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"Dose anyone know... anything?" Wade asks. I look at Mark, who looks down.

Nobody said a word.

Jacks rubbing my back, still thinking I'm sick.

But honestly, I am.

My gut wrenches every now and then.

A chill goes through me every now and then.

My arms and legs feel weak.

My head feels light.

But somehow, Jack makes me feel a little better, thank god.

"I..." I slightly mummerd. I don't want to lie.

The itchy feeling it gave me was horrid. Every time I look at Jack's innocent face, I realize I can't keep lying to him.

Wade turns his attention towards me.


"I killed him." My guilt was free.

Everyone gasped, including Mark.

"Why?" Robert asks. I look down.

"Why?" Wade says, looking angry. Jack pulls away from me, and I knew I've screwed up.

"I- I-" I couldn't think of anything.

"Fun and fucking games?! You fucking killed an innocent man!" Wade stomped over, and grabbed my arm, tugging me away from the comfortable floor.

Bile fills my mouth, but I swallow it. I felt really sick again.

"Come on." He drags me away, and Mark runs after. So does Rob, leaving Jack behind. He looked stunned, and terrified.

"Wade!" Mark screams at him, grabbing for my other arm.

Wade shoves me inside a closet, and slams close the door. I hear, and see the lock, well, lock. The area was cramped, and I could hear argument. I shivered at the coldness.

"You're right, Wade. We should lock her in there." I hear Mark say. I look around, feeling betrayed.

I fucking did it for him. To keep HIS secrets safe.

This was Marks fault.

All I could see was a bar that supposedly holds clothes.

I look closer, and see on jacket is hanging on the end. I greedily snatch it up, and slip it on.

"Mark, you're right." Robert agrees. I freeze.

Of all the people...?


That's all I feel. Tears. Tears are dripping down my cheeks, like I just did the ice bucket challenge.

I shouldn't have left my camp. It was safe.

Coming here was a horrible mistake. Now, I was going to die.

I slipped down so my head was in my knees. The warm coat built up some heat, which felt good.

There was no space for me to spread my legs out, so I slept how I was, but moved the coat so it was over me.

Trust me, this coat was large.


"Get up." I hear a voice sound above me. I look up into Robert's face.

I shrink back as he steps closer. He closes the closet, and I stand up.

"I'm not here to hurt you." He whispered. I still back into the farthest corner. "I brought you food. Don't tell Wade or Mark, alright? I'm on you're side, but they can't know that. Trust me. Or else they wouldn't let me... guard you? I don't believe you did it because you... wanted to? If that makes sense........ what did happen?" He hands me a plate, and I hold it.

"He found out secrets I can't let anyone know. And, other stuff."

"Other stuff?"

"He told.. me to break up with Jack... and I had to do whatever he said. Or he'd tell everyone the secrets... their not about me, though."

He suddenly hugged me.

"Thanks." I say, hugging back. He chuckles, and goes for the door.

"I'll be back." He says, and faces me again.

His breath goes deep, and he exhaled for a moment.

"I promise I won't let them hurt you. I promise."

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now