Twenty Six

193 11 10

Mat's POV

I was leaning on Nate, my eyes closed. We had been driving all day, and it was night. We should probably stop soon.

But, Ryan continued to drive. Don't get me wrong, being able to snuggle up against my boyfriend was amazing, but the bumps were annoying. If rather be in a tent.

"Hey." I heard him say. I looked up at Nate, and smiled.

"Yea?" I asked softly.

"Just seeing if you were awake or not." He says.

"Imma tell Ryan to pull over at this field up here." Felix says, and leans over the side. I can't hear what he says, but Ryan stops soon.

Sophia's POV

By the time we had stopped, we had already decided who was going where.

Rob was staying in the truck, along with Ryan and Matt, who were staying guard in the front seats. Me and Jack were staying in one tent, Felix and Mark in another, and the last one for Nate and Mat.

I felt Jack wrap his arm around me, and pull me closer.

"Jack?" I asked, facing him. He opened his eyes.


"I just wanted to ask, did Jamie ever mention me?"

"Yes. She said she had a sister that she always looked up to." He says. "I wish I could have saved her." He adds sadly. I let out a short, airy laugh.

"I love you, Jack." I tell him, looking up into his blue eyes. His lips curled into that adorable smile.

"I love you too." He says, and kisses my lips gently. I smiled, and kissed back. He pulled away, and looked at my lips again. He kissed me again, this time with a little bit of passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kiss back, but had a feeling he wanted a little more then a make out session. "S-Sophia, can I.. can we.. umm.." he looks away, and I almost giggled.

"We can, but, I'm a virg-"

"I promise I'll be careful." He says, and connects our lips again.

--- (Whoops, no smut) ---

I woke in Jacks arms. His bare chest was pressed against his sweat shirt I was wearing.

"Hey, get up." I say, shaking him slightly. He groaned, and I watch him yawn.

"I'm tired." He says.

"You can sleep on the car ride. God, I feel like your mother now." I say, and reach to take off his sweatshirt.

"Keep it on. It's getting colder out. I've got another shirt." He says, and digs into his bag. He pulls out a red, long sleeve shirt, and puts it on. He hugs me, and I smiled. "I love you, a lot." He tells me before pulling away.

"I love you too." I say, and roll up the blankets.

After everyone got the shit together, we hopped into the back again. This time, I was leaning on Jack.

"Where exactly do you plan on going?" I ask Mark, really tired. I could feel Jacks chest rising and falling, and I knew he was asleep.

"Somewhere. I have no idea." He shrugs. "I just wanna ride until we find out." I nod, and close my eyes, slipping into sleep.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now