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"You haven't seen Hunter in days."

"I don't care."

"I do. He's your son."

"And Marks your friend, but I don't see you going over there."

"Jack.. I don't want to see him when he's like that.."


"Because it just brings my head closer to the fact he might die any second."

"That's fucking bullshit."

"So is you leaving me to handle Hunter alone."

"You seem pretty good at it."

"I would like help."

"So get it, Lord knows you need it. And not just for taking care of Hunter." I felt taken aback. My eyes started to water as I gripped the sleeping child in my arms tighter.

"Fine. Go fuck yourself, you selfish prick," I snapped, walking out of the room. I grabbed some of the milk bottles from the fridge, and stuffed them in my bag, along with clothes for him, and diapers.

I instantly headed for Rob and Sarah's house. I didn't really want to head for Nate's house yet. I didn't want to see him.

I knocked on the door, and heard footsteps my way. I turned around to see Jack walking over. I flipped him off, and saw Rob open the door. I burst in, and slammed the door shut. He looked at me, confused.

"I need a place to stay... could I stay here?" I asked. He nodded, and stepped away from the door.

"What happened?" He asked, and I heard knocking.

"Oh, Jack's just being a bitch," I say, yelling so Jack could hear me.

"Ok.. Sarah's upstairs, if you wanna go talk to her. Imma let him in," Rob says. I nodded, and jogged upstairs.

"Don't let him up here," I said, and walked around. I walked into Sarah's room. She was laying on her side, facing away from me. I knocked on her door.

By now, Hunter was awake, and broke in tears.

"Hey," Sarah says, sitting up. I sat by her.

"I'm gonna crash here for a bit. Jack's being a jackass," I said. "Pun intended."

"Haha... well, you can stay here... can I talk to you about something? And you won't tell?" I nodded, and took out a bottle, and held it to his lips. He wrapped his lips around it. "I'm pregnant.." my head instantly shot up.

"Really?" I gasped, almost letting go of the bottle. She nods. "Am I happy..? Or am I upset?" I asked.

"Happy!" She says, cheerfulness completely obvious. I hugged her, smiling.

"It's probably the most painful thing you'll go through, but it's worth it," I say, and kiss the top of Hunter's head.

I heard a knock, and saw Rob.

"I tried," he shrugged, and I saw Jack walk in, head down. I looked at Hunter, and tilted the bottle.

"Hey, uh, Sarah, I uh, need you to come with me. We could cook them dinner," Rob says. Sarah nods, and gets up.

After she goes, Jack looks up at me.

"I'm really sorry... I was being a dick." He says, sitting by me. I looked up at him. I wanted to be mad. I wanted to yell at him. I just... couldn't.. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders. "You can't stay mad at me forever.."

"Who says that?"

"Me," he says. I looked back up at him, and saw he had tears in his eyes.

"You're crying?" I asked, setting Hunter down by me. He let out a soft chuckle, and looked down.

"Well, you're pissed at me, I love you to death, and this is my fault," he says. I kissed his cheek gently.

"Well, yea. But I do need to get it through my head that Mark's your best friend, and you need to get used to the fact he might not be ok.." I told him. He shrugs, and hugged me.

"Forgive me?" He asks. I nodded.

"Yea..I forgive ya.." I say.

"Told ya you can't stay mad forever," he chuckled, and kissed my lips. I smiled, and pulled away.

"Ok, let's go home."

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now