
426 18 14

Hey. Went out to look for food. Stay here, I'll be back soon. Feel free to play any games there are on the computer. 


I read the note slowly, and look at the table. There were eggs and sausage. I missed bacon. I used to take it for granted, ya know? Like, when you have those four pieces, and you eat them carelessly, but you get to the last one, and it's like "where did all my bacon go?".

How had he made the food, anyways? Well, this is an office.. I assume they had a break room. I would want one, or else the job would seem boring, let alone it probably was.

I started eating, savoring the delicious taste. I loved eggs. And sausage. I wish there were waffles.... but, I got what I got. Food is food. If Jack said he made a run to get more food, we must be low.

I heard a loud bang come from outside. I spun around to see a walker pounding on the glass. Great.

I was to lazy right now. I'd kill it later. Right now, I wanted this to feel like a normal Sunday. Playing video games.

I walked over to the running computer, and sat in the spinning chair. This was a cool setup they had. I logged out of Marks channel, and logged into mine. I saw the stupid videos I put up about a year or two ago. When everythang was ok.

I pressed the button to start recording. The camera had me appear in the square in the left hand side. I blinked in surprise.. blood stained my face, lined with dirt. I had several scratches here and there.

"Hey guys! Those of you out there. Which is nobody.. I just... decided to come back on!! I'm here with Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. Well, Mark.. he's kinda gone, and Jack's out on a run at the moment. We have power! I'm so excited to start playing games again. No views, but hell, I don't care.

"So, let's see what they have!" I yelled, looking through the home screen carefully. MineCraft... "MineCraft!" I said, and clicked on it.

I saw about eighteen different worlds. I looked through them all. The one at the top had the name 'Important Files'. I cocked my head, and pressed it.

I spawned in a house. Signs were everywhere. I didn't read any, but walked around. There was a ladder. I made Steve climb it.

At the top, it held more signs. I started to read.

Jacks been bugging me to play Undertale. I don't care enough to right now.

A girl joined us. Her names Harmony.

Harmony and I have a fling going on now. I really like her.

Harmony's so beautiful.

She's pregnant. Harmony is pregnant.

It's been two months. She's getting big.

I fucking love her.

Jack almost died. A herd.

It's been seven months.... I think...

This... Harmony's dead... so's the kid..

Harmony tried to kill me.. she didn't. Jack killed her first.

We found a little girl. She was 11. Her name was Hazel.

I killed Hazel. I shot her.

There was a man. He seemed 24. I killed him. Gunshot.

Was looking for supplies.. saw a group of people. 6 or 7

Killed them all w my machine gun. Easy.

Got supplies from them.

I've been on a killing spree lately. Zombies... there fun to kill.

People too.

A new girl joined our group, but i can't bear to kill her.

Jacks all for her staying. I didn't agree at first. I do now.

Jack likes her, I can tell.

My mouth formed an O shape. Mark killed people... more than one. And.. I went back downstairs.

I didn't want to... I... I killed her...

Bob didn't help w laundry, the basterd.

Felix tried fighting two zombies. He won't do it again. xD

The rest was boring. Obviously this was old.

I closed out of MineCraft. I closed out of my account. I slammed the computer shut.

I went to kill the zombie outside. It was gone... ok...

I sighed, still shaken by what I read, and headed back to the computer. I started watching Jack play Undertale.

Soon, about four episodes in, I heard a knock from the door. I ran over and looked through. Nobody was there. I opened it, and saw a package on the ground. I froze... what the actual fucking hell? I grabbed it, and slammed the door shut in one quick movement.

I ripped it open. A few pictures were inside. My breath hitched. The first one was of last night, me and Jack talking.

The next was me eating breakfast this morning.

Next was me looking at MineCraft. And the next was me what thing Jack. I swallowed, and picked up the letter on the bottom.

Always watching.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now