Thirty Five

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My eyes watered, and I felt heat rush to my cheeks.

"W-what?" I stammered, and looked at the box.

"Sophia, will you marry me? I know it's not the most perfect time, believe me, but I love you so much. And then, I saw you talking to Phil, and jealously flooded throughout me, and I knew right then that tonight I should do it.." he trailed off.

"Oh my god, Jack, of course!" I screamed, and run up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissing his lips. He smiled, and hugged me back, and I felt the box press against my back. "Oh my god, Jack, I fucking love you so much"

"I love you too" he chuckled, and I smashed my lips against his again. He kissed me back for a moment, before pulling away.  He reopened the box, and grabbed my hand.

He slipped the ring on my finger, and took one out from his pocket, and placed it on his own finger.

"I was thinking, there's Father Gale here, and he could actually marry us" he says, and I felt tears spring from my eyes. I smiled, and pulled him into my arms again, kissing his lips. He smiled, and pulled away. "Lets go in and tell Mark" he says, not letting me move away. I nodded, and allowed him to drag me in.

I looked around until I spotted that pink floof. When I first met him, it was red, and now pink. Well, Jacks hair is yellow, so I guess it doesn't matter.

"He's over there" I say, grabbing his hand and dragging him over.

"Mark. Marky Mark Mark" Jack chants his name, until Mark turns around.

"Jack?" He says, a laugh about to escape his lips.

"Guess what?"


"Me and Sophia are getting married" he says calmly. Marks eyes widened, and pulled Jack into a hug. Then, he let him go, and hugged me. I hugged back, and smiled.

"Are you going to hang for the rest of the party, or go-" he made quotation marks which his fingers "- Celebrate?"

"Actually, we should go talk to Father Gale" Jack says, and grabs my hand. "Bye, Mark!" He yells, and runs, dragging me with him. I giggled.

We looked around, until I saw the guy who led us around to our houses.

"Hey!" Jack yells to get his attention. He faces us, and walked over.

"Yes, Jack?"

"Well, uh, father, we wanted to know if you would umm.. marry us? If that's the correct term," Jack says nervously. Gales eyes widened.

"Congratulations!" He says. "Yes, of course. When?" He asks, taking a sip of something Orange. I'm sure it was that "Crush" soda. Jack looks at me.

"Um... Soph?" He says. I shrugged. "How about... Monday, since it's Friday. I mean, why wait? It's the apocalypse," he says, making us all crack a small smile.

"Ok. We have a little archway, if you want to do it there. Tomorrow I can show you it, and you can tell everyone," Gale says. "I'll see ya tomorrow," he adds, tipping his glass. We smiled as we walked away.

Jack turns to me, a devious grin on his face.

"Wanna go 'celebrate'?" I smirked, and nodded.

"Yeap," I say, and drag him to the other house that was supposed to be used by everyone else.


Hehe. I thought this'd be cute. Also, whoops.

Probably no smut next chapter.

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