Twenty Five

175 11 1

Felix's POV

"Wakey wakey." I cooed at Mark, shaking him lightly. He groaned.

"Jack, leave me alone. I'm tired." He mummerd. I chuckled, and looked at the others behind me. Sean looked nervous.

"Ya fuck, wrong accent." I laughed as he shot up, and stared at us, mouth wide open. He rubbed his eyes, and blinked a few times.


"That'd be me, bro!" I yelled. He screamed, and hugged me. I giggled, hugging him back. Then, he pulled away, and hugged Ryan. Then Matt. Then Mat. Then Nate. It was a cute reunion, I'll give it that. Mark even ended up crying.

Jack was by the little girl, Sophia I believe her name was.

If I had a kid, it's name would be Bengt. Don't ask why, there's too much to explain.

"So, what do we do?" Jack asks, crossing his arms.

"We get the fuck outta here." Mark says. "Those people are gonna be after us like no tomorrow." He adds, and looked around. "There's some camping gear, grab that." He says.

"There's so much food, how do we fit it all in bags?" Sophia asks. Mark looks at the ten tent bags that lined the wall.

"There's a lot of us, so we'll take two tents. We'll use the bags off the other ones to carry food, medicine, and everything else." He says.

I walked up, and took two tents down.

"We'll keep these." I say, tossing them carelessly on the ground. "Start filling these bags." I say, and throw tents down. They nodded.

I unzipped the bag, and removed the tent.

"These are small, are you sure we won't need three?" I questioned Mark. He looks up.

"I guess." He shrugs. "We won't need eight bags anyways." He adds, and throws his tent onto the other two.

I started to fill up the bag. I added all the Slim Jim's, energy bars, Cheese Its, and other shit, until it was full.

Then, I grabbed another bag, and placed all the medicine, water, Gatorade, seven up, and whatever else pop there was.

"Ready?" Mark asked once everyone placed the bags in front of them. My second bag was filled about half way, and so was Mat's first. I took his shit, and added it to my shit.

"Yeap." I say, and swing a bag on each shoulder. "Mark, you carry two of the tents. Sophia, you carry the other one, and Matts bag. Matt, you'll be the one with the gun, to keep us protected. Ryan, you'll help Matt, and Mathew will carry his own bag. "Jack, you help with Robert." I say, and head for the door. "And that covers it. Let's go."

And we started to walk. And walk. And walk.

We walked until a truck came in sight. I signaled for Matt and Ryan to check it out. They nod, and walked around it.

The thing was, there was only three front seats. So, the rest would sit in the back with the bags. But, that's counting if there's gas, which there may or may not be.

I heard it start, and felt relieved as Matt called out to us, saying it was ok.

We all jumped in the back, with the exclusion of putting Rob in the front.  

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