Seventy Six

68 2 3


I know what your thinking.

"How'd she get out?"

Well, Jack, I left while you were in the shower. I mean, you've found this by now, but..


You kept to your word. Checking my arms every night, not letting me from your sight, you did what you could.

But my stomach is covered in cuts by now.

Because I love you so much, you and Hunter both, I decided it was best if I left.

I've noticed the dark bags under your eyes. I've noticed how damn tired you get. I've noticed.

And I can't let you keep living like that. It's selfish.

But I do love you.

I love your eyes, I love your laugh, I love your smile, I love how you make me laugh and smile, I love everything.

But I can't let you live how you were.

So after I save Mark and Rob, I'll be gone.

I love you....


Ps. I love you.

Pss. Please keep this to yourself. Say I got killed when we went on a run together, or something.

I gripped the sheet of paper tightly before setting it down. I felt my heart ache as I walked to the bathroom.

"Jack!" I called. "I love you!" He peered out from the shower curtain.

"Love you too, baby. I'm almost done, ok?" I nodded, and walked out.

"Bye, Hunter," I whispered in his ear. He looked up at me, confused.

"Mommy?" He whined, jumping down from my bed and reaching up for me to pick him up.

"Stay on my bed, ok?" I say. "I love ya Hunter...." I kissed the top of his head.

I ran downstairs, and looked on the fridge. The picture of me, Jack, and Hunter was on it.

I took it, and tore it gently.

I had tore it so I only had Jack, and him holding Hunters hand. The part with me I left.


I ran my thumb over the dirt. The fire was hot against my face, but yet, I was freezing.

I looked down at the picture of Jack and Hunter.

Tears rolled down my cheek.

They were probably burning my picture, and laughing.

I wasn't in charge anymore.

For the past week, I was put in charge. Nate had helped.

Why Nate wasn't fully in charge confused me, but oh well. He was now.

I walked into my tent after putting the fire out.

I pulled the covers around me, and shivered. My body heat hopefully would be trapped under the sleeping bag, and stay.

I wrapped up random clothes for a pillow, which was ok.

My actual pillow lay in my arms. I wished so much it was Jack. It wasn't though.

I didn't think it'd be this hard already.

After I got Mark and Rob out, I'd ask them to say they got out on their own. That I didn't have anything to do with it. They'd hopefully agree.

I felt my eyes become droopy.

I love you, Jack.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now