Fifty One

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I tapped Hunter's arm lightly, bouncing him against my knee. His lips bent up in a smile, a giggle escaping his tiny mouth.

"Hi there baby.." I cooed, kissing his nose. His smile kinda faltered, but it returned.

"Well hey to you too, baby," Jack smiled, sitting by me.

"I wasn't taking to you, you selfish prick," I joked playfully, and kissed his cheek. "But we're about to take Hunty over here in the water," I say, looking back at Hunter.

"Hunty?" He giggled, and reached for him. "I like it," he adds.

"Nope. I'm bringing him in the pool. You can have him in a few minutes," I tell him, standing on my feet again. He rolled his eyes, and walked with me over to the pool.

"I love ya both," he smiles, and kissed my head. I smiled, and sat down on the edge of the pool. This part wasn't too deep, maybe three feet deep.

I slid in, dipped about half of Hunters body in. His face instantly cheered up again, and he let out a happy cry. He stuffed his fingers into his mouth, giggling. I giggled, and looked at Jack. He was sliding into the pool slowly.

"Look, daddy's scared of water," I pointed at him, laughing. Jack rolled his eyes, and splashed me. I held Hunter closer. "You bitch," I snapped jokingly.

"That's perfect language for our son to learn," he says, walking closer to us. I rolled my eyes.

"Good, I'll just show him your little YouTube channel," I replied, kissing the top of Jacks head. He rolled his eyes, and flipped me off. "Love ya too!" I cheered, looking around.

Nate and Mat were getting into the pool, and Mark was grilling again, but with Felix.

Rob and Sarah were talking to Felix and Mark.

"So, you plan on hogging Hunter to yourself the whole time?" Jack asks, reaching for the chubby kid. I nodded, and hugged him tighter. Jack smiled, and pried him away. "He's my kid too, ya jerk," he laughs, and kisses my cheek. I rolled my eyes.

Hunter laid his head on Jack's bare chest, closing his eyes.

"Awe... he's so fucking adorable," I mummerd, looking at Jack. "He's got your eyes, Jackaboy. It's so cute. And his crawling is adorable. Have you seen him crawl? I mean, my goddamn Jesus Christ-"

"Oh my god. If you aren't holding him, you're talking about him," he chuckled, kissing my lips. I nodded, and hugged him.

"Yeap." I nodded again, and kissed Hunter's head. Jack rolled his eyes, and looked at Nate.

"Oh hey, happy birthday!" He yells, and waved Nate over. Nate smiled, and walked over. "How old are ya now? Forty five? Sixty?" He joked.

"I'm twenty eight," Nate laughed, and looked at me.

"Happy birthday," I chuckled, and gave him a hug. "Ya know, I saw this one tweet where you thought Jack was twenty eight, and I started laughing," I told them, and earned a laugh from Jack.

"I remember that. And I remember the one song Nate had me in. Enjoy the show. That was a good song," Jack says. I nodded.

"Eh. Personally my favorite song that I made was part of my new album I didn't release. It was Live Long Enough to be the Hero."

"Right now that's real convenient," I chuckled. "You should play it, and we could slay the walkers by the wall."

"That sounds like a perfect plan," Mat chuckled, walking over.

"It's Mitpit!" I joked. He rolled his eyes.

"I remember. The one video we did the chubby bunny challenge? That was great," Nate laughed. We all smiled, and talked about a bunch of memories we all had, including how I thought Nate should have played Resident Evil Seven.


Ughy. I've been a lazy shit with updating all my books. I'm sorry ;-;

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