into it. It's horrible.

"Look, we'll kill them. Obviously Kyle is with Darryn, we can take them down" I mummerd, lifting my gun up. He nods, and I motioned for him to walk behind me.

A tuft of red hair came in view, and I aimed.

Bam! Darryn went down. Kyle flung his gun up, aiming around him.

"Get out!" He screeched. "Show yourself!"

"Mother fucker!" I screamed, and shot him. Not in the head, Mat got to do that.

He dropped his gun, and we ran out. Mat kicked it away from his reach, and aimed his gun.

"You sick basterd!" He yelled, kicking Kyle's side. I watched as Mat went on a rant, tears even spilling at memories.

That's when I saw him reach for his gun. Another gun he had.

And, before I could react, I was on my knees. Something was wrong. I couldn't move, and my breath wasn't coming very well. Every thing was silent, even Mat's shot at his head.

Mat waved his hand in front of my face.

"Nate!" I could barely hear him, though, it looked like he was screaming.

I looked down, and saw something. My chest. My ripped shirt. My chest had a hole.

My chest had a gun shot.

Something bubbled at my mouth, but I couldn't wipe it away. Mat did that, and even started to cry.

That's when I realized something.

I was about to die.

"Mat" I tried to say. "I love y-you"

But, I'm not sure if I actually said it, or that blackness took me first.





Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now