Twenty Two

500 12 6

Jacks POV

I looked down at the girl tied down, and the man tied not to far away.

Mark insisted we tie them, just in case they turn... I doubt Sophie would. Rob.. he.. his wound was horrible. I felt bad that Mark had to stitch him up. But, I wouldn't have been able to.

"Mph..."I heard. I crawled over to where Sophia was laid down. Her eyes opened momentarily, before closing them quickly. Tears fell from her closed eyes, and she gripped the side of her shirt. She made a sound that sounded like a whimper.

"Shhh." I mummerd, and undid the restraints. She instantly attached her arms on my neck, bringing herself closer to me.

"Jack, it hurts so much.." she said.

"I know, sweetheart.. I know.." I whispered into her ear. "I'll get Ibuprofen and a water bottle." I added and pulled away gently. She whimpered slightly, and I stood up.

I walked over to the bag Mark nagged before we left.

"Jack?" She called lightly. "Why are we here?" She asks. I sucked in air. Grabbing the Ibuprofen, I walked back. I grabbed the bottle I had by my bag on the way.

"The place... was full of their people. We had to leave. Here ya go." I say, handing everything over. She dumped three out onto her hand, then hesitated, a look of concern filling her face as she reached to put some back. "There's enough. Take as many as you need. We have a few more bottles." I lied. That was our last bottle. But, seeing her in pain destroyed me. She nods, pops all three in her mouth, and drinks a few tiny sips of water.

I grabbed the bottle, and the Ibuprofen, and put them by my sleeping bag. I sighed, and pulled her into me, both sitting up.

"It hurts a lot.." she complained sleepily. I nodded, looked at my sleeping bag. She yawned, causing me to.

"I know... come on, let's lay down. I'm tired. I know you're tired. So let's get sleep." I say. "Just hold on.. lemme do something.." I unzipped the sleeping bag, and spread it out. It covered some of Mark, but I shrugged it off.

I grabbed the blanket I used earlier, and mentioned for her to come over. She crawled over, and laid down by where I sat. I laid down next to her, bring the covers down on both of us. She faced me, and I pulled her close.

"Jack..?" She asked after a few moments.

"Hmm?" I hummed. She kissed my cheek, and said,

"I love you." Surprise overwhelmed me. I mean, yea, I said it to her. But she didn't say it back. Then again, she was passed out...

"I love you too." I smiled, and felt her arm go around my waist. I felt better that she was awake. I felt better I could hold her. I felt better knowing she was going to live.

But I had an aching feeling in my stomach.





Was still at that place.

And yet.

Mark told me we weren't going back.

For anything.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now