Fifty Two

91 3 3

> No Smut. Comes close, but it's not actually there. Ok, have fun with fluff<

Jack's POV

I bounced Hunter up and down, waiting for her to get out of the shower.

"Hey there..." I mummerd, and stood up. He let his head fall onto my shoulder, and close his eyes. "It's time for dinner, isn't it?" I asked, and waltzed into the kitchen. "Dinner dinner dinner, gonna go make me and my kid some dinner. Dinner. Dinner. Dinner will taste good, dinner will taste good. Dinner dinner dinner-"

"Dinner dinner dinner, my husband is making me dinner," I was cut off by Sophia. I spun around. She was wearing a really long coat. "Jack's dinner song. It's very good, ya goofball," she says, kissing my cheek.

"What's under the coat?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nope. Nate's gonna pick Hunter up in like, ten minutes, and then we're having our own time to-" Her hands went onto my chest, and she kissed my cheek. "Ourselves," she finished. I chuckled, and looked at Hunter.

"Ok, but I gotta feed him-"

"No, Nate's gonna do that," she said. I chuckled, again, and hugged her, balancing Hunter in the other arm.

I heard a knock at the door. Sophia pulled away, grabbing Hunter from me. I sighed, and sat down at the table.

"Hey there," I heard Nate coo. I rolled my eyes, and waited for her to come back.

When she did, she was beaming.

"You look happy, and there's no baby in sight," I joked, and felt her hug me.

"Well, you're in sight, and you keep me happy," she says. I kissed her lips gently, and she smirked. "By the way, it's your birthday," she adds, and I gasped, pulling away.

"Wait what?"

"Mhm. We've been here almost a year," she mummerd, and kissed behind my ear.

"So what's under the coat?" I asked shakily.

"You wanna see?" She asks. I nodded eagerly, and felt her pull away.

She dropped the coat off, and my mouth fell open.

"Goddamn..." I mummerd, and looked back at her eyes. But our eye contact broke as I looked her over again.

Lace panties and bra, and trust me, she looked gorgeous. I wanted her. Right now.

"Hmm. I didn't know what exactly to get ya, so I basically got us both a vacation for a day, thanks to Nate," she tells me. I walked forward, and wrapped my hands around her waist, and looked down at her. She was shorter then me by maybe a few inches, and it was adorable the way she had to look up.

I kissed her gently at first, but deepened the kiss seconds later. She moved her hands on my face, rubbing her thumbs down my cheeks as I pushed her against the nearest wall, silently begging for friction.

I grinded my bottom onto hers, making her gasp softly. I smirked, and pulled my lips away, moving to her neck.

"Y-ya seem a bit eager, Jackyboy," she groaned once I started to suck on her already bruised sensitive skin.

"Mhmm," I hummed, and pulled away. "Let's move this upstairs, eh?" I said, tugging her up with me.

>skip of la smut<

"Jack, jesus that felt so fucking damn good..." she mumbled besides me. I chuckled, and kissed her lips. "Though, I would rather being able to mess your hair up then have my hands tied up. By the way, this hurts," she laughs. I pursed my lips to the side.

"I could let you go, or I could just not," I laughed. "It's my birthday after all." she rolled her eyes.

"Untie me, or this'll be the LAST birthday you have," she said, raising an eyebrow. I presented to gasp.

"In that case-" I reached for it. "Nope."

"Jack it hurts," she whined. I shrugged.

"I'm just kidding," I laughed, and easily undid the rope. She messed my hair up. "I love you.." I told her, and hugged her. She hugged back.

"Love ya too, Jackaboy," she says, and leans her head on my shoulder. "And holy fuck-" she yawned.

"I'm tired too. It's only like, noon, but I'm tired as shit..." I told her, and laid down. She nodded, and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Cuddle?" She asks. I chuckled.

"Cuddle," I confirmed, bringing her closer.


I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder.

"Time for dinner!" Sophia chirped. I looked around. "It's five. You slept for hours. I didn't wanna wake ya, but dinners done," she chuckled.

"Wouldn't mind having you for dinner," I mummerd. She shook her head.

"Nope. And, we can get shit face drunk. Mark dropped off beer not long ago," she adds. I smiled, nodded, and stood up from bed.

"Oh. I'll meet ya downstairs," I said, crossing my leg over the other. She laughed, and walked downstairs.

I pulled on boxers and jeans, grabbing a black tee shirt.

I walked downstairs, getting it over my head.

"Breakfast for dinner?" She asked. I nodded, and looked at what she made.

Eggs, toast, and even bacon. There was some pancakes too.

So we ate, and drank.

And eventually went to bed.

And fooled around.

But, I had fallen asleep. I was having this dream where I was cooking for about six hundred people.

And someone tapped my shoulder.

I lifted my pounding head.

"I shouldn't have drank so much, Jesus fucking Christ.." I muttered, and looked up. Someone I didn't know was there.

"Get up," he instructs. I put my hands up, considering there was a gun in my face. "Hey! Sophia! Get up!" He yelled at her. She rolled over in her sleep.

"Not now, Jack. I'm tired.." she mumbled.

"Now, you'll get up now," he snaps.

I was to tired to even ask how he knew her name.


Soooo. Imma just do thattttt. Yeaaaa. (Btw I was listening to Colors by Hasley *I probably put the video up on top* while I was writing the half ass shit with Jack and you know what I mean, shit up)

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