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Jack's POV

I shuddered. Mark killed someone. I mean, I killed Harmony, but in all fairness, she was a rotter, and was going after Mark.

"Mark, why the fuck did you kill Hazel, you goddamn lair." I snapped, anger pulsing through me. "You told me she was shot by those people who took everyone."

"Look, I didn't know Haz- Jamie was her sister. If I did-"

"Why did you kill her?" I repeated, cutting him off. "Why?"

"Because, Jack, you don't understand-"

"Oh, the hell I don't." I snapped. "Poor Sophia is running around, probably tired outta her wits, all because you killed her sister."

"Jack, I tried to say I'm sorry. It's all my fault, alright?" He snaps. "You don't think this is hard on me? Killing her was a walk in the goddamn park, Jack?" Tears are in his brown eyes, and concern flashes over me, washing away my anger.

"Mark.." I mummerd, stepping to give him a hug. He quickly pulled me into him, wrapping his arms tightly around my torso.

"Sean, I miss her so much... I didn't even see the resemblance in Jamie and Sophia.." he sniffed. I rubbed circles on his back, and we stood there, both holding each other. "I didn't want to kill her.. she... she was scratched on the arm. She lied about it for two days... but she had a fever.. I told her to look away... and.." he let out a loud sob, and stopped talking.

"Shhh.." I mummerd. "Mark, it's ok.. Sophia will get over it.. she won't stay away for long.."

"That's the thing.. she's gonna stay away. I know it. Unless we find her, she's gonna stay out here." He shakes his head, and pulls away. I wiped away some of his tears that remained on his cheek.

"Well, we'll continue to look, alright?" I say. He nods, and we walk around in perfect silence. Until he breaks it.

"She wasn't the only one I've killed." He says. I stop, and cock my head.


"I... I've killed a whole fucking group.. I've killed people in our group.. I killed Matthias.. I.. I've almost killed Sophia.. I killed Jamie.." he looks down. "And Sophia killed Dominic to keep all that safe.. so nobody would find out. And I fucking let her down.."

"Oh, Mark.." I breathed out. He rubbed away more tears.

"I want to lead this group.. I don't want Wade to. I've been doing it for a long time.. but I've failed you all so much.." he looked up, and I saw an approaching rotter. I took out my knife, and ran up.

The blade smashes into the eye, causing it to fall away from my knife. I stood there, my back facing Mark, and looked down at the dead.... wait, it's already dead.. so... how can I kill it? The person physically died, but yet, stabbing or shooting their heads kill kill them? This was all way to confusing. I don't even wanna get into that.

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