Seventy Five

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More whines and whimpers escaped my mouth, and I threw my head back. I was already regretting this, so much. But I deserved it.

I looked down at my bloody arm, and sighed. I took another slash, and whimpered. I switched arms, and slashed down. I felt tears falling from my eyes, and hiccuped.

Five more. Six. Seven. Eight.

Finally, I stopped.

I stood up, and turned the sink on. Cold water flowed out, and I stuck my arm under it. Blood fell down, and I felt myself hiccup again.

"Sophia?" Jack asks from the other side.

"Just a second!" I yelled, and pulled down my sweat shirt sleeves. I took in a deep breath, and slid my knife into my boot again. I opened the door, and looked at Jack, beaming. His smile fell.

"Woah? What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. Why do you think there's something wrong?" I asked.

"You're crying. Or, were. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say, showing off another fake smile. He grabbed my arm, and I pulled away.

"Give me your arm," he says. I shook my head, and backed away. "Sophia, come here." I shook my head again. I turned to walk downstairs. He grabbed me, and grabbed my arms.

"Jack, let me go!" I yelled, and tried pulling away again. He rolled up a sleeve, and gasped. "Jack!" I screamed, trying to pull away as his grip tightened. "Stop it!" I yelled.

"Why the hell would you go back to this?" He yells back. Tears streaked down my face as I pulled away.

"I'm going to see Nate," I say, and rub my wrist.

"No. Not this time. I've let you go to many times," he says, grabbing my arms and tugging me to him. "Why did you do this?" I shook my head, and felt him release his grip. I took a run for the door, but he grabbed me, and tugged back. "Answer me."

"I don't deserve you!" I screamed. "You're so handsome, and so skinny, and I'm over here, fucking gaining weight left and right, and I don't even know how you go day and day looking at me-"

"Because I married you," he says, spinning me around to face him. "And I love you. I love the girl I married. I did, and do. You mean the world to me. You depressed makes me feel like shit because I can't help," he says, tears actually forming in his bright blue eyes. "And now way in HELL am I going to let go cause pain to yourself. Not happening. Give me the knife." I shook my head.

"Protection," I say, shrugging.

"Fine. But every single night, I'm checking your arms. Trust me, I will. You are not to harm yourself again, ok?" I looked away.

"I don't want to say ok. Because it just makes me more guilty... I'm already a lousy, lazy, stupid, fatass mom and wife-" he kissed me.

"No. You're a beautiful, strong, adorable, skinny, energetic, person, and I love you to death. So stop hating yourself, because I swear I will tickle you."

"Not now, Jack," I say. "I'm not in the mood to laugh. Not when I got them taken away..."

"Mark and Rob are not your fault. Just because Negan has them, doesn't mean he's going to hurt them.." Jack pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around him. All the tears I had hid for the past few days came pouring out.

"J-Jack, if I would have just given them shit-"

"Then we'd have no food. We'd have no guns. You made a good choice, baby."

"Not for Mark and Rob..."

"Mark and Rob agreed. Ok? Everything's gonna be ok in the end... I promise.."

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