Forty Five

108 5 6

{Two months later (six months in)}

I looked down at the ground. I'd hafta say night is my favorite time of the day.

I liked taking guard at night. During the day you've got all those people down there making noise. But nighttime, you have nobody talking, and nobody yelling.

Although, a lot of the time, Jack fights me to come and stay with him, but I say that I liked staying guard. So, sometimes Jack would come up and sit with me.

I really love him. I just think everything lately has been weird. I know something big is going to happen, and I know what.

A few rotters have strayed onto one part of the wall. By a few, I mean a lot. Over thirty. And each day, the growls drew in more. And more.

"Hello there," I heard a familiar voice say, and arms wrap around my waist. I giggled, and leaned my head back, and onto Jack's shoulder.

"Hi.." I said, and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and reached down, and rubbed my stomach.

"Still can't believe I'm going to be a father," he chuckled, and kissed my forehead.

I smiled, looked at the rotters down below.

"We need to kill them- but Phil won't let anyone," I say, sighing. "I was gonna ask him again tomorrow, but I want you to come with me."

"Ok. I know, I'd feel safer with them dead," he tells me, and sighed. I pulled away, his hand moving off my stomach. My stomach suddenly felt like it was in knots.

I hated this. So fucking much.

"Ugh, Jack, it hurts again," I whined, and placed my hands on the edge of the wall. He rubbed my back gently, and sighed.

"I wish I could go through the pain for you," he says. I laughed, despite pain.

"I wish you could too," I say. He giggled, and pulled his jeans up higher. "It hurts."

"I'm sorry.." he says. "But I'm happy you want to keep him.. especially after R-Rose.." the way he said her name made me upset. Tears filled my eyes, and dropped down my cheeks. I was thankful I was facing away. "I-I'm sorry, I know you don't want to talk about her-"

"No, no.. it's fine.. I think I can talk about her now.." I said, turning back around to face him. "I never know her, but I loved her.." I mummerd, and hugged him, despite the huge lump between us. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and sighed.

"I'm sorry.." he says. My lips curled up in a gentle smile.

"Jack, I love you. I mean, currently I'd love to rip your eyes out, because I'm getting pain everywhere I go, but I love you," I tell him. He smiled, and kissed my lips gently.

I suddenly heard a scream, and basically shoved Jack away, and looked around the camp.

In the dark, I saw a group of people fighting. Well, four fighting one guy.

I instantly started to crawl down the ladder, Jack following.

I jumped, and did my best to run over.

It was Felix. Four people were beating up Felix. I run over, and yelled,

"Hey! Stop!" Of course they didn't listen. Felix was attempting to cover his face, all while trying to hit back.

Jack ran in front of me, and pulled one guy off, and I reached for another guy. He shoved me off, causing me to fall off my feet.

"Hey! Don't fucking touch her like that! Dude, she's pregnant," Felix yelled after Jack managed to get people off him.

"Oh really? I thought she was just getting fat," one guy says, smirking. That was enough to set Jack off. He jumped onto him, bringing both to the ground. Felix tried to pull Jack off, but he basically pushed him off.

"Jack!" I yelled. "Stop!"

Jack, feeling satisfied, pulled away. The guys face was completely swollen, and blood was leaking from his nose.

"Jesus.." I mummerd, backing up.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now