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I started to panic. I dropped everything, and backed away. I still had the paper in my hand, and was crushing it. My breath came out quickly. Footsteps came from somewhere. I grabbed my gun, and aimed for the door. The footsteps got louder.

"Woah!" Jack yelled, putting his hands up. I lowered it, and pointed at the ground, to stunned to talk. I saw Mark behind him. He smirked, and gave a small wave, pushing Jack aside.

Wade appeared, and so did another boy. My eyes got wide, and he smirked. I hugged Mark, and heard a gasp from Jack.

"How the hell....?" Jack stopped talking. I let go of Mark, and saw Jack's mouth wide open. I swallowed.

"What?" Mark asked, looking at the pictures. He froze. But I don't think it's because of the fact someone took a picture. No. He froze because of what was INSIDE the picture. Me on his MineCraft world. He gave a small look at me. It looked angry with a mix of sadness. I shrank back.

Jack whipped the paper out of my hands. He then ripped it up.

"Fuck this. We need to leave." He snapped.

"Uh... so can you tell me how all of you are here?" I questioned, ignoring Jack.

"I went back for them. No, please, we hafta go!" Jack exclaimed.

"Now now. They may just be doing this to frighten us." Mark said. "They may want this place. But we're gonna defend it. They will not scare us outta here." It felt weird, them all seeing pictures of me.

"Yea, you have a point, Mark." Wade said. I nodded. Jack put everything into the box, and I looked at Mark. He was staring at me.


"Care to explain?" I asked. Jack and them were asleep. I learned the other guys name was Dominic.

"I uh..."

"You killed people!" I almost yelled. He rolled his eyes.

"I... look, it doesn't matter... not now.." He mumbled. I shook much head.

"Oh the hell it don't. Tell me. Why did you kill all those people?" I snapped. He looked down.

"You can't tell Jack.. please.. don't.." He pleaded, looking at me. I shivered. It was freezing. I could see my breath, even though we were inside. "Here." He placed his jacket over my shoulders, which I gladly accepted.

"I can't lie to him." I remarked.

"Why not? Do you like him too?" He snapped. I tilted my head to the side.

"Too...? Oh! Septiplier awayyyyy!" I smiled enthusiastically. Mark shook his head.

"No. You know what I mean. He likes you. Ain't it obvious?" He snickered. "Jack, he's... I don't know. But he likes you."

"Lie. People as great as you guys don't go for ugly people like me." I snapped. Mark's face turned slightly angry.

"Ugly? How can you say that?! You goddamn gorgeous!" He snapped irritability. I frowned, and handed him back his jacket.

"I'm done with you right now. I'm going to sleep. Good night. And Jack does not, and will not, like me." I added, walking to the group. I slept on the end, far away from Mark, but close to Sean. He was on the end till I got there.

I gladly huddled under the warm covers. "Mmm." I mummerd.

I slept awhile, until the middle of the night. I was right up against Jack, my back to his stomach. He was warm.. I quickly fell asleep.

I woke to chilly air. I shivered, and closed my eyes. I felt weight on my waist. I looked down, and saw Jack's arm. I blushed deeply, but didn't move. Why would I?

After awhile, I heard him move. My eyes were closed. He yawned, pulling his hand away. Awe...

But soon, he placed his arm back down. I felt his fingers move away some of my hair from my face. I god, I hope he thinks I'm asleep.

He did, and nuzzled his face into my neck. I smiled. 

Did he like me?

Crappy chapter, Ik.

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