Thirty Six

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As soon as my lips brushed against his, I knew it was right. That moment, I wanted to scream because I was so happy.

"I love you so much, Sophie..." he whispered as he slightly pulled away from the official kiss that made us fully together.

I heard people cheer, and faced them with Jack. Our hands connected, and he pulled me closer.

"Ya know what we've done for you guys?" Gale says, having us turn his way. "Mark will be your personal servant for a whole week. We have closed the pool area off just for you both, and we have a house you can stay in," he says, and I beamed, looking at Jack.

"I love you so much, Jack," I tell him.

"I love you too," he replies, and kissed me again.

"Mark, you can lead them to the house," Gale says, and Mark nods.

As Mark led us out from the place, Phil stopped us.

"Congratulations!" He says. I smiled.

"Thanks, Phil," I say, and hurriedly followed Mark and Jack.

-- (The next day)

"Mmm.." Jack hummed, twirling my hair in his fingers. "Mark will be over in a few minutes, what do you say we go swimming?" He says. I nodded, and jumped out from the bed.

"It's wired. I thought that the apocalypse was going to be all about death and zombies, but then here's us now," I say, and throw on my swimsuit. He giggled, and put his swim trunks on.

We both ran out, taking our rings off by the chairs, and jumped in.

I looked at him underwater, and pushed him away. He surfaced from the ten foot deep pool, dragging me up too.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked. I nodded. He looked up for a moment. "How.. about... we race? I mean, I know I'll win-"

"Oh, you wish," I say, smiling.

We lined up, and Jack counted down.

"Go!" He yells, and I pushed off the side. I put one arm in front of the other, and freehanded it. Jack reached the end seconds before me. He had a smirk on his face.

"Don't even say it," I say, and his smirk grows.

"Ok, I won't," He says, and looks at me for a second. "How about when Mark gets here, we can play Marco Polo?"

"Ok," I beamed, and dunked him underwater. He struggled beneath me for a few seconds, before I let him go.

He surfaced, and wasted no time to bring us both under. I opened my eyes, and saw him. Yellow floof, and blue eyes. I smiled, and swam up, until my head was out of the water.

"Hmmm. Wanna see who can hold their breath the longest?" He asks. I smiled.


"Three, two, one, go!" And we both went under. I opened my eyes, and Jack did too.

After awhile, I couldn't hold my breath any more. But, I tried, and bit my lip. Jack's eyes widened, and surfaced.

"Holy shite," he says two seconds after I get up.

"I thought I'd fail," I admitted, slightly laughing.

"Well, you didn't," he said in fake anger.

That's when Mark came through the door, and saw us talking.

"Hey, Mark! Jump in!" Jack called. Mark smiled, and disappeared inside. He returned moments later without a shirt, and just shorts.

"Watch out below!" He yells, jumping in.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now