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I froze and stared at him for a moment.

"D- Dominic?" I stuttered. He looked at me, fear clear in his eyes.

"We hafta kill him." Was all he said. My eyes widened, as he stood up.

"No!" I yelled. He froze, confusion all over his face. "We're not killing Mark." I said slowly. His face went angry, and he pulled out his knife.

"Oh the hell we arn't. He. Fucking. Killed. People. Now, move, or I'll stab you too." He snapped. His eyes showed nothing but bloodlust. I pulled out my gun, and centered it with his head.

"Go ahead and try." I snap. He grits his teeth, and grips the knife tighter. "This isn't going to get you anywhere but killed."

"Why don't you understand? He's a fucking lunatic. If we don't kill him, how many more will he kill? You don't know who he'll kill, or save." He smiled. "Unless you do."

"Mark's not going to hurt anyone." I replied simply. I put my gun back, but kept my hand on my knife handle.

"A fucking lie. Let's go ask Jack if he knows anything about this." He smirked. My eyes widened, and I froze. No words came out of my open mouth. "Unless." He puts his gun away.


"How far are you willing to keep this a secret?"

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Hmmm." He tapped his chin. "Give me your gun." I shake my head, and he shrugs. "Alright, let's go tell Sean." I grit my teeth, and place a hand on my gun. His smile grows as I hand it to him.


"And, you have do to anything else I say, got it?"


"Deal?" I don't speak. He smiled again. "I'll take that as a yes." He assumes. I frown, and look down.

"Fuck you." I snap.

"Hmmm. Gonna hafta decline you fucking me right now. Maybe later." He grins, and I turn to walk away. "Actually, wait." He says.

I stop, and spin around.

"Tell Jack you don't want to be with him anymore." He says. Something gets caught in my throat, and I face him, teary eyed.

"W- What?"

"Ya know what I said. Now go."

I ripped my knife out of the pocket, and ran at him. Taken by surprise, he tries backing away way too late.

The blade of my knife digs into his throat, and he screams. I cover his mouth, and pull out the knife. I stab his chest, and he screeches into my hand. I pulled it out, and stab his head. He falls limp, and I smile. Thank god.

Wait. I just killed someone.

My breath becomes faster as I realize this. I pull my knife out, and run away.

I change my clothes, and run to a window. I throw the clothes out, and throw up. It doesn't taste well, making me wanna puke more. I feel a hand on my back as I did so.

I turn and see Jack there. I feel a sudden flow of relief, and sigh.

"Eat something bad?" He asks. I shrug, tears running down my face. He pulls me into a hug, and hands me something wet. I see it's a wash cloth, and wipe my mouth. "I want you to rest a little bit.." he carries my to a cot, and rests me onto it. He lays down next to me, and I try not to cry.

I fucking killed Dominic. All to protect Mark.

I hear a loud scream, and feel Sean shoot up. Fuck. I hear Wade yell,

"Someone killed Dominic!"

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now